urinary and renal disorders test 1

what are the parts of the urinary system?

2.Renal pelvis(pelvis)
4.Lower urinary tract
5.Urinary bladder

the primary function of the kidney

Urine formation
Excretion of waste products
Regulation of electrolytes and acid base balance
Control of water balance
Control of BP(rennin)
Regulate RBC formation(erythropoietin)
Synthesis of Vit. D to activate

renal pelvis

funnel-shaped reservoir that collects the urine and passes it to the ureter


two slender tubes, approximately 10 to 13 inches long, that receive urine from the kidneys and carry it via peristalsis to the posterior portion of the bladder

urinary tract

system of excretory organs that rids the blood of wastes, controls blood volume by removing excess water, and balances concentrations of salts and water

urinary bladder

sac like organ in which urine is stored before being excreted


tube leading from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body

urge to void urine


male urethra is how long?

Male urethra- 8-10 inches

the female urethra is how long?

1.5-2 inches

the assessment of a client with a urinary disorder

Urine characteristics- amount color odor, color
Urine vol. changes (norms) I & O (no matter the disorder they are put on this)
Normal range-1500ml-3000ml
Hours- 30-50ml
Anuria, oliguria, polyuria

SX of pyelonephritis

Back pain or flank pain
Chills with shaking
Severe abdominal pain (occurs occasionally)
Mental changes or confusion*
Skin changes
Flushed or reddened skin
Moist skin (diaphoresis)
Warm skin
Urination problems
Increased urinary freque

Tx of pyelonephritis

The goals of treatment are to:
Control the infection
Relieve symptoms, Relieve pain fever
Antimicrobial drugs- (septra)
Antispasmotics oxybtynin(Ditropan)
Anticholenergics- propantheline (probanthine0
Goal prevent further kidney damage

nursing managment of pyelonephritis

Assess for fluid retention- edema, SOB
Assess character of urine
Evaluates BUN, creatinine, electrolytes
Recommend acid forming foods punes plums cranberries meat fish
Increase fluids to 3000ml

Dx of acute glomerulonephritis

Elevated anti-streptolysin O titier -> indicates pt has had strep
Proteinuria/Hematuria ->Red blood count decreased (decreased hemoglobin)
Elevated BUN and creatininte
Hyperkalemia, hypermagnesemia, hypocalcemia

Sx of acute glomerulonephritis

Face pale & puffy
Periorbitol edema
Generalized edema
Hematuria anemia

Tx of acute glomerulonephritis

Low Na+ diet
Antimicrobial drugs diuretics and antihypertensives
Iron supplements
Considered cured when the urine is free form protein and RBC for 6 months
Resume normal activity when urine clear for 1 month

nursing managment of acute glomerulonephritis

Assess B/P q4hrs
I &O
Encourage fluids
Low Na & protein, high carbs


Pyelonephritis is an infection of the kidney and the ureters, the ducts that carry urine away from the kidney

acute glomerulonephritis

Inflammatory, non infectious disease NOT BACTERIAL CAUSED
Characterized by widespread kidney damage
Occurs in children and young adults
Can lead to chronic nephrititis

polycystic disease

Infantile and adult forms
Renal failure- fatal unless hemodialysis/transplant
Multiple bilateral kidney cysts

Sx of polycystic disease

Proteinuria/ hematuria

Tx of polycystic disease

No cure

kidney stones

also known as Nephrolithiasi-

etiology of kidney stones

Prolonged immobility
Obstructive disorders

Sx of kidney stones

Sudden sharp, severe flank pain that travels to the suprapubic area and external genitalia
Renal/ ureteral colic
Infection- chills and fever
Obstruction- urinary obstruction

Tx of kidney stones

Increased fluids
Drugs that dissolve stones
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
(ESWL ureteral catheter/ureteral stent)

nursing managment of kidney stones

Admin analgesics
Use non-pharmacological interventions for pain
Encourage fl's & ambulation.
Manage a Nephrostomy Tube
Maintain patency of all catheters or encourage pt to void q 2-3 hrs.
** Strain urine, then send to lab.

ureteral stricture

Narrowing of the Ureter

etiology of ureteral stricture

Ureteral calculi - inflammation

S/Sx of ureteral stricture

Flank pain at Costovertebral Angle (CVA).
Pain increases w/large intake of fluids.

Tx of ureteral stricture

Filiform/Urethral sound - stretching the ureter
Ureteral plasty - take out narrow portion & reconnect 2 portions of the ureter.
Ureteral Stent (put in w/plasty to drain urine to bag-not permanent)
Provide support
Relieve obstruction
Maintain urine flo

nursing managment of ureteral stricture

Make sure we have urine drainage.
Measure output from ureteral cath hourly.
Complication: Obstruction of ureter
Decrease urinary output
Abdominal pain

tumor of the kidney

Hypernephroma (renal adencarcinoma

S/Sx of tumor of the kidney

Painless hematuria
Flank pain
Palpable mass

Tx of tumor of the kidney

Nephrectomy - removal of kidney
Nephroureterectomy - removal of kideny & ureter

Post Op care for nephrectomy

Identify the type, location & patency of all drains and caths.
Usually done thru flank area
Notify MD of flank bleeding/or decrease in urinary output.
Don't position on the operative side
Interferes w/drainage & tubing
Encourage fl's/

acute renal failure

Sudden and rapid decrease in renal function
Reversible with early Tx of cause
Chronic renal failure (CRF)
Progressive and Irreversible damage to the nephrons

etiology of acute renal failure

Perennial disorders(ARF)
All types of shock
Intrarenal Disorders (inside the kidney)

cause of acute renal failure

Obstructive problems in structures below the kidney causes:
tumors and

s/sx of acute renal failure

Elevated b/p
Weight gain (edema)
Decreased urinary output
Puffy, pale skin
Bleeding in GI tract and oral MM
Urine odor to skin and breath
Bone pain
Neurological symptoms- confusion, seizures

chronic reanal failure

the kidneys are so extensively damaged that they don not adequately remove protein by products and electrolytes from the blood and do not maintain acid-base balance

S/Sx of chronic reanal failure

elevated bp, weight gain, decreased urine output, puffy face from fluid retention,pale skin, bleeding oral mucous membranes, blood in feces

tx of chronic reanal failure

hydration,surgery, replacement fluids, continous monitoring of renal function,parenteral fluids to increase plasma, vasodilating and diuretic drugs, infusing dopamine to improve cardiac output, hemodialysis(machine that filters blood)

management of a client in reanl failure


etiology of acute glomerulonephritis

SYMPTOMS OCCUR 2-3WKS after a URI with group A beta hemolytic strep.
Antigen- antibody reaction
RBC& Protein in urine
Decreased glomerular filtration rate

chronic glomerulonephritis

Inflammation of the glomeruli
Irreversible degeneration of nephron

dx of chronic glomerulonephritis

Low RBC's
Azotemia- elevated BUN & creatinine lvls

sx of chronic glomerulonephritis

Anascara - full body edema
Loss of albumin in urine
Visual disturbances

tx of chronic glomerulonephritis


surgical mgt of kidney stones

Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy- thru skin, in kidney, removing stone
Ureterthotomy- thru the ureter
Pyelolithotomy- thru renal pelvis
Nephrololithotomy- thru kidney
Nephrectomy- removal of kidney

Ureteral Strictures: Hydroureter

Area of the ureter above the stricture dilates with urine (Hydronephrosis) & kidney pelvis enlarges.

acute renal failure Intrarenal Disorders (inside the kidney)

Postrenal disorderes

Obstructive problems in structures below the kidney causes:

tumors and

tests performed for Dx of urologic and renal system diseases

radiography, ultrasonography, CT/MRI, angiography, cystoscopy, IVP, biopsy, cystogram

lab tests performed for Dx of urologic and renal system diseases

urinalysis, urine C & S, 24hr urine collection, urine specific gravity, urine protein, cratinine clearance test, blood chemistries

nursing mgt of the client undergoing dx evaluation of the urinary tract

check allergy history, instruct P to fast 8-12hrs, cleanse the bowel so that there in no interference with visuals, document base line V/S, explain procedure, advise warm tub baths to decrease urethral discomfort or spasms, no alcohol 48hrs

the upper urinary tract is composed of ?

Kidneys, renal pelves, ureters

the lower urinary tract is composed of?

bladder, urethra, pelvic floor muscles

the bladder holds up to?


KUB Radiography is performed to show?

the size and position of the kidneys ureter and bony pelvis as well as any stones, abnormal gas patterns and any defects of the bony spinal column

renal ultrasonography is performed to show?

I.D's kidney's shape size, location, collecting systems and adjacent tissues, it can be used in I.Ding renal cysts or needle placement for renal biopsy

CT scan and MRI is performed to show?

imagaing of the abs and pelvis may be obtained to dx renal pathology, kidney size and to evaluate tissue densities with or without contrast material

angiography is performed to show?

provides details of the arterial supply to the kidneys, specifically the location and number of renal arteries and the patency of each artery

cytoscopy is performed to show?

visual examination of the inside of the bladder

intravenous pyelogram (IVP)and retrograde pyleogram is performed to show?

is a radiologic study used to evaluate the structure and functionof the kidneys, ureters and bladder. it locates the site of urinary tract obstruction

biopsy is performed to show?

diagnose cancer, assess prostatic enlargement and to monitor progression of renal disease

cystogram is performed to show?

abnormalities in the bladder structure and filling through the instillation of contrast dye and radiography

urodynamic studies is performed to show?

bladder and urethral function and to assess causes of reduced urine flow, urinary retention, and urinary incontinence