Cherry & Jacob Ch 19. Effective communication & conflict resolution

1. A nurse is listening to a patient's apical heart rate. The patient asks, "Is everything
okay?" The nurse says nothing and shrugs her shoulders. The nurse is demonstrating:
a. open communication.
b. filtration.
c. blocking.
d. false assurance.

Blocking occurs when the nurse responds with noncommittal or generalized answers.
p. 335

2. A teenage patient is using earphones to listen to hard rock music and is making gestures in rhythm to the music. The nurse assesses the amount of urine output in the Foley catheter and leaves the room. What communication technique is demonstrated in bo

Filtration is the unconscious exclusion of extraneous stimuli in communication.
p. 331

3. In today's world of fast, effective communication, what are the most commonly used means of social communication?
a. Facial expression
b. Spoken word
c. Written messages
d. Electronic messaging

Verbal communication, which involves talking and listening, is the most common form of interpersonal communication. An important clue to verbal communication is the tone or inflection with which words are spoken and the general attitude used when s

4. Which statement accurately describes communication?
a. The components of communication are mutually exclusive.
b. Communication is linear.
c. Communication involves only the sender and the receiver; everything else is
d. When the receiver

Communication is a process that requires certain components, including a sender, a receiver, and a message. Effective communication is a dynamic process: With a response (feedback), the sender becomes the receiver, the receiver becomes the sender a

5. A licensed practical nurse (LPN) has been practicing for 25 years on a unit where a
newly graduated RN with a bachelor's degree is hired. Before the RN arrives on the unit, the LPN is heard saying, "She'll try to tell everyone what to do because she ma

Preconceived ideas are conceptions, opinions, or thoughts that the receiver has developed before having an encounter. Such ideas can dramatically affect the receiver's acceptance and understanding of the message.
p. 330

6. A new mother is experiencing pain after delivering an infant with Down syndrome. The staff nurse states, "I don't think she is really hurting. Let the next shift give the pain medication." The team leader notices the staff nurse looks agitated and anxi

With past experiences that include a variety of positive, neutral and negative events, the influence that these experiences can and will have on communication may be positive, neutral, or negative. The importance of recognizing that any reaction fr

7. A nurse gives Dilantin intravenously with lactated Ringer's solution containing multivitamins. The drug precipitates and obstructs the only existing line. When the team leader informs the nurse that these drugs cannot be mixed, the nurse states, "Every

An appeal to common practice occurs when the argument is made that something is okay because most people do it.
p. 336

8. An RN is consistently late to work, causing reassignment of patient care and the need for repeated shift reports. The nurse, who receives a warning for repeated tardiness, states, "My husband left me, I have no car, no family close by, and the bus is a

An appeal to emotion is an attempt to manipulate other people's emotions for the purpose of avoiding the real issue.
p. 336

9. The new director of nurses has instituted "walking rounds" on all nursing units, rather
than the usual taped shift reports. A veteran nurse exclaims, "She doesn't know how we do things here!" The nurse is demonstrating:
a. appeal to emotion.
b. appeal

An appeal to tradition is the argument that doing things a particular way is best because they've always been done that way.
p. 336

10. A male nurse hired to work in the emergency department is observed throwing a contaminated needle into the trash can. The team leader reprimands the nurse for not appropriately disposing of sharps. The nurse states, "You don't care that I threw the ne

A red herring is the introduction of an irrelevant topic for the purpose of diverting attention away from the real issue.
pp. 336-337

11. A nurse who was recently certified in chemotherapy administration fails to check
compatibility of phenytoin (Dilantin) before injecting into a continuous infusion of D5W leading to occlusion of the line. Which statement by the nurse demonstrates a red

The nurse diverts attention away from the issue of not checking compatibility to introduce an irrelevant topic of chemotherapy administration certification which is not related to this situation.
pp. 336-337

12. During a health history interview, the nurse listens to a patient relating the precipitating events that led to the onset of chest pain. She focuses her attention on the patient, makes eye contact, and acknowledges what the patient has to say. The nur

In active listening, a number of techniques can be used by the receiver to enhance the ability to listen, these include:
(1) providing undivided attention,
(2) giving feedback (rephrasing)
(3) making eye contact,
(4) noting nonverbal messages (body

13. The nurse is demonstrating active listening when:
A. While assessing the patient's vital signs, the nurse records the data and states, "You are improving, your vital signs are normal."
B. Eye contact is maintained while focusing on the patient as the

The behavior demonstrates active listening. A number of techniques can be used by the receiver to enhance the ability to listen:
(1) providing undivided attention
(2) giving feedback
(3) making eye contact
(4) noting nonverbal messages

14. An older adult is unable to reach the telephone and is found dead at home several hours later. The son of the deceased person arrives at the hospital and asks, "Can I just please stay and hold my dad's hand? He was so afraid of dying alone." Which res

Empathy is demonstrated by the ability to mentally place oneself in another person's situation to better understand the person and to share the emotions or feelings of the person.
p. 334

15. A nurse is preparing an exercise program as part of a health promotion program for older adults with osteoporosis. Which question would retrieve the most valuable information about health practices?
a. "Do you exercise?"
b. "Do you like to exercise?

"What exercise practices do you participate in?" is an open-ended question or statement that requires more information than just yes or no. This type of question augments the gathering of enough facts to build a more complete picture of the circums

16. Which component of an e-mail shown below would be both effective and concise?
A. Subject: A short concise subject line: Meeting.
B. Body: I would like you to answer these questions before the next meeting: Where
would you like to meet? Do you want all

This provides a message that is concise and accurate with a clearly conveyed message for the reader and contact information from the sender, all of which are important components of effective e-mail communication.
p. 339

17. During height and weight assessments at a school's health fair, a child admits to drinking a cup of coffee with his mother every morning, and another child reports enjoying a morning cup of coffee on the commute to school. These two children are both

Cause and effect are confused when one assumes that a particular event must cause another just because the two events often occur together.
p. 336

18. A patient's spouse was just diagnosed with lung cancer although there was no history of tobacco use. The spouse states, "I am so mad. How can you get cancer without smoking?" Which statement by the nurse represents empathy?
a. "Research is identifying

The nurse is placing herself in the wife's position and sharing her emotions.
p. 334

19. A nurse wants to apply open communication to obtain a thorough history and to determine cognitive function. Which question represents the use of open communication?
a. Is today Wednesday?
b. Do you know what day it is?
c. Tell me what day of the week

The patient must be able to name the day of the week rather than use answer yes or no.
p. 334

20. The nurse caring for a patient states, "Your blood pressure is dangerously high. Are you taking antihypertensive medicine?" The patient states, "I can't afford my medicine. I have no insurance." The nurse states "I feel really sorry for that patient.

The National Council State Board of Nursing's policy on social media prohibits the posting of patient information on social media sites. This patient could be identified by knowing where she works and the fact that she was seen in the ED the day be

21. A group of nurses are meeting to decide how to staff the upcoming holidays. Each of the four members freely expresses thoughts about fair staffing but is willing to listen to other thoughts and reconsider their first recommendations. The nurses are av

Supportive communication occurs when each person's opinion/position is valued and each participant has the freedom to express a position but is willing to change that opinion/position.
p. 346

22. A nurse is asked to "float" to another area where the patients require total care. The
nurse smiles, picks up her stethoscope, and says, "I'll come back and eat lunch with everyone here." When she enters the elevator she hits the wall and mutters, "Al

Passive-aggressive communication is represented by incongruent actions�the nurse shows friendly gestures by smiling and demonstrating she wants to have lunch with the staff on the original unit; however, she shows her anger by hitting the wall and

23. A nurse is overhead saying, "I don't mind working during the election and holiday. My parents are divorced, money is tight, and honestly I don't trust any politicians anyway. I plan to take a few weeks off next month." She works independently to resea

Generation X individuals grew up in when there was a high rate of divorces; they tend to be more cynical and value work-life balance and teamwork. Holidays are often associated with family gatherings which may have been absent in this generation's

24. The healthiest form of communication is the ________ style.

ANS: Assertive
Assertive communicators are honest and direct while valuing and respecting other individuals' views and seeking a win-win solution without the use of manipulation or game-playing.
pp. 340-341

25*. When a client expresses doubt whether a complicated procedure will actually help his condition, the nurse best avoids blocking the communication by responding:
A. "I can understand your concern. We can talk more about it whenever you want."
B. "Your

By opening the communication up to further discuss the client's concerns, the nurse has validated the client's feelings, acknowledged his concerns, and provided the opportunity for further communication. The other options, while providing support a

26*. The most important concept to remember when using both verbal and nonverbal communication is that:
A. people are more likely to accept verbal messages than nonverbal ones.
B. nonverbal messages are accepted as true more often than verbal ones.
C. tou

An important concept to remember is that when the verbal message and the nonverbal message do not agree, the receiver is more likely to believe the nonverbal message since body language is often the most trusted indicator for conveying feelings, at

27*. The most likely reason a 9-year-old child cries and refuses to cooperate with an injection is:
A. the child's past experiences with injections.
B. the environment the child finds himself in, such as a hospital emergency room.
C. the precipitating eve

Previous experiences with injections are likely to have the greatest impact on the way a child will interpret any communication about an injection.
REF: p. 331

28*. Match the following conflict manage styles with their definition.
1. One person puts aside his or her goals to satisfy the other person's desires.
2. One person achieves his or her own goals at the expense of the other person.
3. One person uses pass

1 - E. Accomodation
2 - A. Force
3 - D. Avoidance
4 - C. Collaboration
5 - B. Compromise

29*. Nursing's primary concern related to the appropriate use of social media is to preserve:
A. confidentiality.
B. professionalism.
C. cultural sensitivity.
D. effective communication.

The nurse must be acutely aware of the need to preserve the client's privacy and the confidentiality regarding client information. The nurse must also be aware of the consequences of failing to do so effectively. The other options may be affected b

30*. Anyone who wishes to convey an idea or concept to others is referred to as a ______.

ANS: Sender
Sender is anyone who wishes to convey an idea or concept to others, to seek information, or to express a thought or emotion. REF: p. 329

31*. The primary goals of good relationship building and client care are best achieved when all members of the interprofessional care team:
A. have identified the team's leader.
B. are experts in their field of care.
C. have developed a trusting relations

The need for trust in the health care setting is not limited to the nurse-patient relationship but rather pervades all working relationships. Care is more effective when the nursing team and the interprofessional team share the essential element of

32*. Place the following activities in the proper sequence in order to best achieve the development of a professional communication style.
1. Recognize one's personal use of negative communication techniques like blocking
2. Understanding the influence of

ANS: 4, 5, 1, 3, 2
-develop conflict mgmt style
-avoid negative communication
-recognize use of negative communication
-use "I" messages
-understand influences of gender, culture, age

33*. Relaying information using words, letters, symbols, or body language is referred to as _____ .

ANS: communication
Communication is a process of relaying information between or among people by the use of words, letters, symbols, or body language. REF: p. 329

34*. What observations made by the nurse manager indicate that a nurse demonstrated positive conflict management interventions when a patient's family member angrily accuses the nurse of neglecting the patient's need to be ambulated more frequently?

ANS: A, B, E
Positive conflict management interventions include those that prevent the situation from escalating while being open to the family member's concerns. Providing privacy, showing attention by keeping eye contact when culturally appropriate, and