ATI Leadership

Principles of Prioritization

- Life before limb (hypoglycemia before fracture)
- Acute before chronic (new onset of delirium before client with Alzheimer's dementia)
- Actual before potential problem (Adm diuretic for HF before ROM exercise for client with CVA)
- Listen & don't assum

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

- Physiological (human survival)
- Safety & Security (of body, employment, fam)
- Love & Belonging (friends, fam, intimacy)
- Self-esteem
- Self-actualization


Joint Commision on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
- defines quality improvement as an approach to the continuous study & improvement of the process of providing health care services to meet the needs of clients and others

Unintentional Torts

- Negligence: Failure to provide care that results in damage to others
- Malpractice: Improper, illegal or professional negligence that results in damage, injury, or loss

Intentional Torts

- Assault: Conduct that makes someone fearful (Threatening to put an NG tube down a pt. if they don't comply)
- Battery: Intentional & wrongful physical conduct that entails injury/offensive touching
- False Imprisonment: Restraint of person's liberty of

What has to be proved when someone is being charged for Malpractice?

- Duty to client
- Duty not carried out
- Damage to Client
- Cause of damage was due to failure to carry out duty

Board of Nursing has the authority to ...

- Issue and revoke nursing license
- Set standards for nursing programs & delineate scope of practice for RN, LPN, and APN

Client's Legal Rights

- Refuse Treatment
- Right to Confidentiality
- Informed Consent

Centralized vs Decentralized Staffing

Centralized: Decisions made by personnel in central staffing office/center; Staff clerk carries out activity but RN oversees
Decentralized: Decision-making moved to level of staff; Based on theory that more is achieved when employees are involved and empo

Functional Nursing

Model of care that is task-focused, not client focused. Tasks are divided, with one nurse assuming responsibilities for specific tasks. (Ex. one nurse in charge of meds, one doing shift assignments)
Problem: Absence of holistic care + communication is not

Team Nursing

RN, LPN, and AP work together on large group of clients. Nurses may not be assigned same clients everyday.

Primary Nursing

Nurse is focused on bedside care and is involved in planning goal-directed, individualized care. Care managed by single professional and can enhance client-nurse relationship.

Case Management

Coordinates acute care in hosp from adm to d/c to when client is home; makes referrals

Managed Care

Uses select group of providers who agree to predetermined payment before care is given; Goal is control cost of health care