Leadership ATI Ch 2

Qualities that a nurse needs to have to be successful when in collaboration with the inter-professional team

good communication skills
Conflict negotiation skills
Leadership skills
Professional presence
Decision making and critical thinking

the nurse's role in collaboration with other health care team members

-coordination of the team
-a holistic understanding of the patient, their needs
-ensure continuity of care
-help the client be an active partner in their healthcare decisions
-an avenue for the initiation of a consultation
-helping a client link with post

what are the different decision making styles used within an interprofessional team


what is a decisive decision making style

the team uses a minimum amount of data and generates one option

what is a flexible decision making style

the team uses a limited amount of data and generates several options

what is a Hierarchical decision making style

the team uses a large amount of data and generates one option

what is a integrative decision making style

the team uses a large amount of data and generates several options

who decides the decision making style the team will use

the group leader or team leader

what does hierarchical influence refer to in how a decision is made

the facilities hierarchy system
ie. is it centralized wear one person is making the decision or is it decentralized where there are multiple nurses contributiong to the decision

which hierarchical system (decentralization or centralization) leads to increased job satisfaction and a better work environment

decentralization because the floor nurses can have a say in the decisions that are made and often with centralization the nursing managers are nor completely aware of the floor environment

what are the three strategies a nursing manager can use to assist in promoting change


how does the rational-empirical strategy help promote change

it provides factual information to support the change
used when the resistance to the change in minimal

how does the normative-reeducative strategy help promote change

it maintains focus on interpersonal relationships to promote change
(idk i guess this would be an individual based)

how does the power-coercive strategy help promote change

the manage uses rewards to promote change
used when the resistance to change is high

what are the different stages for team formation


what occurs during the forming stage

members of the team get to know each other. the leader defines the tasks for the other and offers direction

what occurs during the storming stage

conflict arises, and team members begin to express polarized views. The team est rules, and members begin to take on various roles

what occurs during the norming stage

the team est rules. members show respect for one another and begin to accomplish some of the tasks

what occurs during the performing stage

the team focuses on accomplishment of tasks

characteristics of the veteran (1925-1942)

-supports the status quo
-accepts authority
-appreciates hierarchy
-loyal to employer

characteristics of the baby boomer 1943-1960

-accepts authority
-some struggle with new technology
-loyal to the employer

characteristics of generation X 1961-1980

-adapts easily to change
-personal life and family are important
-proficient with technology
-makes frequent job changes

characteristics of generation Y 1981-2000

-optimistic and self-confident
-values achievement
-technology is a way of life
-at ease with cultural diversity

who awards magnet status

the american nurses credentialing Center

how does a hospital get magnet status

1. complete a self appraisal (all levels of nurses participate in this appraisal)
2. on site appraisal
3. awarded magnet status for 4 years
4. to maintain the status the hospital needs to maintain their quality status and submit an annual report

characteristics of a magnet hospital

one who provides high quality care
attract and retain well-qualified nurses

what is the goal for case management

control the cost
avoid fragmented care

what is a requirement of a case manager

they are required to have an advance degree or advanced training in this area

do case managers provide direct care to clients


can case managers see multiple case loads of pts

yes and the pts typically have a similar condition or treatment regimins

do case managers coordinate community resources for patients


what is a critical or clinical pathway or care map

they are used to support the implementation of clinical guideline and protocals
they are based on cost and length of stay parameters mandated by prospective payment systems such as Medicare and insurance companies

what is the nurses role in care management

coordinating care
facilitating continuity of care
improving efficiency of care and utilization of resources
enhancing quality of care provided
limiting unnecessary cost and lengthy stays
advocating for the client and the family

who is responsible facilitating continuity of care and coordinating care through documentation, reporting, and collaboration


what enhances the coordination of care among different people of the interdisciplinary team

a formally written plan of care

nurses role (responsible for) in coordinating care

-admission, transfer, discharge, and post-discharge orders
plan of care
-reports client status changes
-coordinating the discharge plan
-facilitating referrals and the utilization of community resources

what are the different types of documentation used to facilitate the continuity of care

graphic records like vitals
Flow sheets reflectsing routine care completed
nurses notes that show changes in the clients statusor unusual circumstance
brief client care summaries

what do nursing care plans provide (what do they set)

they set the standard
standardized plans must be individualized to each client
all documentation should reflect the plan of care

what are different communication hand-off tools are available for use to improve communication and promote client safety

five Ps

what occurs during the change of shift report

info is given to the nurse who is assuming responsibility for the client's care
the nurses describes the client's current health status
Informs the next shift of pertinent client care information

where should the change of shift report take place

in a private area
-conference room
-at bedside

when do you report to the provider

-when there is a change in the client's status
-recommendations for changes in the plan of care
-when clarification is needed for orders

purpose of the consultation

to help determine what treatment/services the client requires

what is the nurse's role in terms of a consult

initiate the necessary consults or notify the provider of the client's needs so the consult can be initiated
-provide the consultant with the necessary information
-incorporate the consultant's recommendation into the plan of care

purpose of a referral

made by another health care provider and it is made so that the client can access the care identified by the providor

the nurses role related to referrals

begin discharge planning upon client admission
evaluate client/family competence in relation to home care
-involve the client and family in care planning
-collaborate with other health care professionals to ensure all health care needs are met and necessa

what is included in a transfer report

-medical diagnosis and care providers
-demographic information
-overview of clients health status, plan of care and recent progress
-any alterations for immediate concern
-most recent vitals, meds (when given)
-assessments or care that needs to be done in

what ensured optimal results with discharge planning

when the planning is done with both the patient and the family

why is planning for discharge so important

so that the need for additional services like home health, outpatient therapy, and respite care can be planned for

steps to take when a client announces that he want to leave against medical advice

-immediately notify the provider
-if the pt is at risk for harm the nurses has to explain the risk involved in leaving the facility
-have them sign the AMA form
-document the occurrence and steps taken

what should be included in the discharge instructions

-instructions for procedures to be done at home
-medication information
-things that need to be reported to the provider
-contact info for the client to contact health care providers
-plans for follow-up care and therapys

what is the best way to determine if the client fully understands the instruction on self-care activities to be done at home

a return demonstration of the teaching

what does the nurses written summary for discharge include

type of discharge
date and time of discharge
who accompanied the client and how and where was the client transported
summary of the client condition at discharge
a description of any unresolved problems and plan for follow-up
disposition of valuables, med