Leadership CH 10

Team members can readily identify who is and who is not on the team; identifying members of a group
may be more difficult

In comparing teams and group members, which statement is most likely true?

process losses

The inefficiencies created by more and more people working together is called:

social loafing

The phenomenon of reduced effort by people when they are not individually accountable for their work is
referred to as:

Social facilitation

_____ refers to any time people increase their level of work due to the presence of others.


The _____ stage of development of groups is characterized by polite conversation, the gathering of
superficial information about fellow members, and low trust.


The clear emergence of a leader and the development of group norms and cohesiveness are the key
indicators of the _____ stage of group development.


Functional, interdependent roles are characteristic of which stage of group development?

Group role

Which term refers to the set of expected behaviors associated with a particular job or position?

Intrasender role conflict

A manager makes the following statement to a subordinate, "I need this report back in five minutes, and it
had better be perfect." Which term best describes this type of role conflict?

intersender role conflict

Receiving conflicting information from two or more people about their expectations for your work behavior

Person-role conflict

What type of conflict most likely occurs when a store manager encourages a salesperson to mislead
customers about the quality of the store's products if deception is inconsistent with the salesperson's values
and beliefs?

role ambiguity

Molly, a member of a product development team, is most likely experiencing _____ if she wonders, "Just
what am I supposed to be doing?


_____ are the informal rules that groups adopt to regulate and regularize group members' behaviors.

group cohesion

The sum of forces that attract members to a group, provide resistance to leaving it, and motivate them to be
active in it is called:

Establishing an independent subgroup to make recommendations

Which of the following is a possible solution for groupthink?

Does the team have a meaningful piece of work?

Which question is most relevant to the task variable of team design?

Group dynamics

Which term refers to interactions among team members, such as how they communicate with each other?

subsystem nonoptimization

For a team to do well, the individuals composing the team must sometimes not maximize their individual
effort. This is referred to as:

reward systems

At the organizational level, the Team Leadership Model (TLM) suggests that leaders examine the _____
that may be impacting the team.

Putting subtle pressure on dissenting members of the team to ensure concept cohesiveness

What is the LEAST likely way that a leader could improve team effectiveness?