The Scientific Revolution

Scientific Revolution

the series of events that led to the birth of modern science

What steps were involved in gaining scientific knowledge?

observations, facts, theories


the explanation scientists develop based on facts

What do scientists do if a theory is proven incorrect in experiments?

Scientists try a new theory.


Ancient Greek astronomer and geographer, he studied the skies and made maps of the Mediterranean region

How did alchemy help bring about the Scientific Revolution?

Alchemists succeeded in using experiments to learn more about how nature worked.

What event caused Renaissance scholars to doubt Greek thought?

When Christopher Columbus reached the Americas, it wasn't on Ptolemy's map. Ptolemy was wrong.

Why did the discovery of North America stun Europeans?

North America was not on Ptolemy's map.

Why did Corpernicus not want to publish his book?

He feared prosecution or even death at the hands of Church leaders.

Why were Copernicus' ideas revolutionary?

It marked the beginning of the Scientific Revolution.

Why was careful recording of information important for science?

If you are not careful, then what you are testing for may not be true.

Who proved that planets moved in elliptical orbits?

Johannes Kelper

Why was Galileo called the father of experimental science?

Galileo was the first scientist to routinely use experiments to test his theories.

What are Newton's most famous ideas?

Laws of motion and law of gravity

What do Newton's laws of motion describe?

They describe how objects move in space.

Why were Newton's laws important to modern science?

Newton's laws became the foundation of nearly all scientific study.

In what order were the telescope, microscope, and thermometer invented?

microscope, thermometer, telescope

What did Galileo use to study astronomy?

a telescope


a scientific instrument that measures air pressure

After the scientific Revolution, how did people learn about science?

People still made discoveries using the scientific method.

Why did Francis Bacon request money for research?

He believed that if science were pursued consistently and logically, then human knowledge would continually advance over the years.

scientific method

a step-by-step method for performing experiments and other scientific research

How are a hypothesis and a theory different?

A hypothesis has not been tested while theories had been tested many times before.

What effect did the Scientific Revolution have on people's ideas about society?

People started to wonder if there were laws that governed human behavior. This started democracy.

Why did the church and science have conflicts?

The new science contradicted Church teachings, therefore weakening the Church.

What happens first in the scientific method?

stating the problem

Why was Galileo put on trial?

Galileo published a book that supported the view that planets orbit around the sun.

What did church officials try to get Galileo to admit?

Catholic officials insisted that Galileo publicly reject his findings and accept Catholic teachings that the earth was the center of the universe and that it didn't move.

What/who proved science and religious beliefs could exist at the same time?



people who looked at the world in a rational, or reasonable and logical, way

Steps of the scientific method

The steps to the scientific method are as follows:
-stating the problem
-gathering information
-forming a hypothesis
-testing the hypothesis
-recording and analyzing data
-drawing conclusions from data

How did the growth of science help lead to democratic governments?

As scientists studied the world, they discovered laws that governed nature. In time, some scientists began to think that there must be laws that governed human behavior as well. But if all people were governed by the same laws, then that meant that all pe

Main achievements of Copernicus, Galileo, Newton,

Copernicus thought that the planets orbit around the sun instead of the earth being the center of the universe. Her believed in the heliocentric model instead of the geocentric one.
Galileo was the father of experimental science because he routinely used