UNIT 10 org b

1. What is the difference between a group and a team?

Group - a collection of two or more people ::Team - a collection of two or more people....who work interdependently over some period of time in order to accomplish common goals related to some task-oriented purpose

the degree to which team members interact with and rely on other team members for the information, materials, and resources needed to accomplish work for the team.

Task Interdependence

the lowest degree of interdependence (works mostly independently) and the lowest degree of coordination required (since the team works mostly independently)

Pooled Interdependence

the second lowest degree of interdependence and the second lowest degree of coordination. if you had one group member complete the Background who had to give their section to the next member to complete the Theory Analysis based on the background. Then th

Sequential Interdependence

the second highest degree of interdependence and the second highest degree of coordination.if you assigned each team member a section, but the team members working on the Background and Theory Analysis worked together to coordinate their parts, which was

Reciprocal Interdependence

the highest degree of interdependence (the team works closely together) and the highest degree of coordination required (since the team needs to meet and work together frequently). If your team decided to meet and come up with the Background section toget

Comprehensive Interdependence

In general, increasing task interdependence...

� Increases the potential for process gains especially in terms of adaptability to novel situations AND Increases the potential for process losses because requires more coordination and more potential for members to shirk responsibilities

What is goal interdependence?

the degree to which team members have a shared goal and align their individual goals with that vision

With Goal Interdependence, the more the merrier--meaning, you want HIGH Goal Interdependence because that would mean all members of your team have the same goal. Increasing Goal Interdependence leads to.....

Increases in the potential for process gains and DECREASES in the potential for process losses

1. What is outcome independence?

- the degree to which team members share equally in the feedback and rewards that result from the team achieving its goals

It is important to note that when designing a team, you need to think about both ___ ____ and ___ _____ when making a decision on how to design the team.

Task Interdependence / Outcome Interdependence

This is when Team members share in the rewards (pay, bonuses, feedback, recognition, etc.) that the team earns

High outcome interdependece

For task and outcome interdependence, when one must be high, it is usually better to make sure that the other is

also high

If outcome interdependence is low, it is usually better to try to ensure that task interdependence is

also low

the mix of people who make up the team

Team composition: consists of Member Roles,Member Ability,Member Personality, Member Diversity, Team Size

1. What are the different team roles?

Team task role (directly facilitate accomplishment of team tasks) , team building role (influence quality of team social climate), individualistic role (benefit individual at expense of team)

It's important to the success of the team to have Team Task Roles and Team Building Roles. These roles help the team function effectively. What we do NOT want to see are

Individualistic Roles. Those in these roles are looking to benefit themselves and not help the overall team function.

a team's cognitive ability is a moderate-to-strong predictor

team performance and As the task becomes more complex, the strength of the relationship between a team's cognitive ability and its performance INCREASES

contributions resulting from the highest ability member determines the team performance

Disjunctive Task. a disjunctive task would be a track race. You may have 3 members of the same team running a race, but as long as one of your team mates is the fastest, your team will win!

contributions resulting from the lowest ability member determines the team performance.

Conjunctive Task. With this type of task, you are only as strong as your weakest link. If we are going back to sports examples, an example of a conjunctive task would be a NASCAR pit crew. All members of the pit crew have a job and they need to work as fa

contributions resulting from the abilities of every member "add up" to determine team performance

If you have an additive task, you would want to choose Team 3 because they have the highest average ability. The efforts of all team members combined matter. If we are going back to sports examples, an additive task would be a tug-of-war contest. It's the

1. In terms of personality, know that for some traits, it is best to compose teams where the average level of the trait is high. For other traits, it is best to compose teams where no individual is too low. Finally, for some traits, it is best to compose


On the one hand, certain types of diversity increase process gains because they provide the team with a larger pool of knowledge, skills, abilities, and perspectives, This is especially true when:

The task is complex and requires creativity and The attributes considered are related to knowledge, skills, abilities, and perspectives

When diversity increases, process losses such as conflict and poor communication also


Diverse groups typically have a hard time communicating with each other and this can lead to conflict


Diversity regarding observable attributes such as race, sex, and age

Surface level diversity : Over time, these types of diversity result in less process losses

Diversity regarding attributes that are less easy to observe initially, but that can be inferred after more direct experience such as attitudes, values, and personality

Deep level diversity : Over time, these types of diversity result in more process losses

When determining whether it is better to have a diverse or homogeneous team, the answer is: IT DEPENDS.....

...on the Time and Type of Diversity and type of task!. Early on, diverse groups usually experience more process losses than homogeneous groups. In terms of surface-level diversity, these process losses typically disappear over time. In terms of deep-leve

As far as group sizes are concerend, as long as process gains outweigh losses, "the more the merrier"...When process losses begin to outweigh gains, "too many cooks spoil the pot.


What inputs might influence the degree of Social Loafing?

Task Interdependence - we learned that with High Task Interdependence (Comprehensive Interdependence) we may see more social loafing since all group members are working together vs. assigning tasks to each member and Team Size - the more members on a team

activities of team members (creative behavior, decision making, boundary spanning) that relate directly to the accomplishment of team tasks

Taskwork Processes

Effective team decisions are based on:

Decision informity: Are the members informed about what they need to do?, Staff validity: Do the members come up with good (valid) ideas?, Hierarchical sensitivity: Does the person or people ultimately responsible for making the decision effectively weigh

For a group to be effective they need to particpate in ___ ___, the group needs to interact with other Groups, Customers, Potential new group members (Recruits), and their Supervisor

Boundary spanning

In terms of ___ ____, Diversity can play a role in coming up with Creative Ideas. More Diversity can lead to more creativity.

Creative Behavior

In terms of ___ ____, Member Ability can influence how effective the team is at coming up with good ideas and the leader choosing the best idea.

Decision Making

In terms of ___ ____, Member Personality can influence whether a group member reaches outside of the group to others. A group with a mix of extraverts is more likely to reach outside of their group than one that is made up of mostly introverts.

Boundary Spanning

Interpersonal activities that facilitate the accomplishment of the team's work but do not directly involve task accomplishment, itself

Teamwork Processes

There are different Processes that are going on in a group at different times. We can break these Teamwork Processes into the following:

Transition Processes - prepare the team for action, Action Processes - manage team during period of action, Interpersonal Processes - manage interpersonal relations

the team is learning the plays of the opposing team and practicing plays for the upcoming game, this is an example of

Transition Process,

__ ___ is is the actual game where the team is implementing the plays and working toward making touchdowns.

action process,

When looking at Teamwork Processes, we can see that Transition Processes help prepare a team for Action Processes, and that we need to always manage Interpersonal Processes.


For Interpersonal Processes, we also are managing conflict. Is Conflict good or bad? There are two types of conflict:

Task Conflict: "I have a problem with the way we are working", Relationship Conflict: "I have a problem with the people we are working with

with too much___ ____, we then see a drop in Team Performance and Team Commitment. So, some ___ ____ is good, but you don't want too much__ ___ or it will negatively impact Team Outcomes.

Task Conflict

While some level of Task Conflict is good for Team Performance and Team Commitment, any level of Relationship Conflict is bad for Team Performance and Team Commitment.