French Revolution

Why were the members of the third estate dissatisfied with their way of life under the old regime?

It was unfair for them to be heavily taxed.

Why was the fall of the bastille important?

It was a symbolic act of revolution

What political reforms resulted from the French Rev?

The Estates General never meets again; Conservatives are more dominant.

What was the reign of terror and how did it end?

Robespierre's rule as a dictator, when thousand were beheaded. The terror ended when Robespierre himself went to the guillotine.

What reforms did Napoleon introduce?

Efficient method of tax collection, national banking system, end corruption, set lycees (government run public schools), signed a concorad that allowed the church to have influence but no control in national affairs, napoleonic code.

What factor's led Napoleon's defeat in Russia?

the "scorched earth policy" which involved the russian's burning their food, moscow burned down bu the russians, cold weather.

Why were the European allies able to defeat Napoleon in 1814 and 1815?

His troops weren't trained, even his generals refused to keep fighting.

What were the 3 goals of the Congress of Vienna?

The containment of france (surround france with strong countries), balance of power, legitamacy (the old monarchs restored)

How did the Congress if Vienna ensure peace in Europe?

It was fair and by agreeing to come to each othe's aid the european nations had ensure that there would be a balance of power.

Revolutions devour their own children

The people who begin, follow revolutions will be killed in consequence.

Who was king louis XIV?

He was the ruler who built the palace of Versailles.

Who was King louis XVI?

1754-1780s, married to Marie Antoinette from Austria.

What were the immediate causes of the revolution?

economic crisis (Famine, government debt), weak leader, discontent of the 3rd estate.

What were the long term causes of the revolution?

Social and economic injustices of the old regime, enlightenment ideas, American rev.

Immediate effects of the Rev?

End of Old regime, execution of monarch, war with other european nations, reign of terror, rise of napoleon

Long term effects of Rev?

Conservatives, decline in french power, enlightenment ideas, nationalism, rev. in Latin america.

National Assembly

created by the third estate to represent the people

Tennis Court oath

the third estate members vowed to create a new constitution

Storming of the Bastille

Rumors caused panic and a mob attacked the Bastille for gunpowder but people went to extreme.

Great Fear

wave of panic that spread through france after the storming of the bastille, ended up with starvation and people setting their lord's manors of fire.

Bread Riots

women stormed Versailles and demanded that the King and Queen return to paris.

Name the reforms of the National assembly

Declaration of the rights of man and the citizens, position of the church, new constitution

Explain the Dec. of the rights of man and the citizens

guaranteed equal justice, freedom of speech, religion, liberty, property, and the right of security

Explain the reforms of the national assembly toward the church

Put the church under the state's power and sold the lands to pay the debt for france.

Explain the new constitution by the national assembly

Named the National Assembly which limited the monarchs


No king, sweeping changes, extend democracy to all people (left) - French revolution, Jacobins


Liberals, some changes, mostly middle class business leaders and merchants wanted more power to parliament but only edu. landowners could vote. (middle) - Napoleon


Limited monarchy, few changes, general thought for most leaders, mostly wealthy property owners and nobility - Congress of vienna, concert of europe


prominent Jacobin, writer who called for "the death of all those who continued to support the king"; National convention tried and executed king


leader of Jacobins, built a "republic of virtue", created committee of public safety, which he used to get rid of opponents.

Reign of Terror

time of Robespierre's dictatorship, thousands were put to the guillotine for being "enemies of the rev" accused people's rights were offended, no lawyers

What were Napoleon's faults?

The continental system (blockade between europe and great britain for all trade and commerce); The Peninsular War (marched through spain to get portugal to agree to cont. system, removed spanish king replacing with bro); Invasion of russia (scorched earth

Which countries joined forces to take advantage of Napoleon?

Russia, Prussia, Great Britain, Sweden

When did napoleon surrender and where was he exhiled to?

April 1814; to Elba.

Who became king after Napoleon was exiled?

Louis XVIII (unpopular)

What did napoleon do when he found out a new king was in place?

Escape, return to paris, and once again: emperor.

Battle at waterloo

duke of wellington vs. napoleon; loss for napoleon

What is the 100 days?

Napoleons last bid of power.

After 100 days where was napoleon shipped to?

St Helena (remote island in South Paacific), lived for 6 years; died in 1821.

What is napoleon's legacy?

His defeat opened the door for the freed european countries to establish a new order.

Which countries were the "great powers" at the congress of vienna?

Russia, Prussia, Austria, GB, France

Klemens von Metternich

Most influential of the representative at the congress; austria.

Containment of france

Austrian netherlands and dutch republic were united to form the Kingdom of the netherlands; 39 german states created German confederation; switzerland; kingdom of sardinia gets Genoa.

Benefits of congress

first time nations cooperated to control political affairs, settlements were fair, agreed to come to each other's needs if peace was threatened, peace for 40 yrs

Holy alliance

Agreement between prussia and austria to pledge to base their relations with other nations on christian principles in order to combat the forces of rev.

concert of europe

series of alliances that nations agreed to help one another


spread in italy, germany, greece

the old regime is a

social and political system