Pediatric Integumentary

What would you include in a health hx of the skin?

Chief Complaint Changes in Diet
Onset Surgeries
Location Duration Environment
Characteristics Immunizations
Chronic Illnesses

On Physical exam, what will be looked for?

How they are distributed
Linear Poison Ivy
Circular like ring worm

What is morbilliform?

Bulls eye type marking. Spider bite.

Nonbullous Impetigo

a secondary infection or skin disorder
happens in a previous cut..caused by Strep
Contagious until lesions are healed

Bullous Impetigo

happens on intact skin.
staph aureus
Contagious until lesions are healed


Hair follice infection
Occurs on extremities, buttock, scalp, face


Localized infection and inflammation of the skin
Follows skin trauma
Occurs on face, arms, legs, and surrounding wounds

Ritters Disease

Staphlococcal scalded skin syndrome
Dry, red, scalled skin
Abrubt onset
Rare after 5
Commonly occurs on face, groin, neck and axillary region


With children: Occurs more commonly after spider bites or insect bites
Community acquired: Sharing towels, shaving, locker rooms, poor hygiene and sports equipment

Mupirocin Bactroban

Topical antibiotic
3X daily for 10 days
Erythema, dry skin, pruritus, burning and stinging: S/E
Don't use close to the eyes!

How to educate a parent on Bacterial skin infection

Common abx education
Wash hands before and after applying medication
Keep childs fingernails short and clean
Soak impetigo lesions with cool compress and pat dry prior to applying topical anitbiotic

What is tinea corporis?

Ring worm usually caused by pets
Fungal infection of epidermal layer
occurs anywhere

What is tinea capitis?

Fungal infection of single hair follicle.
If it grows green under Wood's light, the causative agent is Microsporum
Fungal culture reliable for dx
May take up to 3 months before all lesions have faded
Wash all linens and clothes in hot water

Tinea versicolor: White spots

Malassezia furfur is the causative agent
Occurs in young adults and adolescents
No permanent damage
May take several months for normal skin pigmentation to return

Tinea Cruris

Jock itch
Wear cotton underwear
Clothing should be loose fitting
good hygiene after sports

Hypersensitivity Reactions

Diaper Dermatitis
Atopic Dermatitis
Contact Dermatitis
Erythema Multiforme

Diaper Dermititis

Prolonged exposure to urine and stool
Not changing the babies diaper
Flat red rash in convex folds
shiny with or without papules
If untreated gets more severe and widespread
Best managament is prevention.

Tx for diaper dermititis

PREVENTION. AIR. Fragrance free wipes.

Atopic Dermititis

50% of kids with eczema also have asthma
Itching-causes sleep deprivation and self-image disturbance
Develops within first year or by age five
Itchy patchy dry skin
Bacterial superinfection can result


May outgrow
Usually response to some kind of allergen: Eggs, wheat, milk, peanuts

Managing Eczema

Warm water...not hot
Hydrate the skin without perfumed lotions
Labs: Serum IgE will be elevated
Keep fingernails short and clean
Claritin Zertec during day..heavier meds at night

Contact Dermititis

Most common in children:
Poison Ivy, sumac, western poision oak
Oils from leafs of plants or even dead plants can transmit oils
Lasts 2-4 weeks

Contact Dermititis

Not Contagious!
Secondary infection
Thick, leathery skin: Lichenification Results from scratching
Hyperpigmentation: tx with topical steriods and systemic steriods

Erythema Multiforme

Sudden. Self-Limiting.
Uncommon in children. Response to viral infections, drugs or food.

Steven Johnson syndrome: Most severe form of E.M.

1- to 14-day history of fever, malaise, headache, generalized aching, emesis, and diarrhea
Sudden onset of high fever with rash appearing
Rash is characteristic of erythema multiforme with the addition of inflammatory bullae on at least two types of mucos

Tx for Erythema Multiforme

It is contagious. Needs Isolation. Takes 1-14 days to heal. Discontinue causative agent. Hydrate orally. Pain meds. Soothing mouthwash. Hydrogen peroxide to debride oral lesions.


Hives. Erythema and wheals appear.
Resolves in days or up to 6 weeks
Drugs, foods, animal stings, infections, environmental or stress.

For a health assessment of uticaria, the nurse will get the following:

Health hx
Assessment of skin
Do the hives blanch with pressure? Itch? Migrate?
Angioedema present possibly.
Occurs mainly on face, extremities or genitalia.

Tx for Uticaria

Remove allergen.
Give antihistamines and steriods, topical creams. Epipephrine in severe cases.


Chronic periods of remission and exacerbation.
Peak onset is around 15-25 years. 50% have fam hx.

Where is psoriasis normally located?

Scalp, elbows, genital areas, and knees

What does psoriasis look like?

Plaques with silvery or yellow-white scales.

How does a nurse treat psoriasis?

Topical anti-inflam.
Tar shampoos
Mineral oil
Warm towels


Viral infection. 1-6 MO of incubation time. Flesh colored, dirty looking. Hands, feet, anywhere. Cause: Papillomavirus


75% preventable.

Classifications of burns:

Superificial: Epidermal layer, no scarring. heals 4-5d. Painful. red. edematous
Partial thickness: Epidermis AND Dermis: No scarring. 2 wks. Painful, edematous, blisters or appears wet.
Deep-Partial thickness: Longer to heal. Scarring. Surgery needed. Pai

Tx of burns:

Initial IV is LR.
Fluid replacement
Nutritional Status
Daily Weights
Monitor I&O

Burn Management

Prevent hypothermia
Clean the burn
Pain Manangement

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Keep hot water heater temperature lower than 120� F.
Test bath water temperature before bathing children.
Keep children away from open flames, stoves, and candles.
Cook with pots on the inside of the stove with the handles turned in.
Keep children away fr

Frostbite: First degree

Superficial: White plaques with surrounding erythema

2nd Degree

Blistering with erythema and edema

3rd Degree

Hemorrhagic blisters due to NECROSIS.

4th Degree

Losing body parts.

Tx of frostbite

Remove wet clothing.
Avoid vigorous massage
Immerse affected area in 104 degree water for 15-30 min.