Reform of the Church

Lay Investiture

The practice of secular elites appointing high church officials. Called lay investiture bc he would lay symbols on him called the crozier (french), ceremony in which kings and nobles appointed church officials, The appointment of bishops and abbots by sec


Buying or selling the office, widespread abuse in the western church. Called this after Simon Magus who in the Bible tried to buy the Holy Spirit. Any office with spiritual authority in particular the office of Bishop., the selling of official positions i

Clerical Concubinage

consisted of clerical marriage and hearthmates(cooks,cleans, sex), The idea that because clerics can't be married, their wives must be concubines.
Part of moral decline..

William of Aquitaine

helped to free monasteries from local controls and put them under the direct supervision of the Pope. Founds monastery on his farm. He does it 1)bc low state of the church 2)and bc of his own soul. Founds Cluny. He writes in chater that they have to follo


Over 1,000 freed from local, secular, jurisdiction.., City in east-central France which gave birth to monastic reform in 910. The first abbey began with twelve monks committed to renewing the rule of St. Benedict. Huge influence on high church politics

Papal Reforms

1) Promotes celibacy 2) Suppresses Simony. Henry removes Pope Benedict 9th from office and replaces his wiht his cousin Leo 9th who is reform minded.
Stop selling of offices (not be so depended on king), pope elected by cardinals, 1. Henry II, 1017-1056 a

Benedict IX

Elected pope, then sold the position.
Self & family before the Church.
Scandal, sensuality and violence.
Corrupted Pope, abdicates so he can marry, divorces his wife after one year, comes back into office. A time of two popes in the 1040's. He has to be f

Leo IX

Leo felt that the church's clergy was corrupt and he sought out on a mission to try and fix these mistakes. He was most concerned with the fact that Bishops were buying and selling offices, since the status of being a bishop was very presitgous in their c



College of Cardinals

They negotiate among themselves and then come to a unanimous decision. Purpose to elect reform minded clergy., in an effort to end political involvment in appointments of Popes, a church council in the mid 11th century made up of a group leading clergymen

Papal Legates

Replicate the person of the pope and make him feel present., Appointed to represent the pope locally. This ensured that the reform of the church was carried out

Gregory VII

11th-century pope who attempted to free the Catholic church from interference of feudal lords; quarreled with Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV over the practice of lay investiture of bishops. 1st Pope in the middle ages to conceive office as more than church b

Donation of Constantine

the last will and testament of Constantine the Great., This was a fraudulent Roman imperial edict which was supposedly written by Constantine the Great. In this edict, the Pope was given the power of civil authority. Later on during the Renaissance period

Dictatus Papae

Decree given by Pope St. Gregory VII asserting that the pope possesses specific powers given by God that rested on him alone. These powers included the power to convene and ratify a council, to propound doctrine, and to appoint, transfer, and remove bisho

Investiture Conflict

Reform of the Western Church is initiated by this practice. 1074 Ban on Lay Investiture is forbidden on threat of excommunication. Emperor HenryIV appoints bishop of Milan (rival) which is the ultimate insult to the pope. Gregory writes him a letter and H

Henry IV

Holy Roman Emperor, opposed the pope on the issue of lay investiture, he is excommunicated and ends up begging the pope for forgiveness


1077 (Epistola) papal retreat, Pope Gregory goes there and Henry comes and repents outside in the snow for three days., the location of the castle in the high mountains of northern Italy where Henry IV stood barefoot and dressed as a pilgrim for three day

Concordant of Worms

1122 Compromise-kings,counts,dukes, have veto power of offices only. The head of the Roman church=Pope. Head of European state, By these terms, the Church alone could appoint a bishop, but the emperor could veto the appointment., agreement between the Pop

Papal Supremacy

Theory: Souls vs Bodies (ex. sun and moon) explained why popes ("souls") are superior in a letter to Tuscan nobles.. The state is the institution in the world which controls the bodies. Tries to make the point that the church has the highest authority., A

Lawyer Popes

Known for legal training (7 trained in roman law and church law). Curia=court, Popes in between Gregory VII and Innocent III (1159-1303) who were all trained in the canon law.

Papal Curia

Known as very pious men, many of them were known as saints. Ex. St. Eugenius, Pope's group of advisors acted as court, the administrative staff of the Catholic Church, composed of cardinals who assist the pope in running the church.

Innocent III

1198-1216 "high point of christendom" trained as a lawyer, from southern Italy, studied in Paris and N Italy (Bologna) became Pope at age 38. Theory of Papal Supremacy. Makes the argument that the pope is the vicar (someone who fills in for the priest, su

King John

youngest son of Henry II, King of England who raised taxes and punished his enemies without a trial. He is best known for being forced to sign the Magna Carta. 5 years england has no weddings, last rites, baptisms, etc..1213 John repents and is England is

Papal Interdict

withholding sacraments and benefits of the church from a ruler and subjects because the ruler did something bad. Forced monarch to submit to the will of the church

Lateran IV

a council in year 1215, Transubstantiation, Defined the Transubstantiation = Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ, Mandated the Easter Duty = Confession and receive the Eucharist at least once a year.
1215-important date Innocent dies 1216. Designs c

Medieval Soteriology

believed salvation is God's work on our behalf. Salvation is a work of grace

Doctrine of Salvation

the doctrine the soteriological epistles teach. The effects of the Fall. 1) Guilt of sin-we all fall in some profound way. The guilt is passed down from adam and eve. The medieval church believed you inherited it through DNA biologically, through the seme


Grace=the remedy for guilt and effects of sin. Protestants believed it was unmerited favor. Catholics believed real potent substance/supernatural. 1. Salvation is a work of grace 2. what is grace? -supernatural substance from God that inheres in the soul.

Seven Sacraments

1.) Baptism-do it asap. Removes stain and guilt of original sin. Not a member of the community until Baptised. Baptised as babies, usually parents baptised the infant
2.) Confirmation-ages 3-5 Additional infusion of grace.
3.) Eucharist- the High Sacramen