Hitler's Lightning War

countries that Hitler took over (order)

Rhineland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland

nonaggression pact between Hitler/Stalin

ten-year pact, promised they would stay peaceful towards one another

reasons Stalin agreed to nonaggression pact

1)Stalin, after being excluded from Munich Conference, didnt want to join with West
2)Hitler promised Stalin territory (they agreed to divide Poland between them and USSR would get Finland and Baltic countries)

Hitler's suprise invasion of Poland

September 1st, 1939, German troops, tanks, trucks, aircraft and artillery attacked and bombed Warsaw (capital of Poland), first test of blitzkrieg

declaring war on Germany (who and when)

France and Great Britain declared war on September 3rd


Germany's newest military strategy, "lightning war", fast-moving airplanes and tanks and massive infantry forces to take defenders by suprise, worked in Poland

Hitler's takes over easten Poland

most countries fell without struggle, but Finland resisted and put up a fight

Hitler fights Finland

Hitler hadnt planned to fight in the winter, Finland soldiers on skis attacked Germans, who were struggling in the snow, soviets suffered huge loss but eventually won just because of numbers

Phony War

French/British vs. Germany waited on their lines for an attack, but none came, called sitzkieg (sitting war) or phony war

Maginot Line

line of French/British during phony war, system of fortifications along France's border with Germany

Siegfried Line

Germany's line during phony war, few miles away from Maginot Line


heavily wooded area in northern France, how Germany got to France

Rescue at Dunkirk

once German troops got to France, they trapped Allied forces, who retreated to the beaches of Dunkirk and were rescued by Great Britain (who sent 850 ships from May 26 to June 4), boats carried 338,000 to safety

Marshal Philippe Petain

when Hitler gained control of northern France, he was in charge of south, hero from WWI

Charles de Gaulle

French general, set up a gov-in-exile in London after France fell, wanted to reconquer France, went on to organize Free French military forces

Free French military forces

battled the Nazis until France was liberated in 1944

Winston Churchill

new British prime minister, encouraged nation

Hitler's plan for Great Britain

Hitler wanted to knock out RAF and land 250,000 soldiers on England's shores


Royal Air Force of Great Britain


Germany's air force

technological advances that helped the RAF

radar and Enigma


electronic tracking device, could tell #, speed, and direction of incoming warplanes


German code-making machine, could decode German secret messages

Battle of Britain

showed Allied that Hitler's attacks COULD be blocked

Mussolini's actions

after Hitler conquered France, Mussolini declared war on Great Britain and France, moved into France, then moved into North Africa and attacked England

Erwin Rommel

German general who was in command of the Afrika Korps, nicknamed "desert fox" for success in Africa

Afrika Korps

German tank force

Hitler's plan to attack USSR

wanted to gain control of Balkan countries and build bases there, plan was called Operation Barbarossa

scorched-earth strategy

when Hitler invaded Soviet union, the troops burned/destroyed everything as they retreated

Georgi Zhukov

Soviet General, counterattacked Hitler when he invaded capital

Hitler's advance on the Soviet Union

he gained nothing, 500,000 German soldiers died because of the freezing winters and constant fighting

Neutrality Acts

passed by US Congress, made it illegal to sell arms/lend money to nations at war

Lend-Lease Act

passed by US in 1941, allowed president to lend/lease arms and other supplies to any country vital to the US

Atlantic Charter

between Roosevelt and Churchill (secret), upheld free trade between nations and right of people to choose their own gov, later served as the Allie's peace plan at the end of WWII