
What geographic features made Greece a good place to settle?

� Mountains and water surrounding prevented outside attack
� Water routes for easy trade
� Mild climate

What major bodies of water surround the Greek peninsula?

Aegean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Ionian Sea

When did the Minoan civilization begin and end?

3000-1600 BCE

When did the Mycenaean civilization begin and end?

2000-1200 BCE

Compare the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations (5 similarities).

� Earth goddess
� Traded
� Athletic
� Writing (Linear A & B)
� Metal workers

Contrast the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations (5 differences)

� Minoans made jewelry, Myceneans made weapons
� Minoans lived on an island, Mycenaean on the mainland
� Minoans were peaceful, Myceneans warlike
� Minoans had a strong navy
� Minoan water use system was more advanced.

Explain why Greek city-states were not united.

The mountainous terrain led to physical, therefore political, isolation.

What is the emphasis of Greek mythology? What kind of religion did they practice?

Greek mythology focuses on explaining the unexplainable, and accounts for human actions as well as natural phenomena.
The religion was polytheistic.

Identify the major gods and goddesses and their importance.


Describe the 4 stages of government in ancient Athens.

Monarchy, Oligarchy (Aristocracy), Tyranny, Democracy

List the two tyrants of Athens. What was their initial goal? What did they accomplish (good or bad)?

Draco (archon) - Harsh Law Code (Draconian)
Solon (archon) - Council of 500, freed debtors
Peisistratus - improved economy, clashed with nobles
Cleisthenes- made transition to democracy

What is a polis? How did people feel about their polis?

The polis (city-state) was the Greek political unit.
People were loyal to the polis.

Who had political power in Athens? Who could vote? Who could not?

Free adult men had citizenship and could vote.
Women and non-citizens could not.

Compare Sparta and Athens (5 similarities).

� Both were independent
� Limited citizenship
� Had assemblies
� Military strength
� Fought against Persians

Contrast Sparta and Athens (5 differences).

� Sparta emphasized military training while Athens emphasized intellectual development
� Sparta = oligarchy, Athens = democracy
� Sparta - valley on the Peloponnesus, Athens - mountainous coastline
� Sparta - agriculture, Athens - trade economy
� Athens -

Explain the relationship between Sparta and Athens. Were they allies? When? Why? Were they enemies? When? Why?

They were independent but became allies to fight off the Persians.
They later became enemies as Athens became more powerful and Sparta perceived them as a threat.

When did the Persian War take place? Who was involved? Who won?

492-479 BCE
Persia v. Greece
Greece won.

Identify the major battles of the Persian War and name the victors of each.

Marathon - Greeks
Thermopylae - Persia
Salamis - Greeks

Analyze the effects the Persian War had on Athens.

Athens rebuilt and entered a Golden Age after the Persian War.

What was the cause of the Peloponnesian War?

Athens had gained more power than some other poli, new alliances formed (Delian & Peloponnesian Leagues), tensions rose, and war began.

What two confederations participated in the Peloponnesian War? Who won?

Delian League (Athens) v. Peloponnesian League (Sparta)
Peloponnesian League (Sparta) won.

How did the Peloponnesian War influence Greece's development?

The turmoil slowed Greek progress, economy faltered.
Led to political instability, Phillip II of Macedonia took over.

Identify Pericles. Why is he important?

He was a key leader in Athens during their golden age.

Explain why historians call this period the "Golden Age of Pericles.

He had many contributions to Athens during the "Golden Age.

List the dates of the Golden Age of Pericles.

461-429 BCE

What is the Acropolis? The agora?

The agora was the marketplace and "public square" for the people of Athens. It was located at the middle of the base of the acropolis.
The acropolis was the hill at the center of Athens. It was once a fortress and became the site of the Parthenon.

Identify Aeschylus and Sophocles and their importance.

Wrote tragedies - strong influence on Greek theater and drama.
A = Oresteia, Agamemnon
S = Oedipus Rex, Antigone

Identify Homer and his writings.

The blind poet" - wrote the Iliad & the Odyssey

Identify Herodotus and Thucydides and their importance.

Herodotus = 'Father of History' - wrote Historia about the Persian war
Thucydides = scientific historian, wrote about the Peloponnesian War

Identify Phidias and his importance.

Sculptor- was in charge sculptures at the Parthenon, statues of Athena & Zeus

Describe the three types of columns and draw a simple picture of each.

Doric (simple), Ionic (partially complex), Corinthian (intricate)

Identify Archimedes and Hippocrates and their importance.

Archimedes = Scientist/Engineer- buoyancy, simple machines
Hippocrates = Scientist, doctor, Hippocratic oath, stay healthy through hygiene, diet, and exercise.

Identify Euclid and Pythagoras and their importance.

Euclid- Elements of Geometry
Pythagoras- Pythagorean Theorem
a(a) + b(b) = c(c)

Identify Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle and their importance.

Socrates- questioning
Plato- The Republic
Aristotle- logic, philosophy, tutor of Alexander the Great

Demonstrate the importance of Philip II. Where was he from? What were his accomplishments?

Phillip II was king of Macedonia, conquered Greece after the Peloponnesian War.

Who was Alexander the Great? What is his relationship to Philip II?

Son of Phillip II , ruled Greece, strong leader

How far did Alexander's Empire extend? What impact did this have on Greek culture?

Conquered lands in Egypt, Persia, Asia Minor, as far east as Indus River. Spread Greek culture and infused it with elements of the cultures of the places he conquered.

Define Hellenic. Define Hellenistic.

Hellenic - 'Greek' - Greek culture before conquest of Phillip II
Hellenistic - 'Greek + Asian/Persian' - culture created after Alexander the Great ruled multiple civilizations