Ch. 4 Ancient India and Ancient China

Maurya Dynasty

Location Capital--Ganges Valley, Pataliputia
Government--Well organized, bureaucracy
Emperors--Chandragupta, Asoka
Cause of Decline--Foreign invaders

Kindoms of the Deccan

Location: Deccan Plain
Tamil Kingdoms: Trade was very important
Religion: Hindu, Buddhism, some others

Gupta Dynasty

Location/Capital Northern India
Government strong central government, supports peace and prosperity, feudalistic
Trade and Farming--flourished, wheat, rice, sugar cane
Arts and Learning--students educated in religious schools, Gupta mathematicians devised

Chandragupta Maurya

founder of the Maurya Empire. first gained power in the Ganges Valley, conquered northern India and added the Deccan. 321-185 bc


became emperor in 268 bc, a conquering king, converted to Buddhism, sent missionaries


Chinese Buddhist Monk who visited India in 400 bc and reported on Gupta rule


Greatest Gupta poet and play writer, most famous play was Shakuntala--tells the story of a king who marries the lovely orphan Shakuntala

Founder of the first great Indian empire
Chandragupta Maurya

Chandragupta Maurya...

Emperor who ruled by moral example
Chandragupta Maurya


Dome-shaped Buddhist shrine
Chandragupta Maurya


Site of richly decorated cave temples
Chandragupta Maurya


Playright who wrote Shakuntala
Chandragupta Maurya


How did Asoka's changes in governing policy affect the Maurya empire?

The changes brought peace and helped to unite his empire

In which area did women enjoy high status?
Maurya empire
Sri Lanka
Gupta empire
Tamil kingdoms

Tamil kingdoms

In general, how did Deccan rulers react to new religions emerging from the north?
They were basically tolerant of new religions
They moved quickly to stop new beliefs from mixing with their own
They ordered their people to adopt the new religions
There wa

They were basically tolerant of new religions


people forced to perform impure jobs
The lowest rank was the "untouchables" who did the impure jobs. They had to live apart from everyone.

Joint family

household where relations all live together in a common dwelling


system where the eldest man is the head of the household


virtuous woman who joined her husband on his funeral pyre

Complex rules were developed within the caste system to
a. bring equality to all people
b. make everyday life more orderly
c. help rulers keep people under control
d. ensure spiritual purity

ensure spiritual purity

The caste system gave people
a. reason to fight each other
b. a sense of identity
c. an opportunity to develop skills
d. a chance to different jobs

a sense of identity

In a patriarchal household
a. family property belonged only to men
b. the eldest man made family decisions completely on his own
c. the eldest male was held in esteem for his wisdom and experience
d. relatives always shared the same house.

the eldest male was held in esteem for his wisdom and experience

By late Gupta times, upper-class women were
a. in control of the government
b. able to move freely in society
c. encouraged to remarry
d. often restricted to the home.

often restricted to the home

A typical Indian village included a cluster of homes and
a. fields where farmers grew wheat, rice, or cotton
b. a stupa that housed the remains of holy people
c. a royal palace for the emperor
d. was surrounded by a high stone wall

fields where farmers grew wheat, rice, or cotton

Village decisions were made by
a. popular vote
b. the village headsman and council
c. outside rulers
d. priests and scribes

the village headsman and council

Caste System

People were different beings depending on their caste.
There were 100s of castes
To ensure purity, a web of complex rules governed every aspect of life.
Higher caste people had stricter rules than lower caste people in order to protect them from spiritual

Family Life

Family trained children in traditions and duties of their caste. (daughters learned to serve and obey her husband) (sons learned to honor ancestors)
Ideal family was the joint family--all relatives share common dwelling
family was patriarchal--father or o

Village Life

the heart of life.
cluster of homes made of earth or stone
fields of wheat, rice, cotton, sugar cane, or other crops
Each village had people of all castes to perform the tasks needed for daily life
self-sufficient--produced most of goods and foods they ne


he attracted many students of his beliefs
he wanted to be an adviser to a local ruler
His students collected his sayings in the Analects
he believed in Five Relationships and that people should know their place in society--harmony exists when pe

Five Relationships

Father to son
elder brother to younger brother
husband to wife
ruler to subject
friend to friend


He believed that the "nature of man is evil"
His teachings were called Legalism
The only way to achieve order to have strict laws and punish harshly
Only the ruler possessed power
The laws were so cruel that later generations despised Legalism
started Gre


Laozi founded Daoism
known as "Old Master"
hamony with nature
Laozi focused on "the Dao" which was known as "the way"
Those who know the Dao do not speak of it, those who speak of it, do not know it.
Rejected conflict and strife of all kinds
yield like wa

How did the Silk Road benefit the Chinese economy?

Increased the number of foreign merchants present in China under the Han Dynasty
Buddhism spread from India to China
Traded in silk--new foods, slaves
over 4,000 miles

Advances in the Han civilization in science and technology

texts on chemistry, zoology, biology, studied stars and planets
advance calendar
eclipse Wang Chong
paper from wood pulp--Cai Lun
shipbuilding--rudder for steering
bronze, iron stirrups
fishing reels, wheelbarrows, suspension bridges


a collection of Confucius teachings put into one book

filial piety

respect for parents, it was above all duties

the way

Dao, to reject conflict and strife, to have peace with nature

What was government rule like under the Gupta dynasty?

Much power was left in the hands of individual villages and cities (FEUDALISM)

What impact did Gupta mathematicians have on civilization?

They developed the Arabic number system and the concept of zero.

Ban Zhao

wrote Lessons for Women

Great Wall

was built under the direction of Shi Huangdi


Wudi organized a government MONOPOLY of iron and salt production

Silk Road

The SILK ROAD was a trade route that linked China and the west


was known as the WARRIOR EMPEROR

What policies did Shi Huangdi embrace to build a strong government?


Which of the following measures did SHI HUANDGI use to impose unity?

He sent inspectors to spy on local officials

Which of the following did Emperor WUDI not do to improve economic growth?
He improved roads and canals
he set up government monopolies
He established granaries
he made cart axles the same width

he made cart axles the same width

The Way of Virtue

collected writings of Laozi, or the OLD MASTER

The Analects

collected sayings by Confucius


Philosophy that taught living in harmony with nature

filial piety

Respect for one's parents


Philosophy based on Hanfeizi's teachings

Confucian ideas dealt mainly with

how to ensure social order

Confucius believed the best ruler was

a virtuous man who led by example

According to Legalism, the way to achieve order was to

pass strict laws and enforce them with harsh punishments

Daoists believed that the best government was one that

governed the least

Mahayana Buddhism spread throughout China because

it offered the chance for anyone to achieve salvation


a person's essential self


grew out of the principle of ahimsa


People with good KARMA are reborn at a higher level


in order to reach NIRVANA Buddhists must commit to following the Eightfold Path


the rebirth of the soul

According to Hinduism, what is the ultimate goal of existence?

to achieve union with brahman

Why do Hindus believe it is important to follow the path of nonviolence?

all people and things are aspects of brahman and should be respected

According to the Buddha, how do you overcome the desire for things like riches?

by following the Eightfold Path

In addition to gaining union with the oneness of the universe, what do you achieve by reaching nirvana?

release from the cycle of rebirth

What sect of Buddhism is easier for ordinary people to follow



the religious and moral duties of an individual


practice of nonviolence

Founder of Buddhism

Siddhartha Gautama

Founder of Hinduism

no single founder






based on ancient beliefs
Braham is the creator of the earth
Braham, Vishnu, Shiva are the trinity
They have human and animal gods
Caste System
no violence