CH14: International and Culturally Diverse Aspects of Leadership

A term developed to replace diversity (with respect to organizations) is


Diversity is most likely to enhance business performance when

The organization culture supports diversity

A marketing advantage of having a multicultural work force is that

A marketing campaign can be more readily developed to read a targeted ethnic or racial group

Call center namer Charlie has a strong performance orientation value, so he is likely to

Encourage high standards of performance at the call center

Hospital administrator Amanda has an urgent time orientation so she is likely to

Value time as a scare resource

Workers with a high-power-distance value tend to accept the idea that

People have unequal power throughout the firm.

The typical behavior of French managers in major French corporations illustrates how

Cultural values influence leadership style

A study of about 450 German managers indicated that they had a pronounced cultural value related to

A strong performance orientation

When faced with conflict, a Malaysian manager is likely to

Be diplomatic in finding a solution

In contrast to his or her souther counterpart, the stereotypical U.S. northern manager is likely to be

Brusque and impatient for results

Major account executive Katrina is visiting another country, and soon discovers that her customers will not talk about business until the group has dined together for several hours. Katrina would show cultural sensitivity by

Trying to understand the dining tradition

To motivate foreign workers to actually but, the sales representative should be


What are 3 sources of cultural misunderstandings

1. Language differences
2. Work habits
3. Women's roles

What are 3 components of cultural intelligence?

1. Cognitive CQ (head)
2. Physical CQ (body)
3. Emotional/motivational CQ (heart)

To achieve a high level of cultural intelligence, your ______, ______ and ______ would have to work together smoothly

Head, body, and heart

It is recommended that the global leader must

Tap into a deep, universal layer of human motivation

According to research, two success factors for international management positions are

Sensitivity to cultural differences and being culturally adventurous

A contextual chameleon is a global leader who

Adapts to unfamiliar roles and environments

A study found that when executives on assignment overseas had low emotional intelligence, they often

Failed in their assignments

A major challenge in providing leadership to cross-cultural teams is that the team members may

Have different attitudes toward hierarchy and authority

A useful guideline in motivating workers from different cultures is to

Figure out which redress have high valence for them

The clearest commitment to valuing diversity occurs when

Values diversity is incorporated into organizational strategy

A key initiative for retaining minority group members and assisting in their advancement is


The major purpose of diversity training is to

Bring about workplace harmony

You know that you have good cultural intelligence when you can

Readily interpret the meaning of a smile from a foreigner

Todd, an American strategy specialist, visits his company's Italian affiliate. He is introduced to Annette, a native Italian, and the human resources director of the Italian affiliate. Todd should probably

Lightly kiss Annette on both cheeks

Members of an employee network group

Affiliate on the basis of a group characteristic such as race

A problem in hiring for person-organization fit is that

Cultural diversity within the organization might become limited

A key characteristic of an organization with leadership diversity is that

There is a heterogeneous group of leaders

A major challenge in developing a diverse workforce has shown to be

Reducing turnover among the minority group member hired.