Chapter 2 - OB


is the time when reproductive systems mature and become capable of reproduction.

10 to 16 years

Hormonal changes of puberty in boys begin between the ages of


The first outward change of puberty in girls is the development of

2 to 21/2

The first menstrual period usually occurs ___________ years after the outward phyiscal changes

Secondary Sexual Characteristics In Boys

pubic, facial, and underarm hair; penis and tests enlarge

Secondary Sexual Characteristics In Girls

hips broaden, breasts enlarge, pubic and underarm hair


Male sex hormone


Male organ for urination and sexual intercourse


Skin sac that suspends testes away from the body


Seminal plasma plus sperm


Production of spermatozoa


Male germ (reproductive) cells


Organs that produce spermatozoa and male sex hormones


Primary male hormone

Convoluted seminiferous tubules

Spermatoza are produced in which part of the testes

Leydig cells

Testosterone is produced in which part of the testes

Increase mucles mass and strength

An effect of testosterone

Promotes growth of the long bones

An effect of testosterone

Increases basal metabolic rate

An effect of testosterone

Enhances production of RBC's

An effect of testosterone

Produces enlargement of vocal cords

An effect of testosterone

Controls distrubtion of body hair

An effect of testosterone

11 cm (4.25 in)

Anteroposterior measurements

13 cm (5.25 in)


12.5 cm (5 in)

Left Oblique

12 cm (4.72 in)

Right Oblique

Batholini's glands (vulvovaginal glands)

Produce vaginal lubrication during sexual aroursal


Passage for menstrual flow and fetus and is the narrow, tubular part of the uterus


Sensitive erectile body that gives erotic sensations


Uterine layer that responds to hormone changes during the menstrual cycle and in which the fertilized ovum implants

Fallopian tubes

Site of fertilization and early embryonic development


Muscular uterine layer to expel fetus at birth


Produce ova (female germ cells) and female hormones


Folds or ridges of the vaginal mucous membrane

Skene's ducts (paraurethral ducts)

Lubericate urethra and vaginal orfice

Urethral meatus

Location for urine to be expelled


Location for implantation of the fertlized ovum and growth of fetus


female organ of sexual intercourse

Vaginal introitus

Division between external and internal female genitals

Alveolus (or alveoli)

Glands that secrete milk


Area of darker skin surrounding nipple

Cooper's ligaments

Provide support for breast

Lactiferous duct

Carry milk from alveoli to nipple

Lactiferous sinus

Widened area of duct that holds milk

Corpus luteum

Empty follicle after ovum is released


Painful sexual intercourse


Cavity containing a single ovum


First menstrual period


Release of mature ovum


Hormone produced in the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates maturation of a follicle


Hormone produced in the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates final maturation and the release of an ovum


Hormone produced in the ovaries responsible for secondary female sexual characteristics, vascularization of the uterus, and enlargement of the endometrium


Hormone produced in the ovaries responsible for shrinking and the breaking down of the endometrium and causing menstration.


The breast structures that secrete milk after childbirth are the


What determines the size of the breast?

Circular, longitudinal, figure-of-eight

The middle layer of the myometrium has what three types of fibers?

Just after menstruation

When is the endometrium of the uterus thinnest?

Linea terminalis

What divides the true pelvis from the false pelvis?

Android, anthropid, gynecoid, and platypelloid

What are the four types of pelvis?


What type of pelvis does the male normally have?

Pelvic outlet

Which division of the female pelvis can change slightly to accommodate the fetus during birth?

The apperance of secondary sexual characteristics

What signals the beginning of puberty?

When mature sperm are formed

What signles the end of puberty in males?

When regular menstrual cycles occur

What signles the end of puberty in females?


Name a type of ritual passage for some cultures.


Is testosterone a type of cyclical hormone?


Name a type of cyclical hormone.

Temperature regulation

The scrotum is primarily responsible for _______ _______ of the testes


Testosterone causes males to have a higher _________ level than females.


What causes higher levels of sebum to be produced from sebaceous glands and increase the likelyhood of acne?


What stores and carries the sperm to the penis?

2 to 10

How many days can the sperm remain in the epididymis during which they mature and then move to the vas deferens

Protection, nourishment, enhances motility

What are the functions of seminal plasma?


The seminal plasma and sperm together are called?

Constant increase in temperature around the testes

What can prevent spermatogenesis and lead to permanent sterility?


What are the mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, fourchette, clitoris, vaginal vestibule, and perieneum collectively refered to as?

Mons Pubis

What is the pad of fatty tissue covered by coarse hair that protects the symphysis pubis adn contributes to the rounded contour of the female body called?

Fourchette (obsterical perineum)

Is a fold of tissue just below the vigna where the labia majora and the labia minora meet. Lacerations in this area often occur during childbirth.


How many structures are in the vaginal vestibule?

Urethral meatus, skene's ducts, vaginal introitus, hymen, ducts of the Bartholin glands

What are the five structures that are in the vaginal vestibule?


What is the name of the cheeselike secretion of the sebaceous glands?

Tears or incisions in the perineum that doesn't heal

What causes dyspareunia?

4 to 5

What is the normal acidic pH level of the vagina during reproductive years?

Levator ani

Which is the most important pelvic muscle?


What lies between the bladder and the rectum above the vagina?

Broad ligament

Provides stability to the uterus in the pelvic cavity

Round ligament

Surrounded by mucles that enlarge during pregnancy and keep the uterus in place

Cardinal ligament

Prevent uterine prolapse

Uterosacral ligament

Surrounded by smooth muscle and contain sensory nerve fibers that may contribute to the sensation of dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)


Can a paraplegic woman have adequate contractions for labor?


The outermost or serosal layer that envelops the uterus


The narrow and tubular part of the vagina

Cervical mucous membrane

Produces mucus plug during pregnancy and produces bacteriostatic vaginal lubrication