term words

obvious large pores and close condones, clogged pores shiny thick appearance, yellowish color and orange- peel texture

oily skin

Pores very small or not visible, tight pore less-looking appearance may be dehydrated with fine lines and wrinkles , dry and rough to the touch

dry skin

even pore distribution throughout the skin very soft smooth surface, lack of wrinkles this type of skin is actually very unusual most clients have combination skin

normal skin

obvious ores down the center of the face pores not visible or becoming smaller toward the outer edge's of the face many have clogged pores in the nose chin and center of the forehead. dry pore less toward outside edges of the face

combination dry skin

wider distribution of obvious or larger pores down the center of the face extending to the outer cheeks. pores become smaller toward edges of the face

combination oily

very large pores in all areas this is considered a skin type because it is hereditary . presence of numerous open and closed comedones, clogged pores and red papules and pustules

acne skin

this is a light continuous stroking movement applied in a slow rhythmic manner with the fingers usually used on the forehead, face, scalp, back, shoulders, neck, arms, and hands


this is a kneading movement preformed by lifting, squeezing, and pressing the tissue with a light firm pressing, usually used on the back, shoulders and arms


tapping slapping and hacking movements


light continuous stoking movements


shaking movement


deep rubbing movement


chopping movement preformed with edges of hands


another term for percussion


pressing and twisting the tissues with a fast back-and -forth movement


grasping flesh firmly in one hand and moving had up and down along the bone while other hand keeps arm or leg in steady position


these are lotions that help rebalance the pH and remove remnants of cleanser from the skin they may also contain ingredients that help to hydrate or soothe the skin


this is a vigorous in which your hands are placed a little distance apart on both sides of the clients arm or leg. while working downward a twisting motion is applied against the bones in the opposite direction


this is used to achieve good slip during a massage

massage cream

a non-foamin ltopn cleanser for the face is called...

cleansing milk

a form of pertissage in which the tissue is grasped gently lifted and spread out and is used mainly on the arms is called


oily or fattu ingredents that block moisture from leaving the skin are called..


an enzyme that peel in which a cream is applied to the skin and forms a hardened crust that is then massaged or rolled off the skin is called


another name for a chemical exfoliation procedures is

enzyme peels

every muscle and nerve has a ____ point which is the point over the muscle where pressure or stimulation will cause contraction of the muscle

motor point

masks that contain special crystals of gypsum that harden when mixed with cold water immediately before application are?

modelage masks

examples of mechanical exfoliants that work physically by bumpping off dead cell buildup are granular scrubs, roll-off masks, and the use of ...


the manual or mechanical manipulation of the body by various movements to increase metabolism and circulation promote absorption and relieve pain is a ...


this movement involves pressing and twisting the tissues with a back and forth movement


use of the wrists and outer edges of hands in fast light firm flexible motion against the skin in alternate succession is called...

hacking movement

mixtures of humectants that help diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles are...


this is the process of using galvanic current to enable water-soluble dproducts that contain ions to penetrate the skn


this is a rotating electric appliance with interchangeable brushes that can be attached to the rotating head

brushing machine