2.1 Philosophy in the Age of Reason: World History

natural laws

laws that govern human nature


revolution in thinking-through the use of reason, people and governments could solve every social, political, and economic problem. Heaven could be achieved on Earth.

Thomas Hobbes

Wrote Leviathan, people naturally cruel, greedy, selfish, social contract, only a powerful government could control society, in the form of absolute monarchy.

John Locke

more optimistic, rejected absolute monarchy, wrote Treatises of Government, government had obligation to the people it government, people have the right to overthrow the government

social contract

agreement by which they gave up the state of nature for an organized society, put forth by Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau

natural rights

rights that belonged to all human from birth, these include the right to life, liberty, and property.

Baron de Montesquieu

wrote the Spirit of the Laws, separation of powers best way to protect liberty, came up with idea of checks and balances, studied government of Europe, sharp criticism of absolute monarchy, admired limited monarchy


lovers of wisdom", thinkers who believed that the use of reason could lead to reforms of government, law, and society, from France

Francois-Marie Arouet (Voltaire)

used biting wit to expose abuses of the day, targeted corrupt officials and ideal aristocrats, he battled inequality, injustice, and superstition, detested salve trade and deplore religious prejudice, defended freedom of speech, detested by the French gov

Denis Diderot

produced a 28-volume Encyclopedia-purpose to change general way of thinking while explaining new ideas, Pope threatened to excommunicate those who read the encyclopedia...


most controversial philosophe, came from poor home, believed that people in their natural state were basically good, wrote The Social Contract, good of community above individuals, profound hatred of all forms of political and economic oppression

Mary Wolstonecraft

well known British social critic, women should decide what's in their own interest, only education could given women tools they need to compete with men, understanding but also critical, women do have duties, but should have right, philosophes leave them


thinks focused on economic reforms, looked for natural laws to define a rational economic system, rejected Mercantilism, make the land more productive

laissez faire

allowing business to operate with little or no government interference

The Wealth of Nations

Adam Smith argued that the free market should be allowed to regulate business activity, strong supporter of laissez faire, government has duty to protect society

How did the achievements of the Scientific Revolution contribute to the Enlightenment?

The Scientific Revolution transformed the way people in Europe looked at the world. Scientific successors convinced educated Europeans of the power of human reason. Using the methods of the new science, reformers set out to study human behavior and solve

How did the philosophes influence ideas on society and the economy ?

They applied the methods of science to better understand and improve society. They spread the idea that the use of reason could lead to reforms of government, law, and society. They spread these beliefs through articles, books, and freedom of speech.