Earth Science 2.1 study review

What is the magnetosphere?

region of the earth's magnetic field

what causes the magnetosphere?

As the Earth rotates, its hot core generates strong electric currents

Why is the magnetosphere important to life on Earth?

Shields Earth from solar and cosmic particle radiation

How far into space does the magnetosphere reach?

36,000 miles

Why is the magnetosphere important?

It protects our planet from harmful solar winds that can erode the atmosphere

What instrument is used to measure the magnetic field?


What alters the shape of the magnetosphere?

The pressure of solar wind

What is Themis? What does it do?

A 2-year mission consisting of 5 identical probes that will study the violent colorful eruptions of aroras

What causes the magnetic field of Jupiter?

Electrical currents in the planet's outer core

What causes the magnetic field of Saturn?

Material cycles deep within the planet's fluid interior

Would humans have evolved if our planet did not have a magnetosphere?


What would happen if the magnetosphere disappeared?

Cosmic rays would bombard our bodies and damage our DNA

What is the solar wind?

a stream of charged particles flowing outward from the surface of the Sun

What is solar wind made of?

Protons, electrons, and other small atomic nuclei from the sun (from hydrogen)

What is the temperature of solar wind when it reaches the Earth?

1 million F

The Earth is the _______ planet from the sun.


Earth is ___ years old

4.6 billion years old

earth is mostly made of


How much of the Earth's surface is covered by water?

71% (also called the global ocean)

The spinning of Earth on its axis very rapidly makes the polar regions _______ and the equatorial zone to __________.


what is the circumference from pole to pole?

40,007 km

What is the equatorial circumference?

40,074 km

Is the Earth's circumference equal around the planet?


on which part of Earth is the circumference greater?

The Equator

Earth's surface is relatively....


The average distance between the tallest mountain and the deepest ocean trench?

20 km

Can scientists do direct observations of Earth's interior?

No, because of the heat and pressure

seismic waves

vibrations that travel through the earth

What causes seismic waves?

Earthquakes or explosions

By studying seismic waves, scientists have discovered that Earth is made up of...

3 compositional zones and 5 structural layers

Who was the British Scientist who made many contributions to the field of mathematics, physics, and astronomy?

Sir Isaac Newton


force of attraction that exists between all matter in the universe

Earth exerts a gravitational force that...

pulls objects toward the center of the Earth


A measure of strength of the strength of the pull of gravity on an object

What unit is used to measure weight?

Newtons (N)

How many newtons is 1 kg of mass?

10 N

How many newtons would 2 kg be?

20 N

How many newtons would 10 kg be?

100 N

How many newtons would 15 kg be?

150 N

Weight varies according to...

location on Earth's surface

What happens to Earth because it spins so fast?

it bulges at the equator

The distance between the earth's surface and its center is...

greater at the equator than at the poles