Egyptian Gods/Goddesses


The sun god worshipped in many forms including an old king, a falcon, a scarab beetle and a ram.


Jackal - He was the god of the dead and watched over the embalming/mummification


Short and fat god- He was very popular as he guarded children from evil spirits. He enjoyed singing and dancing; aka god of family.


God of the Nile- On earth the yearly floods of the Nile symbolized his arrivals, which brought wealth and fertility to the land of Egypt.


Cat- she was believed to protect women, children, and the sun's power to ripen crops. Cats were sacred.


Falcon- He was the son of Isis and Osiris, shown with the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt.
The pharaohs were thought to represent him on earth.


A cow OR the lovely lady- She represents dancing, music, joy, and love.
She was shown as a cow to represent motherly love.


A brilliant scribe and ARCHITECT who designed the first pyramid, Zoser's Step pyramid. He was later worshipped as the god of wisdom.


Perfect mother- She was the wife of Osiris and the mother of Horus, the most famous family in Egyptian mythology.


God of the afterlife - He was married to Isis and he was the father to Horus. His death and rebirth made him the god of the afterlife, shown with the pear-shaped crown of Upper Egypt.
The pharaohs believed they joined him after their deaths.


Sun god- He was reborn every dawn, aged at daytime, and died at night, shown with the sun on his head with a snake.


Symbol of all evil- He was the brother and murderer of Osiris, shown as an extraordinary creature with the features of different animals. Head with pointed ears & elongated snout.


The crocodile- Crocodiles lived in the Nile and were sacred to the Egyptians. He was believed to control the river's water and marshes.


the pregnant hippopotamus-
She was the goddess of childbirth and protected both the mother and the baby.


The ibis-He was the god of scribes and learning, and was thought to have invented writing, arithmetic, and the calendar.


The Goddess of law, order, and truth. Became very upset when things were out of order. Her symbol was a feather.


Depicted as a woman with a vulture head-dress or crowns, or as a lion-headed woman. She was war goddess who had a great temple at Thebes.


A moon god usually depicted as a mummified youth with a lock of hair on his head. Sometimes would be depicted with the crescent of the moon or with falcon's head as well. Helped Isis find the 14 pieces of her husband.


The creator god who invented the arts, and the local god of Memphis. He was depicted as a man in the form of a mummy holding the djed.