Leadership Ch. 1-Decision Making, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking & Clinical Reasoning

What statement is true regarding leadership?
a) It is an analysis of the situation
b) It is closely related to evaluation
c) it involves choosing between courses of action
d) it is dependent upon finding the cause of the problem


What is a weakness of the traditional problem- solving method?
a) its need for implementation time
b) its lack of a step requiring evaluation of result
c) its failure to gather sufficient data
d) its failure to evaluate alternatives


Which of the following statement are true regarding decision making?
a) scientific methods provide identical decisions
b) decisions are greatly influenced by each persons value system
c) personal beliefs can be adjusted
d) past experience has little to do


What influences the quality of a decision most often
a) the decision maker's immediate superior
b) the type of decision that needs to be made
c) questions asked and alternatives generated
d) the time of day the decision is made


What does knowledge about good decision making lead one to believe
a) good decision makers are usually right brain, initiative thinkers
b) effective decision makers are sensitive to the situation and to others
c) good decisions are ususally made by left s


What is the best definition of decision making
a) the planning process of management
B) the evaluation phase of the executive role
c) one step in problem solving process
d) required to justify the need for scarce items


If decision making is triggered by a problem with what does it end?
a) An alternative problem
b) A chosen course of action
c) An action that guarantees success
d) a restatement of the solution


Why do our values often cause personal conflict in decision making?
a) some values are not realistic or healthy
b) not all values are of equal worth
c) our values remain unchanged over time
d) our values often collide with one another


Which statement is true regarding critical thinking?
a) it is a simple approach to decision making
b) it is narrower in scope than decision making
c) it requires reasoning and creative analysis
d) it is a synonym for the problem- solving process


How do administrative man managers make the majority of their decisions?
a) after gathering all the facts
b) in a manner good enough to solve the problem
c) in a rational, logical manner
d) after generating all the alternatives possible


What needs to be considered in evaluating the quality of ones decisions?
A) Is evaluation necessary when using a good decision making model?
B) Can evaluation be eliminated if the problem is resolved?
C) Will the effectiveness of the decision maker be sup


Which statement concerning the role of the powerful organizational decision making is true?
a) they exert little influence on decisions that are made
b) they make decisions made that are in congruence with their own values
c) they allow others to make the


One of the nurses on the unit said, "Male patients have a low threshold for pain." This is an example of what type of illogical thinking?
A) Affirming the consequences
B) Arguing from analogy
C) Deductive reasoning
D) Overgeneralizing


What effect of organizational power on decision making is often reflected in the tendency of staff?
A) Making decisions independent of organizational values
B) Not trusting others to decide
C) Desiring personal power
D) Having private beliefs that are sep


Which statement regarding decision making is true?
A) They are subject to human error.
B) They ensure good decision making.
C) They eliminate uncertainty and risk
D) They tend to save management time


What is heuristics?
A) discrete, unconscious process to allow individuals to solve problems quickly
B) Set of rules to encourage learner to discover solutions for themselves
C) Formal process and structure in the decision making process
D) Trial and error


Which statement demonstrates a characteristic of critical thinker? Select all that apply
a) "Since that didn't work effectively, let's try something else?
b) "The solution has to be something that the patient is willing to do?
c) "I'll talk to the patient


What is the value of using a structured approach to problem solving for the novice nurse?
a) facilitates effective time management
b) supports the acquisition of clinical reasoning
c) supplements the orientation process
d) encourages professional autonomy


Which situation is characteristic of the weakness of the nursing process?
a) the frequent absence of well written patience focused objectives
b) the confusion created by the existence of numerous nursing diagnoses
c) the ever increasing need for effective
