French Revolution Key Points

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

Statement of revolutionary ideals adopted by National Assembly

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

Slogan for members of the French Revolution

Legislative Assembly

New law-making body created by the constitution adopted in 1791 by the National Assembly


Members of this law-making body who opposed the idea of monarchy and wanted sweeping governmental change


Term used to describe nobles who had fled France and who hoped to restore the Old Regime


Device used as a means of execution during the French Revolution


Parisian workers who wanted extremely radical change in government


Radical political organization that in September 1792 abolished the monarchy and declared France a republic

Robes Pierre

Became leader of the Committee of Public Safety and ruled France virtually as a dictator

Reign of Terror

Period of time during which Maximilian Robespierre governed France.

Georges Danton

Well-known Jacobin and lawyer eventually executed for being less radical than Robespierre


Executive body created in 1795 as part of a new plan of government

First Estate

Made up of: Clergy
Attitude toward Enlightenment Ideas: Against

Second Estate

Made up of: Nobles
Attitude toward Enlightenment Ideas: Against

Third Estate

Made up of: Bourgeoisie, Peasants
Attitude toward Enlightenment Ideas: For

Which groups in France made up each one of the three estates?

a. First: Clergy
b. Second: Nobles
c. Third: Bourgeoisie and the Poor

What role did the "Enlightenment" play in driving the French people to participate in the Revolution?

The ideas of Rousseau, Locke, and other philosophes

What do you think the majority of French people wanted to see changed as a result of the Revolution?

All people sharing the same set of laws not matter what your social class.

Napoleon Bonaparte

French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the latter stages of the French Revolution and its associated wars.

Napoleonic Empire

Also known as the first french empire

National Convention

a single-chamber assembly in France from 21 September 1792 to 26 October 1795 (4 Brumaire IV under the Convention's adopted calendar) during the French Revolution.

National assembly

existed from June 13, 1789 to July 9, 1789, was a revolutionary assembly formed by the representatives of the Third Estate of the Estates-General

Levee en Masse

army or the public safety committee lead by Robespierre, contained a massive number of people and was the bias of napoleons domination of Europe.