The Neolithic Revolution


the time period before writing

paleolithic period

a long period from 2 million B.C to 10,000 B.C, also known as the Old Stone Age

neolithic period

from 10,000 B.C to the end of prehistory, also known as the New Stone Age

early humans

Who lived in the Old Stone Age?


people who moved from place to place to find food

hunters, gatherers

People of the Old Stone age were ____________ and ____________, they survived by hunting and gathering food.

hunting, fishing

What did men of the Old Stone Age do?

gathered berries, fruits, grains, and nuts

What did women and children of the Old Stone Age do?

environment, survive

Early people depended heavily on their ____________ for food and shelter and had to find ways to _________ in the wilderness.

stone, bone, wood

Early people built tools and weapons from...


Early people built _______ for cooking.

animal skins

What did early people use for clothing?

cave drawings

People of the Stone Age also developed religious beliefs that were discovered in _______ ______________.


beliefs that the world was full of spirits and forces that lived in animals, objects, and dreams

when people began to farm

When did the New Stone Age begin?

produce their own food and settle into permanent farming villages

What did farming allow people to do?

Neolithic Revolution

the transition from nomadic life to settled farming


In addition to farming what did people learn how to do?


to raise and control plants and animals for human use

because it gave people an endless supply of food

Why was domestication important?

food, clothing, shelter

What were animals used for in the Neolithic period?

First villages were established at Catalhuyuk and Jericho. Men came to dominate family, economic, and political life. Only men could become warriors, chiefs, businessmen, and head of the house. New technologies developed that made life easier, such as the

What were the three big changes of the Neolithic Revolution?

cities, civilizations

The advances in technology and culture made during the Neoltihic Revolution led to the emergence of great _________ and ________________.


Civilizations would soon arise along the great ________ of the world.