American Revolution

French and Indian War

War fought over ownership of North America.

Proclamation of 1763

Prevented Americans from expanding West past the Appalachian Mountains
Colonists were angry because it placed a limit on their freedom.

Navigation Acts

Restricted colonial trade, manufacturing, and shipping


Belief that the colonies existed for the "Mother Country

Tea Act

Act that permitted only the British East India Company to sell tea to the colonist.

Stamp Act

A law that required the colonist to buy a stamp on every piece of paper they used. The colonist protested the act.

Quartering Act

Act that forced the colonist had to house British soldiers.

Townshend Act

Act that placed a tax on imported goods such as glass, paint, paper, and tea.

Boston Massacre

A fight broke out in Boston between the British and the colonist on the same day that the Townshend Act was repealed.

Sons of Liberty

Created by Samuel Adams to protest the British policies of taxation without representation.

Boston Tea Party

Outraged by tax on tea, the Sons of Liberty dress up like Indians and dumped 342 boxes of tea into the harbor. This was known as the.

Intolerable Act

Britain was stunned by the Boston Tea Party, so they created the Intolerable acts to punish Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party.

Committee of Correspondence

Shadow governments organized by the Patriot leaders of the Thirteen Colonies on the eve of American Revolution. They made information available to all colonist.

Lexington and Concord

First battles of the American Revolution.


Colonists that supported American Independence.


Americans who sided with the King and Parliament during the American Revolution.

Sam Adams

established the Sons of Liberty, a Patriot that opposed British rule.

Patrick Henry

lawyer from Virginia, one of the first Patriots to call for independence, said "Give me liberty or give me death

Thomas Jefferson

lawyer and brilliant thinker from Virginia, author of the Declaration of Independence

Thomas Paine

Wrote a pamphlet called Common Sense, to explain the situation with Great Britain, also to convince colonist that they did not owe King George anything. Independence was the way to go.

Ben Franklin

writer, diplomat, and scientist from Philadelphia

Declaration of Independence

Document written by Thomas Jefferson that declared the colonist independent from British rule.

Battle of Bunker Hill

The British came to attack the Americans. Americans stopped their advance twice, but ran out of gunpowder and was defeated.

Battle of Trenton

Washington crosses the Delaware, Surprise attack after Christmas, Defeats the British

Battle of Saratoga

American victory turning point of the war, French were watching, Proved we could stand up to the British so French come to help Americans, Ben Franklin, Was in France for a year before the battle of Saratoga trying to convince France to ally with the Amer

Battle of Yorktown

American commander- George Clinton, British commander- General Cornwallis, Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown and British agree to American Independence.

Treaty of Paris

After the Battle of Yorktown, the British surrender to the Americans and the Americans win the war.