World History: Chapter 3

They were well-planned

describe Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa

make it easier and fairer to trade goods

The Indus merchants most likely developed a uniform system of weights and measures to _______

The plains around the Indus and Ganges Rivers

Which region of the Indian Subcontinent is generally productive for farming?

Mountains, it made them develop unique cultures

What physical barrier helped separate China and India and what was the result of the isolation it provided?

Damage to the local environment (like a flood) led to its decline

What do scholars now think happened to the Indus civilization?

the southernmost region

What region of the Indian subcontinent remained separate from both Maurya and Gupta empires?

the Himalayas

What was the northeastern border of both the Maurya and Gupta Empires?


What people made u the highest group in Aryan society?

create a bureaucracy to accomplish government task

One way Chandragupta Maurya established order in his empire was to ______

opposing ideas

Chandragupta wanted to prevent dissent, or ________


which of the following was NOT developed by Indian mathematicians?

A Greek ambassador described it in written reports

How do we know what the maurya capital at Pataliputra was like?

he was horrified at the slaughter caused by war

Why did Asoka conert to Buddhism?

to spread Buddhism

What was the goal of the missionaries dispatched by Asoka?

Asoka sacrificed his animals to feed the hungry

After his conversion to Buddhism, which of the following did NOT do to help his people?

Gupta rule was less controlling

How was Gupta rule different from that of Maurya?

a household of parents, children, and their offspring

What was a joint family?

It was a period of great cultural achievement

Why is the time of Gupta rule in India called its golden age?


Women in Gupta times were thought to have a creative energy called _______

to finance a wedding

What was a dowry used for in India?

the White Huns

What people destroyed the weakened Gupta empire?

the Zhou

Who overthrew the Shang in 1122 B.C.?


Under the Zhou, China developed what kind of governmental organization?

divine right to rule

Chinese rulers claimed the Mandate of Heaven was ______

The dynastic cycle

The idea of the Mandate of heaven explained _______


According to Hanfeizi and the practice of Legalism, what is the motive for most action and cause of most conflicts?

pass strict laws and use harsh punishment

Under Legalism, the only way to achieve order was to _____


Who did Shi Huangdi force to live in the capital of Xianyang?

It proved China's resources could be mobilized?

What statement about the Great Wall is true?

Iron and salt

Han emperor Wudi established a monopoly over ______


Which of the following was NOT a Chinese invention?


Chinese medicine involved the placing needles under the skin to treat various illnesses, a process which was called _____

through merit

How did civil servants gain jobs under Han emperors?

government officials

Han emperors employed civil servants, which are ______

Southeast Asia and the West

The Silk Road linked China with _______-


When Wudi increased Chinese territory, he followed what policy?


The religious and moral duties of a Hindu person are called ______

Siddartha Gautama

Who founded Buddhism?


Buddhists seek enlightenment through _________


Buddhism was brought into Korea through _____

it spread mainly to the eastern and southern parts of Asia

What conclusion can you draw about the spread of Buddhism?

accepted their given role in life

Confucius taught that society worked best when people _______


What philosophy did Laozi found?

people need to back up their words with actions

Based on the quotation about the "true gentleman," Confucius believed that _______

Think positively

Confucius summarizes his teachings as _______

The way to overcome nonvirtue is to fast

Which of the statements below is NOT one of the Four Noble Truths of Buddha?

They could only change their cast in the next life through fulfilling their duties in this life

How could people change their caste in life according to Hindu beliefs?

Buddhists rejected the caste system

What was one difference between Buddhism and Hinduism?

be reborn at a lower level of existence

Hindus believe that who do evil acquire bad karma, which causes them to ________

It promised escape from suffering

What was one reason Buddhism spread in China?