Crisis in the Colonies ch5 gr8

writ of assistance

document that granted the right to inspect ships' cargoes


army of citizens who serve during emergencies


signed document addressed to authorities that requests change


refusal to buy certain goods and services

Stamp Act

imposed duties on legal documents

Intolerable Acts

retaliated for the Boston Tea Party

Quebec Act

established protection for rights of French Catholics

Proclamation of 1763

forbade settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains

Townshend Acts

taxed goods such as paper, paint, glass, and lead

writ of assistance

document that granted the right to inspect ships' cargoes

Which of these statements describes a major reason for the conflict between Britain and France in the Ohio Valley?

French determination to halt westward expansion by the English

Which statement best describes conditions in North America around 1750?

Both the French and the English sought Native American allies

What is one way that Britain punished Massachusetts after the Boston Tea Party?

Parliament placed limits on the colonists' right to call town meetings

How were British troops able to surprise the French at Quebec?

by climbing a steep cliff at night

Which of the following contributed to early British defeats in the French and Indian War?

a French alliance with the powerful Iroquois nations

Which new colonial leaders emerged as tensions with Britain grew?

Samuel Adams, John Adams, Patrick Henry

What reason did Parliament give for raising taxes in the colonies after 1763?

Colonists should help pay for the costs of the French and Indian War

Why did fighting break out at Lexington and Concord in April 1775?

British troops tried to seize colonists' arms and ammunition

What was the historical significance of the Battles of Lexington and Concord?

The fighting signaled the start of the American Revolution

In 1750, which country posed the most serious threat to the English colonies in North America?


What strategic value did the Ohio River valley have for France?

It linked French settlements in Canada and along the Mississippi River

Which two women helped organize colonial resistance to British taxes through their writings?

Mercy Otis Warren and Abigail Adams

Which of the following was NOT one of the ways that Britain punished Massachusetts after the Boston Tea Party?

Parliament passed the Tea Act

Which development led to the fall of New France in the French and Indian War?

British capture of Quebec, capital of New France

What happened when British troops tried to seize colonists' weapons in Concord, Massachusetts?

The colonial militia drove the troops back to Boston

What was William Pitt's strategy for winning Britain's war with France?

to use Britain's best generals in North America

What was the purpose of the Proclamation of 1763?

to avoid conflicts with Native Americans in the Ohio Valley

Where did the first battles of the American Revolution take place?

Lexington and Concord