Prologue Section 1: The Legacy of Ancient Greece and Rome


A system for controlling society.


A government where a single person called a king or monarch ruled.


A government ruled by a small group of noble, land-owning families.


A government ruled by a few powerful people.


Rule of the people. For the people by the people.

Who were the citizens of Athens?

Adult male citizens who enjoyed certain rights and responsibilities.

How did Athen's citizens participate in government?

Citizens elected three nobles to rule city-state each year.

What were Athen's economic problems? (Before Solon)

Poor farmers pledged their crops to the wealthy to pay debts. Later, they pledged land. Then, they sold themselves into slavery and weren't able to leave the land. A strong leader had to step in to fix things.

Who was Solon?

A respected statesman who created political reforms to fix Athen's economic problems.

What were the Reforms of Solon? (Four)

1. He passed a law outlawing slavery based on debt and canceled the farmers' debts. And prevented Athen's civil war.
2. Established four classes of citizens. All classes could vote and only the lowest class couldn't run for office. All free males were cit

Why was Solon's voting reforms slightly ineffective?

Only 1/10 of Athens were citizens- Minus women, slaves (who made up 1/3) and foreign residents.

Who was Cleisthenes?

Cleisthenes was a man who created reforms and became known as the founder of democracy, as he tried to make Athens a full democracy. His reforms helped create a limited democracy.

What are the Reforms of Cleisthenes? (Four Reforms)

1. Tried to make Athens a full democracy by reorganizing the assembly to balance the power of the rich and the poor.
2. Increased the power of the assembly by allowing all citizens to submit laws for debate and passage.
3. Created the Council of Five Hund

Greek Democracy Changes

Greeks fought Persian invaders and the Greek city-states worked together and defeated the Persian forces. During the war, public debates were held on how to defend their city.

Who was Pericles?

A wise and able statesman who led Athens for 32 years and strengthened Greek Democracy.

What did Pericles do? (One...)

1. Increased the number of paid public officials which enabled poor citizens to participate in government and make Athens a direct democracy.
"Our constitution is called a democracy because power is in the hands not of a minority but of the whole people.

Direct Democracy

A form of government in which citizens rule and make laws rather than through representatives.

Why did democracy end in Greece?

Macedonia invaded Greece.

What were these "new thinkers' " beliefs that emerged in fourth century B.C?

They used logic and reason to investigate the nature of the universe, human society, and morality.

What were the Greek thinkers' philosophy? (Two)

1. The universe is put together in an orderly way and is subject to absolute and unchanging laws.
2. People can understand these laws through reason and logic.

What was the order of three great philosophers?

Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. SPA.

What were Socrates' ideas?

He encouraged students to examine their closely held beliefs and have a question-and-answer approach that became known as Socratic Method.

What were Plato's ideas?

1. Plato wrote "The Republic" that had the perfect society.
2. Wanted society to be ruled not by the most rich or powerful but by the wisest whom he called philosopher-kings.
3. In his society, everyone has a role. There are 4 tiers in his society.

What were Aristotle's ideas?

1. Aristotle wrote "Politics" in which he states that man should be given education and be taught morals in order for society to thrive.
2. He examined the nature of human belief and the world.
"Man is by nature a political animal; it is his nature to liv

What was the Legacy of Greece?

Greece set standards in government and philosophy:
1. They used reason and intelligence to discover patterns and explanations of the world that they called natural laws.
2. The development of a democracy- for the people, by the people.
3. They were the fi


Power rests in citizens who have the right to elect leaders who make governmental decisions.

Who were the patricians and plebeians?

Patricians inherited their wealth and status. Claimed ancestry gave them authority.
Plebeians were commoners, artisans, and aristocrats who believed citizens had the right, not just the