India (5-1,5-2,5-3)

caste system

Portuguese name given to a rigid social structure in Indian society that said every individual is born into a social group defined by occupation and family lineage


followers of this religion believe in a single, universal force called Brahman


a method of training developed by the Hindus that is supposed to lead to oneness with Brahman


the force generated by a person's actions that determines how the person will be reborn in the next life


the name given by Aryans in ancient India to a social structure that divided Indian society into four groups


the priestly class of Ancient Indian society


the Hindu belief that the individual soul is reborn in a different form

3 chief humanlike Hindu gods

Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer

the untouchables

the lowest level of Ancient Indian who were given tasks seen as menial and degrading, such as collecting trash and handling dead bodies

Middle Path

eight steps that Buddhists follow on the path to enlightenment


self-denial as a method to achieve an understanding of ultimate reality


ultimate reality, or the end of the self and a reunion with the Great World Soul

the Four Noble Truths

Siddhartha Gautama's message about suffering and desire

the "Enlightened One


Siddhartha Gautama

founder of Buddhism


type of religious structure originally meant to house relics of the Buddha


famous Indian mathematician and one of the first scientists known to have used algebra

Candra Gupta II

India's golden age of culture flourished under this monarch


the greatest ruler in Indian history

the Ramayana

a literary work about the fictional ruler Rama


the people who spread over northern India as far as the central Ganges Valley into modern-day Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Central Asia after the collapse of the Mauyan Empire

religious trade

Gupta rulers earned large profits from.....

set up hospitals for people and animals

During his reign, Asoka...

the Greek alphabet

the Kushans adapted....

One way that Buddhism differed from Hinduism was Buddhists believed that...

people should be responsible for their own lives

Another way that Buddhism differed from Hinduism was that Buddhists rejected...

the many Hindu gods

The Eightfold Path includes the idea that we must...

do work that uplifts our being

caste system

Portuguese name given to a rigid social structure in Indian society that said every individual is born into a social group defined by occupation and family lineage


followers of this religion believe in a single, universal force called Brahman


a method of training developed by the Hindus that is supposed to lead to oneness with Brahman


the force generated by a person's actions that determines how the person will be reborn in the next life


the name given by Aryans in ancient India to a social structure that divided Indian society into four groups


the priestly class of Ancient Indian society


the Hindu belief that the individual soul is reborn in a different form

3 chief humanlike Hindu gods

Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer

the untouchables

the lowest level of Ancient Indian who were given tasks seen as menial and degrading, such as collecting trash and handling dead bodies

Middle Path

eight steps that Buddhists follow on the path to enlightenment


self-denial as a method to achieve an understanding of ultimate reality


ultimate reality, or the end of the self and a reunion with the Great World Soul

the Four Noble Truths

Siddhartha Gautama's message about suffering and desire

the "Enlightened One


Siddhartha Gautama

founder of Buddhism


type of religious structure originally meant to house relics of the Buddha


famous Indian mathematician and one of the first scientists known to have used algebra

Candra Gupta II

India's golden age of culture flourished under this monarch


the greatest ruler in Indian history

the Ramayana

a literary work about the fictional ruler Rama


the people who spread over northern India as far as the central Ganges Valley into modern-day Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Central Asia after the collapse of the Mauyan Empire

religious trade

Gupta rulers earned large profits from.....

set up hospitals for people and animals

During his reign, Asoka...

the Greek alphabet

the Kushans adapted....

One way that Buddhism differed from Hinduism was Buddhists believed that...

people should be responsible for their own lives

Another way that Buddhism differed from Hinduism was that Buddhists rejected...

the many Hindu gods

The Eightfold Path includes the idea that we must...

do work that uplifts our being