Launching a New Nation

Judiciary Act of 1789

legislation passed by congress that created the federal court system


group of officials who head government departments and advise the President

State, War, and Treasury

What were the first three executive departments created by Congress?

Henry Knox

1st Secretary of War

Thomas Jefferson

1st Secretary of State

Alexander Hamilton

1st Secretary of the Treasury

assumption plan

Part of Hamilton's economic theory. Stated that the federal government would assume all the states' debts for the American Revolution. This angered states such as Virginia who had already paid off their debts.

excise tax

A tax on the production, sale, or consumption of goods produced within a country


What good did Hamilton target for excise taxes?


Political party of Hamilton and Adams; supported a strong central government


Party started by Jefferson; political philosophy believing in the public good, working for other people, and the common man; weak cent. gov.; strict construction; agrarian society; anti-debt; people located in Southern frontiers

strict construction

way of interpreting the Constitution that allows the federal government to take only those actions the Constitution specifically says it can take

loose construction

Constitution is broadly interpreted, recognizing that it could not possibly anticipate all future developments; relies on the idea of implied powers and the "necessary and proper" clause; gives federal government broad powers

Bank of the United States

Proposed by Alexander Hamilton as the basis of his economic plan. He proposed a powerful private institution, in which the government was the major stockholder. This would be a way to collect and amass the various taxes collected. It would also provide a

French Revolution

The second great democratic revolution, taking place in the 1790s, after the American Revolution had been proven to be a success. The U.S. did nothing to aid either side. The French people overthrew the king and his government, and then instituted a serie

Whiskey Rebellion

a protest caused by tax on liquor; it tested the will of the government, Washington's quick response showed the government's strength and mercy

Little Turtle

Miami cheif who led a Native American alliance that raided settlements in Ohio

Battle of Fallen Timbers

battle between American and Native American forces in 1794 over Ohio Territory that led to the defeat of the Native Americans

General "Mad" Anthony Wayne

Who led US forces to defeat the Miami confederacy at the Battle of Fallen Timbers?

western Pennsylvania

Where did the Whiskey Rebellion take place?

assumption plan

Alexander Hamilton offered to move the nation's capital south in exchange for Southern support for the ...

Election of 1800

Which presidential election resulted in a tie in the electoral college?

Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr

Who were the Republican candidates in the Election of 1800?

John Adams

Who was the Federalist candidate in the Election of 1800?

John Adams

Who won the Election of 1796?

XYZ Affair

a 1797 French attempt to bribe the United States by demanding money before discussing French seizure of neutral American ships

Alien and Sedition Acts

Laws passed by congress in 1798 that enabled the government to imprison or deport aliens and to prosecute critics of the government

Thomas Jefferson

Who was John Adams' vice-president?

Pinckney's Treaty

Treaty with Spain negotiated in 1795; established United States boundaries at the Mississippi River and the thirty-first parallel and allowed open transportation on the Mississippi.

Jay's Treaty

Agreement in which the British promised to give up their forts on the Northwest frontier and paid damages for American vessels they had seized; allowed Canadians to continue to engage in the fur trade on the US side of the border

Marbury v Madison

established concept of judicial review, first time supreme court declared something 'unconstitutional'

judicial review

the power of the Supreme Court to declare laws and actions of local, state, or national governments unconstitutional

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

These stated that a state had the right to declare a law unconstiutional, or nullify a law, within its borders. These were written by Jefferson and Madison to resist the Alien and Sedition Acts

James Madison

Who was Thomas Jefferson's Secretary of State?

Embargo Act of 1807

This act issued by Jefferson forbade American trading ships from leaving the U.S. It was meant to force Britain and France to change their policies towards neutral vessels by depriving them of American trade.

Louisiana Purchase

territory in western United States purchased from France in 1803 for $15 million

Lewis and Clark

Sent on an expedition by Jefferson to gather information on the United States' new land and map a route to the Pacific. They kept very careful maps and records of this new land acquired from the Louisiana Purchase.

Jefferson and Burr

Which 2 candidates received the same number of electoral votes in 1800?

Judiciary Act of 1801

a law that increased the number of federal judges, allowing President John Adams to fill most of the new posts with Federalists

midnight judges

judges appointed to Supreme Court by Adams in the last days of his presidency to force them upon Jefferson

Barbary pirates

Plundering pirates off the Mediterranean coast of Africa; President Thomas Jefferson's refusal to pay them tribute to protect American ships sparked an undeclared naval war with North African nations

Aaron Burr

Who shot and killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel?

Burr Conspiracy

Scheme by Vice-President Aaron Burr to lead the secession of the Louisiana Territory from the United States; captured in 1807 and charged with treason, Burr was acquitted by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Chesapeake incident

Britain attacked US ship in 1807; led to the Embargo Act and calls for war


Native American woman who served as a guide and interpreter for the Lewis and Clark expedition


British practice of taking American sailors and forcing them into military service

War Hawks

Western settlers who advocated war with Britain because they hoped to aquire Britain's northwest posts (and also Florida or even Canada) and because they felt the British were aiding the Indians and encouraging them to attack the Americans on the frontier


Shawnee chief who formed a confederacy among Native American nations in the Northwest; joined with British after Battle of Tippecanoe; killed at Battle of Thames

Battle of Tippecanoe

Tecumseh & the prophet form confederation and are defeated by William Henry Harrison; makes many Americans suspicious of British aid and stirred

William Henry Harrison

Governor of the Indiana territory, that fought against Tecumseh and the Prophet in the battle of Tippecanoe

Election of 1808

election in which the Democratic-Republican candidate James Madison defeated Federalist candidate Charles Cotesworth Pinckney. Madison had served as United States Secretary of State under incumbent Thomas Jefferson, and Pinckney had been the unsuccessful

James Madison

Who was the POTUS during the War of 1812?

New England

What section of the US was opposed to the War of 1812?

Fort McHenry

Fort in Baltimore Harbor unsuccessfully bombarded by the British in September 1814; Francis Scott Key, a witness to the battle, was moved to write the words to "The Star-Spangled Banner".

Hartford Convention

December 1814 - A convention of New England merchants who opposed the Embargo and other trade restriction, and the War of 1812. They proposed some Amendments to the Constitution and advocated the right of states to nullify federal laws. They also discusse

Battle of New Orleans

January, 1815 - A large British invasion force was repelled by Andrew Jackson's troops at New Orleans. Jackson had been given the details of the British army's battle plans by the French pirate, Jean Laffite. About 2500 British soldiers were killed or cap

Treaty of Ghent

Treaty that ended the War of 1812 and maintained prewar conditions

Andrew Jackson

general who led American forces in Battle of New Orleans