Chapter 21 & 22 (Imperialism)


A policy which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries poitically, socially, and economically. From the 1800-1900 this policy took place starting in Asia and Africa and soon spread to other parts of the world.

Indirect Rule

A system of colonial government that allows traditional cultures and native ways to live within the colony while a bigger nation watches over. This system worked best in colonies that had long lasting traditions.


A body of people who settle far from home but maintain ties with their homeland. Colonies provided bigger nations with goods and markets.


Nation whose independence is limited by the control of a more powerful country

Sphere of Influence

A geographical area where one nation is very controlling.Large nations within the sphere of influence are most likely imposing their own customs upon the smaller nations.


A policy similar to direct rule in which a nation forces its own customs and rules upon a colony. The French government used assimilation and association to describe their colonies.

Berlin Conference

(1884-1885)European leaders met in Berlin Germany to discuss how Africa would be divided to begin the process of imperializing Africa.

High Colonialism



Indian soldiers who were trained in European style. They would then serve the French and British.

Opium War

War between Britain and Qing Empire because the Qing government refused to allow the importation of opium into its territories. British imposed Treaty of Nanking on China.

Taiping Rebellion WHAT

(1850-1864) The revolt against the Qing dynasty a convert to Christianity eventually suppressed with British and French aid

Boxer Rebellion

Uprising in China that hoped to end foreign influence in the country.

Open Door Notes (Policy)

Messages sent by John Hay in 1899 to Germany, Russia, Great Britain, France, Italy, and Japan

Empress Dowager

Empress of China she supported anti-foreign movements like the Boxers, and resisted reforms of the Chinese government and armed forces.

Meiji Restoration

(1867-1912)The political program created after the destruction of Tokugawa Shogunate. Leaders began a path of industrialization and imperialism.

White Man's Burden

idea that it was Europeans duty to spread their religion and culture to countries that were less civilized.




Afrikaners",the white population of South Africa that was descended from early Dutch settlers.

Treaty of Kanawaga

Treaty that allowed trade between Japan and U.S. written between Matthew Perry and Japan in 1854


A Japanese ideology based on the supreme authority of the emperor.

What was the main contributing factor that led to imperialism?

The Industrial Revolution was the main factor that contributed to imperialism. European nations began to view (specifically) Asia and Africa as a source to take needed raw materials and provide markets.

What parts of the world saw the most European colonization?

Asian and African societies

Describe the status of the world by 1900

Filled with controlling nations that ruled colonies for their own benefit or to protect the colonies from other nations. Most European nations had colonies in Asia and Africa to gain needed industrial materials or to create markets

How was Japan able to escape imperialism?

Japan escaped imperialism by creating strategies of political and economic reform. They did not become a big target for European colonialism because they began to introduce western beliefs into their nation.

What factors led to imperialism going from "indirect rule" to "direct rule"?

Direct rule made the colonies be considered part of the home country and was also led by western leaders to prevent influence of natives. Indirect rule did not benefit the home country as much because the colony was considered to be separate from the home

What areas were most resistant to European imperialism? Why?

Burma, Vietnam and African Muslim states resisted european imperialism because they had a long tradition of "national cohesion and independence.

What did the Europeans use to justify their colonization?

Europeans justified their rule of colonialism with the philosophy of social Darwinism. This philosophy offered that bringing western rule, politics, economics, and social ideas into colonies would benefit the world because adaptation would occur.

Describe the French style of Imperialism?

The French believed that colonializing would create a better life for all. They created two words to describe the status of colonializing: assimilation and association. These are similar to direct and indirect rule in that assimilation is the action attem

What were some positives of British imperialism in India?

British imperialism in india brought oder and stability to a civil-wared society. The british governed india fairly and even increased education rates, and introduced the civil service exam.

What were some of the negative effects of British imperialism in India?

The British "raj" or prince created many economic expenses for Indians. Only a small percentage of Indians had financial benefits, the others lived in hardship. Introduction of British textile also majorly destroyed the Indian textile industry and put man

Create a broad timeline showing the important events in regards to Imperialism in SE Asia from 1800-1900

1800-Only Spanish Philippines and Dutch East Indies under control
1819- New British colony on Singapore island
1826-British attacked lower Burma and established control
1857- French government compelled Vietnamese under French protection
1858- French nave

Why were European nations participating in Imperialism not concerned with the economic well being of the nations the colonized?

They only cared about their own well- being

What brought about a renewed interest in Africa following the outlawing of the slave trade?

When gold and diamonds were discovered in Transvaal, other nations started to become interested in Africa and wanted to become a part of the gold industry. Africa also exported other materials such as peanuts, timber, hides and palm oil

What role did the Suez Canal play in regards to Imperialism?

Europe wanted to easily be able to get to Egypt by sea. But instead of helping Egypt, the canal cost thousands of lives and put govt. into debt. When a revolt broke out in 1881, Britain put a protectorate on the canal to protect their investment

What did the Suez Canal do to the importance of Egypt?

The canal lowered Egypts importance because they became reliant on foreign financial support

What factors led to a renewed interest in Africa in the 1880's?

The began trading items such as gold, diamonds, timber, pal oil, hides, and peanuts

What tactics did nations use to colonize in Africa?

Nations mainly used indirect rule to colonize africa, it was a cheap and convenient way for Britain to expand power and exploit their natural resources

What was the purpose of the Berlin Convention?

So Europe could divide Africa up amonst its nations for colonization. Created "artificial" states that lacked in cultural coherance

Compare and contrast the rule of different European nations in Africa

British sought self government and dominion status but british got was afraid of risking racial tensions with Africans so only established separate govt. organs for europeans and africans.
French used direct rule, order of power; french official bureaucra

What led to nationalism rising out of imperialism in Asia and Africa?

It rose out imperialism because as Europe colonized and small colonies were spread around, the only way they would achieve independence if they wanted it was to unite as one and promote nationalism

What brought about the Sepoy Rebellion? What was the outcome?

The revolted against European authority when britian developed a policy of shipping the Indian troops abroad,, they also revolted because a gun they had to use forced them to bite off a cartridge covered in lard, which went against their religious prohibi

What affect did Imperialism have on World history?

It created/boosted industrialization and nationalism. New inventions and transportation improved trade and expansion while unity and loyalty among nations also helped spread the nations strength and boundaries

What factors led to the rapid fall of the Qing Dynasty in China?

The Manchu Dynasty fell rapidly due to intense pressure from outside sources and internal changes

What was the purpose of introducing opium into China?

It evened out trade between british and the chinese which was unbalanced due to british demand for tea

What brought about the Opium War? What was the result?

The Chinese did not support the Opium trade that the British are supporting and they imposed harsh laws on Opium. The Chinese agreed to British terms:more ports opened, tariffs limit british goods

What brought about the Taiping Rebellion? What was the result?

The Qing courts failure to deal with internal economic problems led to a major peasant revolt. The British won once again and Opium trade was legalized

What was the purpose of the Open Door Policy?

to reduce the imperialistic hysteric in the chinese market

Describe the Boxer Rebellion

A secret society in rural China rebelled because of high unemployment due to foreign economic activity and a drought

Describe the revolution led by Sun Yat-sen. What was the result in China?

A society was formed called the Revive china society by Sun Yatsen. he united Chinese radical groups under the revolutionary Alliance

Describe the transition that China experienced in the late 1800's- early 1900's. Include economy, society, politics and women.

China moved to become more liberal on all fronts from 1800-1900 although many of these moves were forced by the British and most of the Chinese were against it.

How did the contact with the western world impact traditional Japanese leadership?

The Tokugawa shogunate began to fall apart during the European Renaissance. Corruption and Factionalism played the central government.They eventually adopted a policy of Sakuko (closed country)

What changed resulted in Japan during the Meiji Restoration? (Economic, political, and social factors)

Japan was ruled by a young emperor; the old order was abolished; a modern political system was established

What tole did Japan play in imperialism?

Japan tried ruthlessly to stay away from Western imperialism, but changed their ideals in the early 1900s

Where did Japan "rank" in Asia by the early 1900's

Japan was easily the top country in nearly every aspect in Asia by the early 1900s

Scramble for Africa

End of 19th century, early 20th century, term given for the rapid invasion of Africa by the various European powers. This began imperialism in Africa.

Egypt Imperialism

After Muhammed Ali and French control of Egypt, British control lasted from 1882-1956. Fashoda conflict, entente cordiale

Fashoda Conflict


Entente Cordiale

(1904) Britain gained control of Egypt. France gained control of Morocco. But not a written alliance only and agreement. Basically against Germany.

Caisse de la Dette

Institution created by the government of European creditors to oversee the repayment of debts owed their citizens in the wake of Egyptian bankruptcy of 1876.

Suez Canal

Waterway in Egypt connecting the Mediteranian sea from red sea. Easier and quicker navigation created by Private French Company.

British Raj

British Royal colony in Africa 1858-1947

The Boers

Dutch people (farmers), who settled in South Africa. They believed they were superior to native Africans. They went to war with the British and Zulus.

Thomas Edison

American inventor best known for inventing the electric light bulb, acoustic recording on wax cylinders, and motion pictures.

Alexander Graham Bell

1847-1942 He was an American inventor who was responsible for developing the telephone. This greatly improved communications in the country.

James Watt

A Scottish engineer who created the steam engine that worked faster and more efficiently than earlier engines, this man continued improving the engine, inventing a new type of governor to control steam pressure and attaching a flywheel.

James Hargreaves

1764, a Brit who invented the spinning jenny - hand operated, sped up spinning by forming eight threads at one time thus increasing output of yarn.

Spinning Jenny

A machine that could spin several threads at once

Bessemer Process

A way to manufacture steel quickly and cheaply by blasting hot air through melted iron to quickly remove impurities.

Karl Marx

(Communist Manifesto)wanted government run by the workers of industries, had a following (Marxist), saw communism as end result of an essential historical process

Communist Manifesto

This is the 1848 book written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels which urges an uprising by workers to seize control of the factors of production from the upper and middle classes.

Commodore Perry

After arriving with a fleet of warships, he gets Japan to sign the Treaty of Kanagawa (1854) opening some ports to America. Helps to end Japanese isolation

Cecil Rhodes

British colonial financier and statesman in South Africa made a fortune in gold and diamond mining; helped colonize the territory now known as Zimbabwe

Cottage Industry

Manufacturing based in homes rather than in a factory, commonly found before the Industrial Revolution.

Count Cavour

Prime minister of Sardinia (northern Italy) who vowed to drive out the Austrians and worked towards a united Italy.

Giuseppe Garibaldi

(1807-82) An Italian radical who emerged as a powerful independent force in Italian politics. He planned to liberate the Two Kingdoms of Sicily.

Victor Emmanuel II

He was king of Sardinia, Piedmont and Savory until 1861 when he was crowned the first king of a united Italy

Otto Von Bismarck

Chancellor of Prussia from 1862 until 1871, when he became chancellor of Germany. A conservative nationalist, he led Prussia to victory against Austria (1866) and France (1870) and was responsible for the creation of the German Empire (714)``