Nursing Theorists

Florence Nightingale

person is influenced by the environment Nursing is a calling to help patients in a reparative process directly working with the patient or indirectly by affecting the environment to improve health or recovery from illness

Virginia Henderson Basic Needs

Basic nursing care involves 14 activities: Physiological, Spiritual and Sociological Said to pay attention to the person and listen!

Nursing Model Behavioral Systems Dorothy Johnson

Behavioral subsystems: Attachment, Dependency, Ingestive, Eliminative, Sexual, Aggressive, Achievement nurse assesses the client's needs in these subsystems. When the client is stressed the subsystems are disrupted. The nurse provides care the resolve pro

Nursing Theory Goal-Attainment Imogene King

The goal of nursing is to use communication to help the client reestablish positive adaptation to the environment. her theory into health concerns in three systems: social, personal, interpersonal Theory of Goal Attainment stated: Behavior>return behavior

Nursing Model Dynamic Nurse-Patient Relationship Ida Jean Orlando

Describes a model revolving around 5 interrelated concepts: function of professional nursing presenting behavior of the patient immediate reaction of the nurse nursing process for the patient

Nursing Theory Theory of Conservation Myra Levine

Her idea was that we need to help the person conserve energy; structural integrity; personal integrity; and social integrity. It is a very holistic theory. believed nursing is a discipline the basis of which is the person's dependence and relation to othe

Nursing Theory Nursing is the Care, Core and Cure - Lydia Hall

Depicted by circles :The Care / Core / Cure Circles

Nursing Theory Cultural Diversity and Universality -Madeleine Leininger

Caring is a universal phenomenon but varies trasnsculturally 1- the worldview and social systems 2- individuals, families, groups and institutions 3- folk systems, professional systems and nursing Level 4- decisions and actions

Nursing Theory Human Caring -Jean Watson

Caring is amoral ideal and entails the body-mind-soul engagement with one another. made seven assumptions about the science of caring: it can be demonstrated and practiced; it results in satisfying human needs; that it promotes health; it accepts the pers

Nursing Theory Human Becoming -Rosemarie Parse

She created a new way to look at man, health, environment and nursing. Health and meaning are co-created by indivisible human and their environment; nursing involves having patients share views of meaning goal of nursing focuses on the quality of life fro

Nursing Model Self Care Model for Nursing -Dorothea Orem

Self-care activities are what people do on their own behalf to maintain health and well-being; the goal of nursing is to help clients meet their own therapeutic self-care demands Theory of Self Care Theory of Self Care Deficit Theory of Nursing Systems

Nursing Model Adaptation -Sister Calista Roy

Humans are adaptive systems that cope with change through adaptation Nursing helps patients' adaptation during health and illness assumption- the person is a bio-psycho-social person is produced by the environment. coping behaviors have to be used goal of

Nursing Model Health Care Systems -Betty Neuman

Each person is a complete system; The goal of nursing is assist in maintaining client system stability Types of stressors- intrapersonal, interpersonal, and extrapersonal types of prevention- preventive, corrective, and rehabilitative. of resistance- inte

Nursing Theory The Science of Unitary Human Beings Theory -Martha Rogers

Unitary human beings are irreducible, four-dimensional, negentropic energy fields . fields have no boundaries, are open, have patterns and the patterns change.purpose of nursing is to help all people achieve maximum well being.

Nursing Theory Patient Care Approach -Faye Abdellah

21 Nursing Problems -promotes problem solving approach to practice Physiological needs-Safety needs and love needs-Esteem needs-

Nursing Theory Prescriptive -Ernestine Wiedenbach

Central purpose- the philosophy, culture, individuality of the patient and nurse - the interactive plan of care for the patient - the patient, nurse, environment, goals, etc.observes, ministers and validates

Nursing Theory Interpersonal Relationship- Hildegard Peplau

Orientation- patient seeks assistance from nurse - patient responds to nurse who intervenes to assist - patient uses services offered -therapeutic relation ends

Nursing Theory Health as Expanding Consciousness -Margaret Newman

Health encompasses conditions described as illness (the precursor of the Health Illness continuum). of pathology in itself will not change the pattern of the individual. is the expansion of consciousness.