Chapter 2 Leadership and Management


interpersonal behavior; one of management's many functions; requires more complex skills than management; increases productivity by maximizing workforce effectiveness


emphasizes control-control of hours, costs, salaries, overtime, use of sick leave, inventory, and supplies

The essentials to the long-term viability of today's healthcare organizations?

sound management and strong leadership skills


the act or manner of guiding or taking change, or handling, direction, or control; process of leading and directing all or part of an organization through the deployment and manipulation of resources

Aspects of a Manager

assigned position within the formal organization; have legitimate source of power; expected to carry out specific functions, duties, and responsibilities; emphasize control, decision making, decision analysis, and result; manipulate people, the environmen


those individuals who are out front, taking risks, attempting to achieve shared goals, and inspiring others to action; only a person's behavior determines if he or she holds a leadership role

Difference between a manager and a leader

a manager is one who accomplishes, has the responsibility, and conducts; a leader is the person who influences and guides direction, opinion, and course of action

Characteristics of a leader

often do not have delegated authority but obtain their power through other means (influence); have wider variety of roles than do managers; may or may not be part of the formal organization; focus on group process, information gathering, feedback, and emp

10 Fatal Leadership Flaws

lack of energy and enthusiasm; acceptance of their own mediocre performance, lack of clear vision and direction; having poor judgment; not collaborating; not walking the talk; resisting new ideas; not learning from mistakes; a lack of interpersonal skills

4 overriding principles of scientific management

using time, motion, and expertise of experienced workers could be designed to promote the greatest efficiency of time and energy; scientific personnel system must be established so workers can be hired, trained, and promoted based on their technical compe

Luther Gulick's seven activities of management

planning, organization, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, and budgeting (POSCORB)

The Management Process

Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Controlling


encompasses philosophy, goals, objectives, policies, procedures, and rules; carrying out long and short range projections; determining a fiscal course of action and managing planned change


includes establishing the structure to carry out plans, determining the most appropriate type of patient care delivery, and grouping activities to meet unit goals. Other functions involve working within the structure of the organization and understanding


functions consist of recruiting, interviewing, hiring, and orienting staff. Scheduling, staff development, employee socialization, and team building are also often included as staffing functions.


includes several staffing functions; usually entails human resource management responsibilities, such as motivating, managing, conflict, delegating, communicating, and facilitating collaboration


include performance appraisals, fiscal accountability, quality control, legal and ethical control, and professional and collegial control

Human relations era

during the industrial revolution when great numbers of relatively unskilled laborers working in large factories on specialized task; developed the concepts of participatory and humanistic management, emphasizing people rather than machines

The basic principles of the human relations management

participative decision making or participative management

Hawthrone effect

indicated that people respond to the fact that they are being studied, attempting to increase whatever behavior they feel will continue to warrant attention

Theory X and Theory Y, regarding managerial attitudes about employee

Theory X managers believed that their employees are basically lazy, need constant supervision and direction and are indifferent to organizational needs; Theory Y managers believed that their workers enjoy their work, are self-motivated, and are willing to

Great Man theory

from Aristotelian philosophy, asserts than some people are born to lead, whereas others are born to be led

Trait Theory

assume that some people have certain characteristic or personality traits that make them better leaders

Behavioral Theory

leaders style of leadership; leadership styles included authoritarian and democratic leaders

Authoritarian Leader

strong control is maintained over the work group; others are motivated be coercion; other are directed with commands; communication flows downward; decision making does not involve others; emphasis is on difference in status; criticism is punitive

Democratic Leader

less control is maintained; economic and ego awards are used to motivate; others are directed through suggestions and guidance; communication flows up and down; decisions making involves others; emphasis is on "we" rather than "I" and "you;" criticism is

Authoritarian Leadership

results in well-defined group actions that are usually predictable reducing frustration in the work group and giving members a feeling of security; productivity high, but creativity, self-motivation, and autonomy reduced; found in armed forces

Democratic Leadership

appropriate for groups who work together for extended periods of time, promotes autonomy and growth in individual workers; particularly effective when cooperation and coordination between groups are necessary

Laissez-faire leader

is permissive, with little or no control; motivates by support when requested by the group or individuals; provides little or no direction; uses upward and downward communication between members of the group; disperses decision making throughout group; pl

Laissez-faire leadership

appropriate when problem are poorly defined and brainstorming is needed to generate alternative solutions

Situational and Contingency Leadership theory

believe that leaders moved dynamically along the continuum in response to each new situation; leadership style should vary according to the situation or individuals involved

Law of situation

the situation should determine the directives given after allowing everyone to know the problem

Contingency approach

suggesting that no one leadership style is ideal for every situation; the interrelationships between the group's leader and its members were most influenced by the manager's ability to be a good leader; key variables included the task to be accomplished a

Interactional theory

is that leadership behavior is generally determined by the relationship between the leader's personality and the specific situation

Systems Theory

people are complex, highly variable, multiple motives for doing things; people's motives do not stay constant but change over time; goals can differ in various situations; person's performance and productivity are affected by the nature of the task and by

The three basic elements of leadership exchange

the leader, including his or her personality, perceptions, and abilities; the followers, with their personalities, perceptions, and abilities; the situation within which the leader and the followers function, including formal and informal group norms, siz

Leadership effectiveness

requires the ability to use problem-solving process; maintain group effectiveness; communicate well; demonstrate leader fairness; competence, dependability, and creativity; and develop group identification

Characteristics of Theory Z

include consensus decision making, fitting employees to their jobs, job security, slower promotions, examining the long-term consequences of management decision making, quality circles, guarantee of lifetime employment, establishment of strong bonds of re

Three major work empowerment structures within the organization

opportunity, power, and proportion

The 4 developmental levels that influence productivity and worker satisfaction

reactive, responsive, proactive, and high-performance teams

Reactive leader

focuses on the past, is crisis driven, and is frequently abusive to subordinates

Responsive leader

the leader is able to mold subordinates to work together as a team, although the leader maintains most decision-making responsibility

Proactive leader

the leader and followers become more future oriented and hold common driving values; management and decision making are more participative

High-performance teams

maximum productivity and worker satisfaction are apparent

Collaborative practice matrix

highlights the framework for the development and ongoing support of relationships between and among professionals working together

Transformational leadership

both leaders and followers have the ability to raise each other to higher levels of motivation and morality; that there are two primary types of leaders in management, the transactional and the transformational leader

Transactional leader

the traditional manager, concerned with day to day operations; identifies common values; is a caretaker; inspires others with vision; has long-term vision; looks at effects; empowers others

Transformational leader

manager who is committed, has a vision, and is able to empower others with this vision; focuses on management tasks; uses trade offs to meet goals; does not identify shared values; examines causes; uses contingency reward

The five practices for exemplary leadership

modeling the way; inspiring a shared vision; challenging the process; enabling other to act; encourage the heart

Beauty and Beastly effect

their attempt to test the interaction effects of leader gender, leader attractiveness, and leadership styles on follower's trust and loyalty found that attractive females using transformational leadership skills struggled more than less attractive female

Full range leadership theory

suggests that there are 9 factors impacting leadership style and its impact on followers; 5 transformational, 3 transactional, and 1 is a non-leadership or laissez-faire leadership factor

Inspirational motivation (transformational)

characterized by the leader's articulation and representation of vision

Idealized influence (attributed)

relies on the charisma of the leader to create emotional ties with followers that build trust and confidence

Idealized influence (behavior)

results in the leader creating a collective sense of mission and values and prompting followers to act upon these values

Intellectual stimulation

leaders challenge the assumptions of follower's beliefs as well as analyze subordinates problems and possible solutions

Individualized consideration

occurs when the leader is able to individualize his or her followers, recognizing and appreciating their unique needs, strengths, and challenges

Contingent reward

the first transactional factor; the leader is task oriented in providing followers with meaningful rewards based on successful task completion

Active management by exception

the second transitional factor; suggests that the leader watches and searches actively for deviations from rules and standards and takes corrective actions when necessary

Management by exception passive

the third transactional factor; describes a leader who intervenes only after errors have been detected or standards have been violated

Absence of Leadership

the ninth factor; the laissez-faire; contrast to the first 8 factors

Leadership competencies

leadership skills and behavior, organizational climate and culture; communicating vision; and managing change; skills, knowledge, and abilities

Integrated leader-managers possess 6 distinguishing traits

They think long term; they look outward, toward the larger organization; they influence others beyond their own group; they emphasize vision, values, and motivation; they are politically astute; They think in terms of change and renewal