Chapter 5 Astronomy Quiz

Official name of the Moon


Physical properties of the moon

Angular size: 1/2 degrees
1/4 of Earth's diameter= largest fraction of its planet

Moons Mass

1/100 Earth's mass

Moons Gravity

1/6 of Earth's gravity

Moons surface temperature

day: 260 degrees F
night: negative 280 degrees F

Moon's distance from Earth

240,000 miles

What did we discover in 2009?

There is water on the moon

Age of moon

4.6 billion years (same as Earth)

Giant Impact Theory

-Body collided with Earth
-Created debris
-debris condensed
-surface molten


the large, dark, flat areas on the Moon

Galileo's discoveries with Maria

-seas= maria
-sea= mare
-Largest craters filled with lava cooled

The first manned landing in 1969

Sea of Tranquility

List of Maria on the Moon

Ocean of Storms, Sea of Serenity, Sea of Tranquility

highlands of moon

overlapping craters

ringed basin

impact caused ripples


lava tubes collapsed

1973 IALL policy

-no political
-no religious
-no military
-yes, real people

Rotation of the moon

29 and a half days and counter-clock

Revolution of the moon

elliptical orbit


close point


far point


Moon looks bigger at horizon

sidereal (ref to stars) month

27 days and 7 1/2 hours

perigee to perigee

anomalistic month=27 days and 13 hours

solar (ref to sun) month

29 1/2 days

gravitational locking

we see the same side of moon (near)

The lunar plane is tilted with respect to the ecliptic plane by

5 degrees

lunar orbital plane precesses cycle

18.6 years

how many days does is the moon cycle

29 1/2 days

our months have 30 or 31 days except when?

February 28,29

What happens if the full moon is early in the calendar month?

We can get a 2nd full moon in same month
-this is called a blue moon (rare but possible)

Does the moon rise later each night?

yes by 38-66 minutes


difference in gravitational force across a body


named for hidden thing

lunar eclipse

Moon covered by the Earth's shadow

total lunar eclipse

moon is in the plane of ecliptic and full and perigee

partial lunar eclipse

not quite in plane, part in umbra

penumbral lunar eclipse

not in plane, not in perigee


1000s pictures


soil analysis


radar to detect H2O

Lunar Prospector

Crash, plume of soil

Eugene Shoemaltier

buried on Moon


crash, plume of soil, H20

Luna 1

-1st successful: flyby, orbit, photos of far side, soft landing

Apollo 11

-6 landings
-12 American men

Apollo 11

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin