Latin American


people of American Indian and European descent


White people born in the colonies were called creoles


People of European and African descent

Monroe Doctrine

Doctrine in 1823 stating that the United States would not interfere in European affairs or with
Europe's remaining colonies in the Western Hemisphere, as long as the Europeans did not try to regain or create new colonies in the region.


Europeans who were born on the Iberian Peninsula of Spain or Portugal and who lived in
the colonies of Latin America


Large self-sufficient farms in Spanish America


ambitious mestizo military leaders who ruled as presidents


Spanish conquerors


Spanish officials who represented the monarchy in Spain's colonial empire

Simon Bolivar

Liberator of Northern part of South America

Father Miguel Hidalgo

He started the movement for independence in Mexico

James Monroe

He wrote the Monroe Doctrine

Toussaint L'ourverture

Led slave revolt in Haiti to overthrow the French

Francisco Pizarro

Conqueror and conquistador of the Incans

Hernan Cortes

Conqueror and conquistador of the Aztecs


Napoleon's attempt to overthrow the monarchs of Europe led Latin American colonies to attempt to overthrow the reign of European Monarchs due to their decrease in power. He also had a hand in trying to overthrow the Haitians during their fight for Indepen

Jose Morelos

Mexican priests who led another revolt shortly after Hidalgo's execution . He wanted a free liberal Mexico but his revolution was put down and he was executed.

Who's considered the "George Washington" of Latin America?

Simon Bolivar

How did Spain and Portugal control their colonies in Latin America?

Rigid Class System

What were some overall characteristics of colonial society in Latin America?

� Colonial governments mirrored the home governments.
� A major element of the economy was the mining of precious metals for export.
� Major cities were established as outposts of colonial authority.
(Havana, Mexico City, Lima, S�o Paulo, Buenos Aires)

What were some causes of the rebellions in Latin America?

� Social Pyramid - rigid class system
� Influence of the Catholic Church - Jesuits
� Enlightenment
� American and French Revolutions
� Napoleon
� Intendancy system - system where peninsulares were in control of colonial governments.
� Rise of Nationalism

What revolutions inspired the creoles to rebel against their Spanish monarch?

American and French Revolutions

What is a rigid class system? How was this system set up in colonial Latin America?

Colonial society was based on a rigid class system. This was designed so that the mother country could maintain control over the colonies.
on top: peninsulares
in middle: Creoles - Mestizos, Mulattoes
on bottom: imported slaves, conquered peoples

What were some of the early major cities in Latin America?

Havana, Cuba, Mexico City, Mexico, Lima, Peru, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Buenos Aires, Argentina

What religion played a major role in the lives of the people of Latin America?

Catholic Church

Most of Latin America belonged to which European mother country?


What happened to the native population once the Europeans had established colonies in Latin America?

they started dying in large numbers due to disease

Other than farming, what else was a major industry in Latin America?

mining of precious metals

Governments in Latin America looked similar to:

the ones in their mother country

Where was the only successful slave revolution in Latin America?


Some of the major countries that gained their independence were:

Mexico, Brazil, Columbia, Venezuela, and Haiti

What were some of the contributions of Simon Bolivar?

� Liberated the northern areas of Latin America.
� He led popular revolutions against Spanish rule in what is now Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela.
� Native-born resident who led revolutionary efforts.
� He wanted a unified South America

What were some of the contributions of Toussaint L' Ouverture?

� Between 1791 and 1793 he led a series of campaigns that drove the French from Saint Domingue.
� He also persuaded British and Spanish forces to withdraw.
� In 1800 he became governor-general of the newly independent country of Haiti.

What were some of the contributions of Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla?

� In 1810 Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, a local priest led an army of Indian peasants against Spanish peninsulares and creoles.
� Hidalgo's army won some early victories, but the Spanish eventually captured and executed him.