13 colonies

What are the New England colonies?

Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island

What are the Middle colonies?

New York, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania

What are the Southern Colonies?

Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

What are the reasons the New England colonies were settled?

religious freedom, expanding trade

What are the reasons the Middle colonies were settled?

expand trade, land, religious and political freedom

What are the reasons the Southern colonies were settled?

trade, farming, religious and political freedom, profit from land

What is the geography and climate of the New England colonies?

cold, thin and rocky

What is the geography and climate of the Middle colonies?

similar to Indiana, flatter, longer growing season

What is the geography and climate of the Southern colonies?

humid, flat, fertile

What jobs did the economy of the New England colonies support?

lumberjacks, whalers, ship builders, fishermen, blacksmiths, traders

What jobs did the economy of the Middle colonies support?

lumberjacks, blacksmiths, farmers, traders--"breadbasket

What jobs did the economy of the Southern colonies support?

farmers, fishermen, blacksmiths, bakers, traders

What was the religion in the New England colonies?

Protestant, Jewish in Rhode Island

What was the religion in the Middle colonies?

Protestant, Quaker "Oats" were peaceful and non-confrontational

What was the religion in the Southern colonies?

Catholic, Protestant (Presbyterian)

What was education like in the New England colonies?

extremely important with a school in every town

What was education like in the Middle colonies?

schools were spread out

What was education like in the Southern colonies?

The rich had tutors or were sent back to England. The poor worked on the farm and did not attend school.

What natural barrier forms the western boundary of the Southern colonies?

Appalachian Mountains

What state now exists in the area claimed by New York and New Hampshire?


What river forms the natural border between Maryland and Virginia?

Potomac River

What river runs through Connecticut and Massachusetts?

Connecticut River

In which direction would you travel to get from New Haven to Boston?


In which colonies was the fur trade established?

New Hampshire, Maine (Massachusetts), New York

What colony was John Winthrop the first governor of?


In what colony is the Connecticut River the western border and Massachusetts its southern border?

New Hampshire

Thomas Hooker, who believed in government by consent of the governed, established what colony?


What colony was established by Roger Williams on the principle of toleration of religion?

Rhode Island

Which industries exist in the colony of New York?

cattle, rum, lumber, iron, grain

In which colonies could an iron miner find employment?

New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey

Into which body of water does the Susquehanna River run?

Chesapeake Bay

What is the proprietary colony situated between the Hudson and Delaware Rivers and founded by Sweden in 1664?

New Jersey

What colony was originally settled by Swedes, captured by the Dutch, and controlled by the colony of Pennsylvania?


What colony did the Dutch surrender to England in 1664 without firing a single shot?

New York

What colony did William Penn establish so that Quakers and other religious sects could practice their religion freely?


In which colony is the city of Charleston located?

South Carolina

Through which colony does the James River run?


In which colonies is tobacco a major industry?

North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland

Where is rice generally planted?

along the coast in lowland areas called Tidewater

What colony's southern neighbor is Georgia?

South Carolina

What colony was Lord Baltimore given by King Charles I as a proprietary colony?


What colony is the northern portion of a land grant that was named after King Charles II?

North Carolina

What colony did General James Oglethorpe encourage former debtors to immigrate to?


What colony's House of Burgesses was the first representative assembly in the New World?
