Effective leadership and management in nursing. (9th edition)

The chairperson of the nursing faculty leads the monthly meetings of the curriculum committee. This permanent group, which is designed to meet organizational goals, is which type of group?

Command group

A nursing group cannot complete a task assignment because information from another group has not been provided. Because the nursing group cannot complete its task, a group from physical therapy will not be able to complete its task. This is an example of

Sequential interdependence

A nurse manager states, "I cannot stand all these conflicts in my department. Nothing good can come out of it." Which indicates the best reason the manager's statement is untrue?

Conflict can stimulate more people to become involved in a situation, thus creating more innovative solutions to the issue.

In order to come to a solution for an ongoing conflict among several nursing units, the nursing supervisor says, "Your managers will meet to create a voting form representing both sides of this issue. Each of you will vote, and the majority will rule." Wh


The day shift nurses and night shift nurses are in clear opposition regarding the responsibilities that each shift should be assigned. This opposition has created a "we-they" distinction on the unit. This is an example of which phenomenon?


How can a nurse who is consistently falling behind at work improve to become more organized and disciplined?

Use the same system every day to organize client care and required activities such as paperwork.

The nurse manager has decided to work on personal time-management skills. What should this manager do first?

Review patterns of time use.

A nurse manager writes the following note: "Over personnel budget by $1,250 in April due to late snowstorm. Nurses unable to get to work. Overtime wages paid." Why is this note important?

It will help the manager create the budget for the next year.

A client's spouse is concerned about the cost of hospitalization. The nurse says, "Because your spouse is on Medicare, the hospital will be paid according to the DRG." What does the nurse mean by this statement?

Medicare will pay based on a set amount for the specific condition for which the client was hospitalized.

The nurse manager holds a regular Wednesday meeting with the charge nurses on the unit. There is no new information to discuss this Wednesday. What should the manager do?

Cancel the meeting.

Which question is considered appropriate to ask during an interview?

Do you speak any language in addition to English?

A nurse manager would like to add the statement "Provide ongoing education to the client and the client's family" to the position description of RNs. Where would this statement be placed in this document?

In the job responsibilities

A critical care nurse has reported off because of an illness. Which choice of replacement for this nurse would provide the best continuity of quality nursing care?

A nurse from a decentralized internal float pool

A newly hired nurse manager is being mentored in this new role. How should the mentor advise this manager regarding staffing for the next shift?

First you must become familiar with the classification system we use.

The nursing administration has instituted a "horizontal promotion" system within the nursing department. What benefit is this program to the staff nurse?

It rewards the nurse's clinical excellence.

A nurse manager wishes to use a model of job performance to help match employees and tasks to achieve the greatest effectiveness. What should the manager do first?

Establish the expectations of each task in writing.

Adopting which strategy would be helpful in reducing recency error in staff appraisals?

Recording critical incidents as they occur

A director has performed an annual appraisal of the ICU manager, which reflects several issues in regard to the manager's attitude. At the end of the interview the manager expresses disagreement with the appraisal. The director instructs the manager to si

The appraisal could be interpreted as discriminatory.

A nurse who receives frequent phone calls informs the manager the phone calls are related to a health crisis concerning a family member. Other nurses also receive personal calls, but not as many as the first nurse. Which action by the manager is appropria

Discuss with the nurse how personal phone calls may affect client care and should be limited.

An ICU nurse does not follow policy when administering a medication intravenously. Which would be the most appropriate action by the manager to assist the employee?

Provide a copy of the policy and discuss the rationale for the policy as it relates to client care.