A major cause of the growth of state and Federal highway systems after World War II was the

rapid development of suburbs

During World War II, women and minorities made economic gains mainly because

a shortage of traditional labor created new opportunities in the workplace

A major cause of the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II was

racial prejudice

In the early 1940's, the "destroyers-for-military-bases deal" with Great Britain and the Lend-Lease Act were evidence that the United States

recognized that its policy of neutrality conflicted with its self-interest

A violation of civil rights that occurred in the United States during World War II was the

internment of Japanese Americans

The Lend-Lease Act and the Destroyers-for-Bases deal were adopted prior to World War II primarily because these actions would

help Allied nations without the United States entering the war

Which statement about Japanese Americans interned during World War II is most accurate?

Many lost their homes and businesses

President Harry Truman's decision to use atomic bombs against Japan was primarily based on his belief that

an invasion of Japan would result in excessive casualties

Which action best illustrates the policy of isolationism followed by the United States before it entered World War II?

passage of neutrality legislation forbidding arms sales to warring nations

President Harry Truman justified using atomic bombs on Japan in 1945 on the grounds that the

early ending of the war would save many lives

Which precedent was established by the Nuremberg war crimes trials?

National leaders can be held responsible for crimes against humanity .

In 1988, Congress voted to pay $20,000 to each of the surviving Americans of Japanese descent who were interned during World War II because

many Americans believed the internment was unjust and unnecessary

The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible.


In the 1930's, the United States attempted to avoid a repetition of the events leading up to United States involvement in World War I by

passing a series of neutrality laws

How did the personal diplomacy conducted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II affect the Presidency?

The President's role in shaping United States foreign policy was strengthened.

As World War II was ending, the United States decided to join the United Nations mainly because the United States

recognized that efforts to achieve world peace required United States involvement

The United States became involved in World War II primarily because

Germany and Japan achieved important military successes in Europe and Asia

Speaker A:"We must take action even if we are not sure it will work. To do nothing to stop them would be a repeat of the Munich mistake."
Speaker B:"We must recognize the increasing interdependence of nations and join the United Nations."
Speaker C:"Stopp


After World War II, the United States was better able than its allies to adjust its economy from wartime to peacetime because the United States

had suffered no widespread wartime destruction

An immediate effect of the Lend-Lease program was that

the United States provided critical aid to Great Britain and the Soviet Union

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 is an illustration of the

selling war bonds

The rulings of the Supreme Court inDred Scott v. Sanford (1857), Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), and Korematsu v. United States (1944) all demonstrate that the Supreme Court has

sometimes failed to protect the rights of minorities

Based on a study of the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti (1920's) and the internment of Japanese Americans (1940's), which conclusion is most accurate?

Nativism and racism sometimes override the ideals of constitutional democracy

What was a key challenge faced by the United States during World War II?

fighting the war on several fronts

How did the post-World War II baby boom affect American society between 1945 and 1960?

It increased the need for educational resources

World War I and World War II brought about changes for minorities and women because these conflicts led to

the creation of new job opportunities

The United States Supreme Court decision in Korematsu v. United States (1944) concerned

limiting civil liberties during wartime

Which statement identifies a change in American society during World War II?

help European nations recover economically

President Harry Truman supported a containment policy after World War II in an attempt to

4. reduce the influence of the Soviet Union in European countries

Korematsu was not excluded from the military
area because of hostility to him or his
race. He was excluded because we are at war
with the Japanese Empire, because the . . .
authorities feared an invasion of our West
Coast and felt constrained to take pro

Individual rights can be restricted under certain circumstances.

In the period following World War II, the United States established a long-term military presence in West Germany in an effort to

stop communist expansion in Europe

Prior to United States entry into World War II, Congress passed the Cash-and-Carry Act of 1939 and the Lend-Lease Act of 1941. These foreign policy actions showed that the United States

became increasingly drawn into the war in Europe

. . . it is known that there are Japanese residents of California who have sought to
aid the Japanese enemy by way of communicating information . . ."
� Culbert Olson, Governor of California, February 1942
This statement helped influence President Frankl

restrict the civil liberties of Japanese Americans

The war crimes trials of German and Japanese military officials following World War II established that

individuals can be held responsible for wartime atrocities against civilians

During the early years of World War II, the Destroyer Deal and the Lend-Lease Act were efforts by the United States to

help the Allies without formally declaring war

Which change in United States foreign policy is demonstrated by the passage of these acts prior to World War II?

a shift from neutrality toward more direct involvement

During World War II, many women experienced a change in role in that they

worked in jobs formerly held by men

Speaker A: "The use of the bomb shortened the war and saved American lives."
Speaker B: "The United States might have been able to force the Japanese to surrender
simply by demonstrating the power of the bomb on a deserted island."
Speaker C: "The use of

A and C

Speaker A: "The use of the bomb shortened the war and saved American lives."
Speaker B: "The United States might have been able to force the Japanese to surrender simply by demonstrating the power of the bomb on a deserted island."
Speaker C: "The use of

post-World War II period

Between 1934 and 1937, Congress passed a series of neutrality acts that were designed primarily to

avoid mistakes that had led to American involvement in World War I

In the 1944 case Korematsu v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that wartime conditions justified the

limitations placed on civil liberties

During World War II, posters of Rosie the Riveter were used to

recruit women into wartime industries

What was one result of World War II

Two superpowers emerged.

Convictions of war criminals by courts at Tokyo and Nuremberg following World War II showed that

government officials and military leaders could be held accountable for their actions

Which federal policy was enacted during World War II and justified as a wartime necessity?

internment of Japanese Americans

In 1944, Congress enacted the GI Bill of Rights in order to

provide economic aid to veterans

During World War II, this poster was used primarily to

gain financial support for the war

During World War II, the federal government used rationing to

provide more resources for the military

What was the main purpose of the GI Bill passed by Congress shortly before the end of World War II?

to provide economic aid to veterans

During World War II, many Japanese Americans living on the West Coast were relocated to detention centers primarily because they

were seen as a security threat

To help pay for World War II, the United States government relied heavily on the

sale of war bonds

Speaker A: "The current situation has necessitated that more women enter the workforce."
Speaker B: "My family will have to get along without sugar and flour this week."
Speaker C: "I say we should continue to support our president, even if a president ha

food rationing to support a war effort

The Neutrality Acts passed by Congress in the mid-1930s were efforts to

avoid mistakes that led the country into World War I

The decision of the Supreme Court in Korematsu v. United States (1944) upheld the power of the president during wartime to

limit a group's civil liberties

Why was the United States called the "arsenal of democracy" in 1940?

The United States provided much of the weaponry needed to fight the Axis powers.

Shortly after entering World War II, the United States began the Manhattan Project to

work on the development of an atomic bomb

The experiences of African Americans serving in the military forces during World War II influenced their postwar decision to

increase efforts to end racial discrimination

Which wartime policy toward Japanese Americans was upheld by the Supreme Court in its 1944 ruling in Korematsu v. United States?

confinement in internment camps

A controversial issue that resulted from World War II was the

commitment of troops without congressional approval

At the beginning of World War II, national debate focused on whether the United States should continue the policy of


Before entering World War II, the United States acted as the "arsenal of democracy" by

supplying war materials to the Allies

The Parties to this Treaty reaffirm their faith in
the purposes and principles of the Charter of the
United Nations and their desire to live in peace
with all peoples and all governments.
"They are determined to safeguard the freedom,
common heritage and

collective security

One reason the Nuremberg trials following World War II were held was to

make German leaders accountable for the Holocaust

Arms Sales to Warring Nations Banned" "Americans Forbidden to Travel on Ships of Warring Nations" "Loans to Nations at War Forbidden" "War Materials Sold Only on Cash-and-Carry Basis" These headlines from the 1930s reflect the efforts of the United State

avoid participation in European wars

A main purpose of government-ordered rationing during World War II was to

conserve raw materials for the war effort

. . . The Director of the War Relocation Authority
is authorized and directed to formulate and effectuate [implement] a program for the removal, from the areas designated from time to time by the Secretary of War or appropriate military commander under t

move Japanese Americans to internment camps

Which series of events leading to World War II is in the correct chronological order?
1. Neutrality Acts ? Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor ? Lend-Lease Act ? United States declaration of war on Japan
2. Lend-Lease Act ? Neutrality Acts ? United States dec

Neutrality Acts ? Lend-Lease Act ? Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor ? United States declaration of war on Japan

This World War II cartoon was used to encourage Americans to

conserve natural resources

A major purpose of the GI Bill (1944) was to

provide federal funds for veterans to attend college