
Assigned leadership

Leadership that is based on occupying a position in an organization. (Example: The CEO of a company)

Emergent leadership

Leadership that comes from the reactions of other people in the organization who support and accept that individual's behavior. (Good fit for Charles Clark)


The capacity or potential to influence

Coercive power


advantage to coercive power

punishment can motivate subordinates to follow the will of the leader

disadvantage to coercive power

it can often lead to unhealthy behavior and dissatisfaction from workers

legitimate power

assigned leadership/power

reward power

positional power

expert power

person leading due to their knowledge and they know more than you.

position power

the power a person derived from office or rank in an organization

personal power

influence derived from being seen as likable and knowledgable

managers Vs leaders

formal power VS informal power


informal power

Trait Approach

leaders are born, not made". Focuses on identifying the innate or inherited qualities and characteristics possessed by leaders.

Emotional intelligence

The ability to perceive and express emotions, to use emotions to facilitate thinking, to understand reason with emotions, and to manage emotions within oneself and in relationships with others


The tendency to be sociable, assertive, and have positive energy

skills approach

the emphasis is on skills and abilities that can be learned and developed.

technical skill

knowledge about and proficiency in a specific type of work or activity

human skills

knowledge about and ability to work with people.

conceptual skills

the ability to work with ideas and concepts.

The 3 basic administrative skills

technical, human, conceptual


trait approach fits clearly with "top down" notion that leaders are the individuals out in front

the 5 traits

determination, self confidence, sociability, integrity, intelligence

equation for strength based approach

Strength=talent X investment

leadership(textbook definition)

a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal

Phil Jackson

Jackson was the head coach of the Chicago Bulls from 1989 until 1998, during which Chicago won six NBA championships. His next team, the Los Angeles Lakers, won five championships from 2000 until 2010. In total, Jackson has won 11 NBA titles as a coach.

The Jackson Eleven (just review)

Lead from the inside out, Bench the ego, let each player discover his own destiny,the road to freedom is a beautiful system, turn the mundane into the sacred, one breath one mind, the key to success is compassion, keep your eye on the spirit not on the sc

French and Raven's five bases of power

Referent, Expert, Legitimate, Reward, Coercive

disadvantage/advantage of referent power

Advantage: leaders can often build close personal connections with followers through admiration, which can improve team motivation.
Disadvantage: can be easily abused. Someone who is likable, but lacks integrity and honesty, may use referent power for per

disadvantage/advantage of expert power

Advantage: Expert power allows a leader to win over followers because his or her knowledge and skills outperform others. earning high regard and respect from followers for the leader. The followers, in turn, listen to the leader.
Disadvantage: The power a

disadvantage/advantage of legitimate power

Advantage: Holding a position of authority that is extremely difficult to earn ( Ex President commands instant respect). Subordinates follow the leader because they respect the leader's position.
Disadvantage: If the leader loses his or her title or posit

disadvantage/advantage of Reward power

Advantage: If others expect that the leader will reward them for doing what the leader wants, there is a high probability that the followers will do it.
Disadvantage: If the rewards don't have enough value or the leader fails to deliver adequate rewards,

disadvantage/advantage of coercive power

Advantage: times when a leader needs to punish people. In the short run, punishment can motivate subordinates to follow the will of the leader.
Disadvantage: it can be cold. Research shows that, in the workplace, it can often lead to unhealthy behavior an

Leaders vs Managers

Leaders have informal power VS managers who have formal power

Strengths of the trait approach VS Weaknesses of traits approach

Stengths-intuitively appealing (leaders are the people out front),supported with academic studies VS Weaknesses- the list of traits could be endless, does not take situations into account, fails to measure outcomes

skills approach vs traits approach

skills shifts our thinking away from personality characteristics VS traits which are who leaders are

strengths based approach

strengths based off the leader. both traits and skills together. can be innate.

positive psychology

to understand human strengths and adress peoples positive experiences.

Explain how self-image can affect performance,

can affect performance by how confident someone is