ACC 303 Chapter 8

Regression analysis is sometimes called the best-fit cost estimation because:

the regression analysis finds the cost estimation line with least squares errors.

A key ethical issue in cost allocation involves costing in an international context, because the choice of a cost allocation method can affect:

Taxes in domestic and foreign countries

Management accounting activities include planning and controlling. Cost estimation is most closely aligned to controlling. T OR F.

False. Cost estimation is about costs; ie. planning

Before using regression it is essential to graph the data. T OR F.


In the estimation equation, Y= a + (b * ) + e, (a) represents a fixed quantity which is the amount of Y when X equals _________.


Pairing of estimated costs and its related cost driver?

- Product design cost; number of design elements
- heating expense for a building; temp. to be maintained in the building
- fuel expense for a delivery truck; miles driven.

The statistical measures that can be used to evaluate the reliability of a regression analysis include:

- R-squared, or coefficient of determination
- p-value
- t-value

Non-linear relationships are most common for ____________ cost drivers.


The strategic role of cost estimation includes:

- application of the cost estimation model in planning and decision making
- identification of key cost drivers
- prediction of future costs

In the estimation equation, Y= a + (b * X), (a) represents:

a fixed quantity (it represents the value Y when X= 0)

A time-series regression model is used to:

predict future costs

High-low predictions are only valid for activity that falls within the _______________ ______________.

relevant range

The use of learning curves is important in cost estimation because:

- of business start-up costs
- of productivity improvements in many industries
- new products have a period of low productivity

Examples of inconsistent data that should be avoided in cost estimation include:

- using cash basis accounting for some of the data and the accrual basis for other data
- differences in accounting method used to calculate the data

A _____________ ___________ represents the presence or absence of a condition.

dummy variable

Managers commonly use cost estimation to assess the cost impact of different product designs of product enhancements in:

target costing and pricing

Limitations of learning curve analysis include:

- the learning rate is assumed to be constant
- unreliability because changes in productivity may be due to factors unrelated to learning

When repetition of the same activity makes labor more productive, nonlinear cost behavior is influenced by ____________.


Data relationships may be non-linear due to:

- trends or seasonality in the data
- a shift in the data at a point in time
- outliers in the data

In the learning model Y= a * X^b , Y is:

cumulative average time per unit

The high-low method:

- is based on a unique cost line for the high and low points
- estimates fixed and variable cost for a set of data

Assessing the accuracy of the cost estimate can be done using:

- regression analysis

The first step in cost estimation is:

define the cost object

The second step in cost estimation is:

Determine the Costs Drivers

The third step in cost estimation is:

Collect Consistent and Accurate Data

The fourth step in cost estimation is:

Graph the Data

The fifth step in cost estimation is:

Select and Employ the Estimation Method

The sixth step in cost estimation is:

Asses the Accuracy of the Cost Estimate

The degree to which changes in the dependent variable can be explained by changes in the independent variable(s) is:


When a given variable tends to change predictability in the same (or opposite) direction of a given change in another variable __________ exists.


Means that two or more independent variables are highly correlated with each other:


A measure of the reliability of each independent variable; that is, the degree to which an independent variable has a valid, stable, long-term relationship with the dependent variable.


The study of the data graph is important to:

- spot non-linearity in the data or the presence of outlier(s)
- both high-low and regression analysis

Unusual data points that strongly influence regression analysis are __________.


Statistical measures that can be used to evaluate the precision of a regression analysis include:

the standard error of the estimate

The limitation of learning curve analysis is it:

applies only for repetitive tasks.

The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) is used to:

assess the accuracy of the cost estimate

A relatively precise regression will have a standard error of the estimate that is:

small relative to the mean of the dependent variable.

Learning controls are helpful in :

- capital budgeting
- management control
- life-cycle control

Cost estimation methods available to the management accountant include:

- high-low method
- regression analysis