Set 1 CASP

All of the following would indicate a client that is in an aroused, sympathetic nervous system state EXCEPT:

Arms crossed over the chest and head hanging

A client's right shoulder is higher than his left. This is an example of deviation in which plane?


Which of the following might be an indication of a guarded posture in the upper body?

Rounded shoulders and arms crossed over chest

When massage is used as a tool to promote alteration in the physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual health of the client, it is categorized as:

Therapeutic change

An imbalance in which area is most likely to affect the posture of the entire body?


What is the most efficient way to organize the medical history portion of the intake form?

As a list of conditions that the client can circle or check "yes" or "no

Jessica is interviewing her new client about the surgery in which three of his lumbar vertebrae were fused. All of the following are helpful questions, EXCEPT:

Do you think losing 40 or 50 pounds might help resolve the pain in your back?

A conversation that occurs between the therapist and client to gather information used to plan a session is called:

A client interview

This is the evaluation of a client's current condition and past experience in order to rule out contraindications and develop a treatment plan:


Which of the following is NOT an appropriate or relevant question to include on a health history intake form?

Sexual orientation

A client is reporting shooting pains in her shoulder and numbness down her arm. Which of the following questions is the most relevant follow-up?

How long has this been happening?

Why is it important to document each client session in a thorough and organized way?

This will help the practitioner recall the details of each session and monitor progress

A health history form is used to gather:


During the initial interview, you should avoid:

Offering your opinion when your client shares a previous therapist's or doctor's evaluations

Adverse reactions that may occur as a result of massage should be outlined in which document?

Informed consent document

A grainy, fibrous texture, or the sensation that the tissues are stuck together, best describes:

Scar tissue

In order to see deviations in the midsagittal plane, it is best to view the client:

From the front or back

During general observations of the client, a therapist might gather information about:

General freedom of movement

The process of evaluating a client's condition to determine which areas to work on and which techniques to use is referred to as:


In a kyphotic posture, the client's head is shifted:


Lordosis in a client's spine is easiest to see when viewing the client:

From the side

When palpating the muscles of the upper back, the most superficial muscle is the:


To palpate the piriformis you would:

Drop through the gluteus maximus

Reduced blood flow to an area can result in fascial adhesions and hypertonic muscles. This condition is known as:


Slow, deep breathing is usually an indication of ______ nervous system activity.


During a wellness session, the objective of palpation is:

To palpate attentively and continuously in order to adjust the depth and speed of strokes to ensure the client's comfort

Muscles that are likely short and hypertonic when a shoulder elevation is observed include:

Scalenes and upper trapezius

Abnormal muscle spindle reactions, imbalances in the labyrinth of the inner ear, or abnormally sized structures (e.g., the right halves of the vertebral bodies are larger than the left, etc.) are factors leading to:

Structural scoliosis

In a dysfunctional posture:

Fascia becomes dense and adhered

The eyes, ears, shoulders (acromion process), pelvic girdle, anterior superior iliac spine, fingertips, patella, and lateral malleoli should:

Align bilaterally from the anterior view

All of the following are views the therapist might use to evaluate posture EXCEPT:

Inferior view

Head-forward positions and shoulder protraction accompany, or contribute to, the development of:


When the client is viewed for posture assessment, the client's weight:

Should be balanced between both feet

A posture assessment is predominantly performed to:

Guide session planning

An abnormal lateral curve of the spine is:


The positions of the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) are assessed to determine:

The position of the pelvis

Temperature differences felt on the client's skin can be an indication of differences in:


If a client's muscles feel like they are dissolving or falling away under pressure, this is a sign of:

Poor nutrition

If a client is tense and stressed, the practitioner may notice that the client's breath:

Is concentrated in the upper chest

The practice of assessing a client's tissues through touch is known as:

Palpation assessment

When passively stretching a client, it is important to remember to:

Stay in communication with the client about his comfort level

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of joint movement?

Increases bone density

Which of the following does NOT affect the degree of joint play possible?

The client's active efforts

Pivot joints allow for what type of motion?


What type of tissue offers resistance to movement in a hard end feel?


Injury, pathology, or significant tension of soft tissue that prevents a joint from achieving its normal ROM creates which type of end feel?

Abnormal end feel

This range of motion technique is always tested before the other techniques are used:

Active range of motion

Passive range of motion assessment evaluates:

The quality of the movement and contractile tissue

Joint movement performed by the practitioner while the client remains relaxed is called:

Passive range of motion

What should a therapist always do before asking a client to perform active-assisted range of motion?

Demonstrate the movement himself