Define Leadership

A process of influence in which the leader influences others toward goal achievement.

When a person in a position of authority or in a sanctioned, assigned role within an organization that connotes influence, such as a clinical nurse specialist.

Formal Leader

An individual who demonstrates leadership outside the scope of a formal leadership role or as a member of a group rather than as the head or leader of the group. Considered to have emerged when they are accepted by others and are perceived to have influen

Informal Leader

___________________ is about creating change; establishing a direction, aligning people through empowerment, and motivating and inspiring them toward producing useful change and achieving the vision.


__________________________ is about controlling complexity in an effort to bring order and consistency. Planning and budgeting, organizing and staffing, problem solving, and controlling complexity to produce predictability and order.


4 Leadership Values

1. Caring
2. Integrity
3. Diversity
4. Excellence.

3 Fundamental Qualities of Effective Leaders

1. Guiding vision
2. Passion
3. Integrity.

3 leadership styles still recognized today

1. Autocratic
2. Democratic
3. Laissez-faire.

Explain Autocratic Leadership

Involves centralized decision making, with the leader making decisions and using power to command and control others. Associated with high-performing groups, but close supervision necessary, and feelings of hostility often present.

Explain Democratic Leadership

Is participatory, with authority delegated to others. To be influential, they use expert power and the power base afforded by having close, personal relationships. Engendered positive feelings in their groups, and performance was strong whether or not the

Explain Laissez-Faire Leadership

is passive and permissive and the leader defers decision making. Associated with low productivity and feelings of frustration.

Employee-Centered Leadership

Effective leadership described as having focus on the human needs of subordinates

Job-Centered Leadership

Seen as less effective leadership because of their focus on schedules, cost, and efficiency resulting in lack of attention to developing work groups and high performance goals.

Directive Style of Leadership

provides structure through direction and authority, with the leader focusing on the task and getting the job done

Experience may serve as a substitute for leadership. True or False?


Explain Servant Leadership

-1970's, Robert Greenleaf
-Wanting to put needs of others above all else as #1 priority
-Characteristics: listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, foresight, stewardship, growth, and building community
-Demotes self for the benefit of others

Nurses are what kind or leader

A servant and a leader

3 ways nurses use knowledge

1. recognize even subtle changes in patient's conditions
2. anticipate patient care problems
3. intervene appropriately to minimize/avoid complications

Define Self-Awareness

-knowing what you are feeling in the moment and using your preferences to guide your decision making
-having a realistic assessment of your own abilities and a well grounded sense of self-confidence.

Define Self-Regulation

-Handling your emotions so that they facilitate rather than interfere with the task at hand
-Being conscientious and delaying gratification to peruse goals
-Recovering well from emotional distress

Define Motivation

Using your deepest preferences to move and guide you toward your goals, to help you take initiative and strive to improve, and to persevere in the face of set backs and frustration

Explain Empathy

-Sensing what people are feeling
-Being able to take their perspectives
-Cultivating rapport and being in tune with a broad diversity of people.

Define Leading

influencing others to achieve the organization's goals and involves energizing, directing, and persuading others to achieve those goals

Define Controlling

Comparing actual performance to a standard ad revising the original plan as needed to achieve the goals

Hawthorne Effect

The phenomena of being observed or studied, resulting in changes in behavior
-"Social facilitation"
-the idea that people increase their work output in the presence of others

Vroom's Expectancy Theory

-Centers around what people want and thier prospect of getting it.
-Can be demonstrated in the form of an equation. This theory proposes that this equation can help to predict the motivation, or force, of an individual to achieve a goal as negative, neutr

What is Valence

-speaks to the level of attractiveness or unattractiveness of the goal
(+1= highly attractive, -1=highly unattractive, 0= goal does not interest the individual)

What is Expectancy

-the perceived possibility that that the goal can be achieved.
(1= assurance goals will be achieved, 0=individual sees the goal as impossible to achieve)

Vroom's Expectancy Equation

Force= Valence x Expectancy

VIctim of Change

-Bring crises
-Undermine morale
-Decrease productivity
-Create conflict

Management is a process that is used today by nurses or nurse managers in health care organizations and is best described as

planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling

A participative leadership style is appropriate for employees who____________________?

are able to contribute to decisions about getting the work done

If you applied the concepts of Theory Y to describe nurses, which of the following statements would be the best descriptions?
A. Nurses prefer to be directed and want job security more than other things
B. Nurses use self-direction and self-control to ach

B. Nurses use self-direction and self-control to achieve work objectives in which they believe

Consider your role as a staff nurse in a patient care unit of a hospital. What factors are present that may serve as a substitute for your need for leadership for your nurse manager?

Professional nursing standards, code of ethics, and the intrinsic reward you get from this important work.

Leadership is defined as

a process of interaction in which the leader influences others toward goal achievement.







