Earth Science Unit 4 Erosion and Deposition


process that breaks down earth's rock and soil of Earth's crust


process that carries away rock and soil that has been weathered


the process where sediments are dropped after being carried

Mechanical Weathering

breaking down without changing the chemical composition

Chemical Weathering

Breaking down by changing the chemical composition

Types of mechanical weathering

frost action, animals, or wind

Types of chemical weathering

Carbonation, hydrolysis, oxidation

Mechanical weathering preferred climate

Low temp and moisture

Chemical weathering preferred climate

High temp and moisture

Mass Movement

the transfer of rock and soil downslope due to gravity

How does gravity deposit sediments?

Unsorted and angular


thick sheet of ice


scratch marks left by glaciers


large boulder dropped by glacier


small hills of glacial sediments

How do glaciers erode?

abrasion and plucking

How are glacial sediments deposited?

unsorted angular

How does wind erode?


How does wind deposit sediments?

sorted and smooth

How does waves erode?


How do waves deposit sediments?

sorted and smooth

How does running water erode?


How does running water deposit sediments?

sorted and smooth

Sand bar

A long underwater ridge formed by sand deposited offshore

Oxbow lake

a lake that is formed when a meander of a river is cut off from the main channel


an area along a river that forms from sediments deposited when the river overflows its banks


A landform made of sediment that is deposited where a river flows into an ocean or lake