African Civilization and Peoples in the Americas


a flat grassland. most people in Africa live on these.


a religion in which spirits play an important role in regulating daily life. They believe that spirits are present in animals, plants and other natural sources.


storytellers in Africa that kept there history alive.


They lived in what is now Nigeria between 500 BC - 200 BC. They were the first West African people known to smelt iron.


region of Africa south of the Sahara


it was located on a tributary of the Niger River in West Africa. It is the oldest known city in Africa south of the Sahara.


a permanent move from one country or region to another

push-pull factors

these are factors that can either push people out of an area or pull them into an area.

Bantu-speaking people

they originally lived in the savanna south of the Sahara, in the area that is now southeastern Nigeria

slash and burn agriculture

consists of cutting and burning of forests or woodlands to create fields for agriculture or pasture for livestock.


during the ice age it was the original bridge by which animals and Humans moved to the Northern America from Asia.

Ice Age

lasted from 1.9 million-10,000 BC. huge sheets of glaciers spread southward from the arctic circle which lowered sea levels and created a land corridor between Asia and Alaska.


a powerful kingdom that arose and conquered Kush, was located south of Kush, on a rugged plateau on the Red Sea in the countries now modern day Eritrea and Ethiopia; Arab traders came across from the Red Sea and established trade settlements that became c


the kingdom of Aksum reached it height between A.D. 325 and 360 when this exceptionally strong ruler occupied the throne, he first conquered the part of the Arabian Peninsula now known as Yemen, in 330 he turned his attention to Kush and in 350 he conquer


Aksum's chief city seaport near present-day Massawa, was very cosmopolitan, it included and was always crowded with people from Aksum's trading partners such as Egypt, Arabia, Greece, Rome, Persia, India and even Byzantium, Greek stood out as the internat


was created to support a new method of agriculture and enabled them to greatly increase the productivity of the land, they are steplike ridges constructed on mountain slopes that helped the soil retain water and prevented it from being washed downhill in


one of the several hunting-gathering societies in Africa, make their home in the Ituri Forest in the Democratic Republic of Congo, modern day ones live in small groups of between 10 and 100 members all who are related, each occupies its own grass-brush sh


many African societies, family are organized into these groups, these members believe they are descendants of a common ancestor, besides living members, this includes pass and future generations, within this group members feel a strong loyalty to one anot

Stateless societies

in some African society's lineage groups took the place of rulers, these societies did not have a centralized system of power instead authority was balanced among lineages of equal power so that no one family had too much power- example: the Ibo people ha

Patrilineal [society]

trace their ancestors through their fathers, inheritance passes from father to son, when a son marries-he, his wife and children remain a part of the father's extended family

Matrilineal [society]

children trace their ancestors through their mothers, young men inherit wealth and land from their mother's family, even in this society men hold positions of authority


by 670 Muslims reached Egypt and had entered this part of North Africa that is today the Mediterranean coast of Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco


converted to Islam, were fiercely independent desert and mountain dwellers, were the original inhabitants of North Africa, they accepted Islam as their faith, and many maintained their Berber identities and loyalties, there were two groups-the Almoravids


in 11th century Muslim reformers founded this empire, its members came from a Berber group living in the western Sahara, modern-day Mauritania, the movement began after Berber Muslims made a hajj to Mecca, they convinced a Muslim scholar from Morocco, Abd


another group of Berber Muslim reformers, seized power from the Almoravids, began as a religious movement in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, followed the teachings of Ibn Tumart-urged his followers to strictly obey the teachings of the Qur'an and Islamic


Name that the Soninke people called their ruler, or "war chief", Muslim traders began to use the word to refer to the Soninke region. By the 700's, Ghana was a kingdom, and its rulers were growing rich by taxing the goods that traders carried through thei


Kingdom which emerged in 1235, founded by Mande-speaking people south of Ghana, its wealth was built on gold. Trade routes shifted eastward, making the people of Mali wealthy and able to seize power. Emperor= Mansa. Grew to twice the size of Ghana and was


Mali's first great ruler, became mansa, took over Ghana and proved to be a great leader in the times of peace and prosperity (which followed the fighting) and in war. Put able administrators in charge of Mali's finances, defense, and foreign affairs. Prom


People in the east that broke away from Mali during its decline, they extended their territory to the large bend in the Niger River near Gao. They gained control of the all-important trade routes and Gao was the capital of their empire. Had two extraordin

Sunni Ali

Songhai ruler who built a cast empire by military conquest, rule began in 1464 and lasted almost 30 years. He built a professional army that had a riverboat fleet of war canoes and a mobile fighting force on horseback. Captured the cities of Timbuktu (in

Askia Muhammad

Drove Sunni Ali's son out of power and replaced him, ruled for 37 years and was an excellent administrator. Set up a tax system and chose able officials. Appointed officials to serve as administrators of the treasury, army, navy and agriculture, Songhai t


A group of people who spoke the Hausa language, city-states first emerged from these people between 1000-1200 in the savanna area east of Mali and Songhai in what is today northern Nigeria. Songhai briefly ruled the Hausa city-states, but they soon regain


All spoke a common language, originally belonged to a number of small city-states in the forests on the southern edge of the savanna in what is today Benin and southwestern Nigeria. People farmed in the communities. Over time, some of these small communit


Found to the south and west of Ife, near the delta of the Niger River. Made homes in the forest, and the first kings date back from the 1200s. The oba (ruler) also based his right to rule on claims of descent from the first king of Ife. Ewuare made it a m


a powerful trading city on the eastern coast of Africa. Kilwa grew rich because all trade goods from southern regions and places such as India must funnel through it, allowing Kilwa to control much of African trade. Kilwa also had conquered the strong cit

Great Zimbabwe

a city established by the Shona peoples in Southern Africa. This city soon grew into an empire, built on the gold trade. In the 11th century A.D., the Shona people had settled on a fertile plateau that was well-suited to cattle raising and farming. Great

Mutapa Empire

a southern African empire founded by a Great Zimbabwean man, Mutota, in the 15th century A.D. The name derives from what conquered people called their ruler: "mwene mutapa", or "conqueror; maser pillager". According to Shona tradition, Mutota had left Gre


Region where the stories of developed civilizations in the Americas begin. This area stretches south from central Mexico to northern Honduras.


Mesoamerica's first known civilization builders. They began carving out a society around 1200 BC in the jungles of southern Mexico. The Olmec are often referred as Mesoamerica's "mother culture


Mesoamerican civilization that came about when the Olmec civilization collapsed. They developed an advanced society to the southwest, which is now the Mexican state, Oaxaca.

Monte Alban

Built around 500 BC, the first real urban center in the Americas was created by the Zapotec civilization. Located high atop a mountain at the center of the Oaxac valley. Towering pyramids, temples, and palaces, all made out of stone, surrounded this plaza


the first influential civilization in South America that arose not on the coast, but in the mountains. This culture flourished from around 900BC to 200BC. This society was named after the major ruin, Chavin de Huantar, in the northern highlands of Peru.


Andean civilization that arose when the Chavin culture declined. This culture flourished along the southern coast of Peru from around 200 BC to AD 600. They developed extensive irrigation systems, including underground canals. Known fro their beautiful te


While the Nazca civilization was flourishing, this civilization was too. Located on the northern coast of Peru, this culture was reaching great heights. It lasted from about AD 100 to AD 700. They grew corn, beans, potatoes, squash and peanuts.


an ancient city- state whose remains are located outside of Mexico City. First began in the first century, when the inhabitants of the village located on the site began to plan and build a huge city. At its peak in the 700s, had between 150,000 and 200,00


a green or black volcanic glass found in the Valley of Mexico and used to make razor sharp weapons.


a people who rose to power around 900 A.D. Ruled over the heart of Mexico from their capital at Tula for the next three centuries. They built temples and pyramids, and carved large pillars in the shape of armed warriors. An extremely warlike people whose


the "Feathered Serpent", a god of the Toltecs. According to legends, after his exile from Tula, the god traveled east, crossing the sea on a raft of snakes. He would eventually return, to bring a new reign of peace and light.


arrived in the Valley of Mexico around A.D. 1200. At that time, they were called the Mexica and were a poor, and migrating people from the deserts of northern Mexico. They adapted to local ways quickly and found work as soldiers-for-hire to local monarchs

Triple Alliance

the alliance between the Aztecs and two other city- states: Texcoco and Tlacopan. The alliance was formed in 1428. It soon became the leading power and eventually gained control over the neighboring city- states. By the early sixteenth century, the allian

Montezuma II

a ruler of the Aztec Empire who was crowned in 1502. Under him, the empire began to weaken. Up until then, the empire demanded tribute and victims for sacrifice from the provinces they had conquered. But with the population of Tenochtitlan growing, Moctez


a people who created a powerful state in South America. Their capital was Cuzco, and they spread out from there into Peru. Brought various people from around the Andes mountains into the state until their empire stretched from Chile in the south to Ecuado


a powerful and ambitious ruler who took the Incan throne in 1438. Under him, they conquered all of Peru and other lands in the vicinity. By 1500, the Inca ruled a vast empire stretching 2,500 miles along the western coast of South America. He and his succ


the extended family group that undertook tasks too big for a single family. The Incan social system is based on it. The tasks performed included building irrigation canals or cutting agricultural terraces into steep hillsides, and stored food and other su


the labor tribute demanded by the Incan state. It required all able- bodied citizens to work for the state for a certain number of days every years. The workers might work on state farmlands, produce craft goods for state warhouses, or help with public wo


an accounting device created by the Inca. A set of knotted strings that could be used to record data. The knots and their position on the string represented different categories of information important to the government.


coast tribes developed societies of different wealth. Families displayed their rank and prosperity in this elaborate ceremony. In this ceremony they gave food, drink, and gifts to the community


people to the north that influenced the Hohokam people. They lived in the 4 corners of the region. Also built impressive cliff dwellings like Mesa Verde. The homes they lived in were in deep canyons


A.D. 900s, the Anasazis were living in villages of large, apartment-style compounds made of stone and adobe, baked clay.


the last mound builder culture that lasted between AD 800-1500s. These people created thriving villages based on farming and trade. Cahokia was the leading site of Mississippian culture. Mississippian lands were located between crossroads of east and west


best ex. Of political alliance. A group of tribes speaking related languages living in the eastern Great Lakes region: Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca formed their league. Chief Hiawatha helped create this league. His goal was to promote defe


Common among Native American clans. The term refers to a natural object with which an individual clan or group indentifies itself. Also a symbol of unity of a clan and can define relationships or behaviors of a group.


homeland that stretched from southern Mexico into northern Central America. This area has a highland and a lowland region. The lowland lies to the north. They include the dry scrub forest of the Yucatan Peninsula and the dense, steamy jungles of southeast


Mayas made this writing system that consisted of over 800 symbols. Some of symbols stood for whole words. The Mayas used this for recording historical events and carving in stone


bark-paper book that Mayan people used to recorded historical events in. Only three of these ancient books survived.

Popol Vuh

most famous of the Mayan books that recounts the highland Maya's version of the story of creation. "Before the world was created, Calm and Silence were the great kings that ruled," reads the first sentence in the book. "Nothing existed, there was nothing.

Huayna Capac

Ruler who helped the Incan Empire reach its height of glory in 1500s.


Ruled over the Toltecs sometime after 1000Urged them to end the practice of human sacrifice, and to worship a God called QuetzalcoatlPeople rebelled and exiled him and his people into the Yucat�n Peninsula


He was one of the two sons of Huayna Capac and after his fathers death he received most of the empire but not Ecuador- He was defeated by his brother in a civil war.


He was one of the two sons of Huayna Capac. After his fathers death he got the land of Ecuador but he wanted the whole empire. After a bitter civil war, he finally won but the empire tore apart.