Cold War

Cold War

about fifty years of intense conflict between the US and the USSR that never actually resulted in the two countries fighting each other

Truman Doctrine

issued with a foreign policy goal of containing the spread of communism


policy of keeping communism from spreading

Marshall Plan

plan in which the US gave economic aid to eastern European countries like Greece in order to prevent them from falling to communism

Berlin Wall

set up in Berlin after the failure of the Berlin Airlift; recognized as an "iron curtain" of sorts

Berlin Airlift

the USSR set up a blockade of Berlin; the US resonded by dropping supplies by air to the East Germans

Mao Zedong

led the Communist Revolution in China

United Nations

set up as an organization of countries that would work to keep peace in the world


North Atlantic Treaty Organization; organization of democratic countries

Warsaw Pact

organization of communist countries set up to counter NATO


nation with enough strength to influence events in the world

Joseph McCarthy

senator who encouraged the red scare in the US

Nikita Khrushchev

leader of Russia during the Cuban Missile Crisis


National Aeronautics and Space Administration


first satellite launched into space; Russia won the "space race

Fidel Castrol

communist leader of Cuba

John F. Kennedy

president of the United States during the Bay of PIgs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis

Bay of Pigs Invasion

an embarissing attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro that was organized by the US

Cuban Missile Crisis

closest the world has come to nuclear war; resulted when Russia began to send nuclear weapons to Cuba

Alliance for Progress

program set up by JFK to send economic aid to Latin America in an attempt to keep them away from communism

Peace Corps

set up by JFK as an effort to help out third world countries

Organization of American States

encouraged progress in Latin America

Ronald Reagan

president during the Iran Contra affair

Iran Contra Affair

scandal including arms sales to the Middle East in order to send money to help the Contras in Nicaragua even though Congress had objected

Vietnam War

occurred because of the policy of containment; North Vietnam had invaded South Vietnam; the US supported South Vietnam

domino theory

fear that after China "fell" to communism that all other surrounding Asian countries would "fall" like dominoes

Ho Chi Minh

leader of North Vietnam

Lyndon Johnson

president during the Vietnam War after JFK was shot


North Vietnamese troops who used guerilla tactics

Korean War

the forgotten war; occurred because North Korea invaded South Korea (crossed the 38th parallel); the US supported South Korea; armistice ended the war and no changes were made


reducing of tensions between the USSR and the US which led to the end of the Cold War


Gorbachev's policy of speaking out openly and honestly; a movement toward the end of the Cold War

summit meeting

meetings of highest ranking officials from two or more nations

SALT agreements

Strategic Arms Limitations Treaties; worked to reduce arms during the Cold War

Star Wars

Ronald Reagan's Cold War research program that hoped to build up satellites capable of intercepting Soviet missles from space

Boris Yelstin

democratically elected Russian leader that brought the Cold War to an end