TEAS Nursing School Entrance Exam - Part 2 - College of Dupage

Genetic code:

rules by which the base sequence of a DNA gene is translated into protein structures


One haploid set of chromosomes with the genes they contain

Golgi apparatus:

Membranous system close to the cell nucleus that packages protein secretions for export

Golgi apparatus:

Packages enzymes into lysosomes for cellular use

Golgi apparatus:

Modifies proteins destined to become part of cellular membranes

Gray matter:

neural tissue of the brain and spinal cord that contains nerve-cell bodies as well as nerve fibers


Oxygen-transporting component of erythrocytes

Hepatic System:

circulation in which the hepatic portal vein carries dissolved nutirents to the liver tissues for processing


steroidal or amino acid-based molecules released into the blood that act as chemical messengers to regulate specific body functions

Hypertonic solution:

Solution having a lower water concentration than a solution to which it is compared

Immune system:

System whose components attack foreign substances or prevent their entry into the body

In vitro:

In a test tube, glass, or artificial environment


Nonspecific defensive response of the body to tissue injury, including dilation of blood vessels


Placement of bacteria onto a culture medium


Process of breathing in


Adding or subtracting electrons from an atom


Several molecules with same composition but different structures


Unit of energy equal to 0.239 calorie

Krebs cycle:

Aerobic metabolic pathway occurring within mitochondria, in which food metabolites are oxidized and CO2 is liberated, and coenzymes are reduced


Organic compound formed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen

Lymphatic System:

System of thin-walled vessels similar to the blood capillaries, which serve to collect lymph fluid from tissues and organs and to transport the fluid to the venous circulation


Cells with a membrane around the nucleus


Unicellular organisms w/out a membrane around the nucleus

Passive transport:

Cell expendes NO energy for movement of substances

Active transport:

Cell expends energy in movement of substances

Passive transport:

Diffusion-transfer of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration

Kinetic energy:

Energy of motion


Water molecules moving down the concentration gradient


Concentration outside the cell is lower than inside cell (water moves out of cell to establish equilibrium)


concentration outside is higher that inside (water move out of cell to establish equilibrium)

Isotonic solution:

Water moves in and out of cell because equilibrium has already been established

Facilitated diffusion:

Molecules are diffused across a cell membrane by special proteins called carrier proteins


The study of how traits are transported from parent ot offspring; aka-heredity


A section of DNA that controls a particular genetic trait on a chromosome


Alternative form of genes


Genetic makeup


An offspring whose has been given the same allele by both parents


An offspring who has NOT been given the same allele by both parents.

Four types of human tissue:

Epithelial, connective, nervous and muscular tissue

Connective tissue:

Normally has its own blood supply

The three types of Muscle tissue:

Skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle

Smooth muscle:

is under involuntary control

Structures of the Nervous System:

Brain, spinal cord, nerves and sensory receptors

Integumentary system:

The skin-Protects & waterproofs body; helps regulate body temperature

Skeletal System:

Provides support & protection; supplies the framework for muscle tissue and stores minerals

Structures of the Skeletal System:

bones, cartilage, ligaments and joints

Muscular system:

Consists of only skeletal muscles to produce movement

Nervous System:

Bodys control system; detects internal and external stimuli and activates appropriate response

Endocrine System:

Controls some bodily functions (much slower that NS)

Structures of the Endocrine System:

Pineal, Pituitary, thyroid, thymus and adrenal glands, pancreas, testes and ovaries

Cardiovascular System:

Travel system for many substances necessary for the body

Structures of the Cardiovascular System:

Heart, blood vessels and blood

Lymphatic System:

Purpose is to return fluid that has leaked from the cardiovascular system to the blood vessels

Structures of the Lymphatic System:

Lymp nodes and vessels, the spleen and thoracic duct

Respiratory System:

Two main functions are to supply cells with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide

Structures of the Respiratory System:

nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea bronchi & lungs

Digestive system:

Breaks down food to allow nutrients into blood for circulation through the body

Structures of the Digestive System:

Liver, pancreas, esophagus, stomach, small & large intesting and rectum

Urinary System:

Helps to maintain water & salt balances, regulates acid-base balance in blood, removes all nitrogen-containing wastes from body

Reproductive System:

Main purpose is to produce offspring

Dorsal body cavity:

contains the cranial cavity and spinal column

Ventral body cavity:

Contains the structures within the chest and abdomen

Maintaining boundaries:

Integumentary system

Responds to environmental change:

Nervous System


Muscular system used in Cardio, digestive, reproductive, urinary & respiratory systems

Ingestion & digestion:

Digestive system & cardiovascular system


Reproductive and endocrine system


All systems


Digestive and urinary system


digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular and endocrine systems

Quantitative measurement:

When numerical results are used

Qualitative measurement:

When description or qualities are reported


A reflection of how close multiple measurements are to one another


Mass of an object in relation to its volume


6.02 x 10^23 (one unit of anything)

Molar Mass:

The mass in grams of a substance

Atomic number:

Number of protons in the nucleus of an atom

Ionic bond:

Bonds between positive and negative ions

Exergonic reaction:

A chemical reaction that yields a net release of free energy

Endergonic reaction:

A reaction yields a net absorption of free energy

Reduction-oxidation reactions:

Chemical reactions that result in the transference of electrons

Oxidation reaction:

An atom loses one or more electrons, resulting in a positive charge

Reduction reaction:

An atom gains one or more electrons, resulting in a negative charge


Empty space w/no particles and no pressure


Protective cell type common in connective & lymphatic tissue and certain body organs

Mast cells:

Immune cells that function to detect foreign substances in tissue spaces; initate local inflammatory responses

Mechanical energy:

Energy directly involved in moving matter

Four stages of metamorphosis:

Egg, larva, pupa & adult

Milliequivalent per liter:

units used to measure electrolyte concentrations of body fluids


Process of cell duplication-daughter cells receieve same nuclear material as original cell


A simple sugar that can't be broken down by hydrolysis (glucose, fructose, galactose)

Motor Neurons:

Special nerve cells that transmit impulses to the muscles

Mucous membranes:

Membranes that form the lining of body cavities open to the exterior


structural and functional unit of the kidney

Operant conditioning:

A method of using rewards to train an animal to perform tasks that aren't inate

Osmotic pressure:

Force produced by the pressure of water diffusing through a semipermeable membrane


Disease causing microorganism

Peripheral Nervous System:

portion of NS consisting of nerves and ganglia that lie outside of the brain and spinal cord


Energy-making reaction in plants


Growth response of plants to light

Pituitary Gland:

Neuroendocrine gland beneath the brain that regulates gonads, thyroid, adrenal cortex...


A large molecule fromed by small molecules linked together in a chain like fashion


Hormone partly responsible for preparing the uterus for the fertilized ovum


The emission of subatomic particles from a nucleus


Replacement of destroyed tissue w/same kind of tissue


Hormonal control of bodily functions via endocrine system


Reaction in cells of plants/animals that use oxygen and sugar to produce carbon dioxide, water, energy

Ribonucleic Acid:

Genetic material that assists w/protein synthesis

Sensory Neurons:

Special nerve cells that transmit impulses from a stimulus to a receptor

Sex-linked inheritance:

Inherited traits determined by genes of sex chromosomes

X - linked Genes:

Passed from mother to son

Y-linked Genes:

Passed from father to son

Stimulus Receptors:

sensory organs that respond to stimuli


The transformation of a solid directly to a gas without an intervening liquid state


Substance on which an enzyme operates

Tidal air:

Amount of air involved during normal breathing


Movement of plants in response to stimuli

Vital capacity:

Maximum volume of air inhaled or exhaled during forced breathing