Chapter 19


drug that prevents pain during surgery


the process of taking over and consolidating land formerly shared by peasant farmers

James Watt

Scottish engineer that looked at Newcomen's invention in 1764 and set out to make improvements on the engine in order to make it more efficient.


separate iron from its ore


money used to invest in enterprises


business organization in an area such as shipping, mining, railroads, or factories


those who managed and assumed the financial risks of starting new businesses

putting-out system

also known as cottage industry in which raw cotton was distributed to peasant families who spun it into thread and then wove the thread into cloth in their own homes

Eli Whitney

invented machine called the cotton gin that separated the seeds from the raw cotton at a fast rate. He finished the cotton gin in 1793


private roads built by entrepreneurs who charged travelers a toll, or fee, to use them.


city and one of the largest ports in England. first major rail line linked this place to Manchester in 1830


city in England. one of the leading industrial areas. example of an industrial revolution city.


the movement of people to cities


multi story buildings divided into apartments.

labor unions

workers' organizations, illegal at the time.

Thomas Malthus

saw the effects of the population explosion. said only checks on the population are for war, famine, and disease. He went on that if the population increased, he urged families to have fewer children and discouraged charitable handouts and vaccinations. H

David Ricardo

Didn't hold out hope for working class to escape poverty. Wage increases were futile. He believed that if wages were high then families would have more children. opposed any government help for the poor

Jeremy Bentham

advocating utilitarianism. Believed strongly in individual freedom. all laws or actions should be judged by their utility


the idea that the goal of society should be "the greatest happiness for the greatest number" of its citizens


the people as a whole rather than private individuals would own and operate the means of production

means of production

farms, factories, railways, and other large businesses that produce and distribute goods

Robert Owen

set up a model community in New Lanark, Scotland, to put his own ideas into practice

Karl Marx

A german philosopher, condemned the ideas of Utopians as unrealistic idealism. He thought there would be a revolution but he was wrong.


a form of socialism advocated by Marx, in which an inevitable struggle between social classes would lead to the creation of a classless society where all means of production would be owned by the community.


working class

social democracy

a political ideology in which there is a gradual transition from capitalism to socialism instead of a sudden violent overthrow of the system.

Adam Smith

he believed that government should play no part. Free enterprise. Laissez faire

John Mill

wanted the government to step in to improve the hard lives of working class. called for giving vote to workers and women. also believed that all laws or actions should be judged by their utility


what is the name of the system in which individuals own the means of production?

because there wouldn't be an equality between the rich and the poor. this could start war and socialist don't want war.

why did socialists think that private ownership of the means of production was bad?

When marx and Engels wrote a pamphlet, they believe it began communism. Marx theorized that economics was the driving force in history COMMUNIST MANIFESTO

what do u think marx meant when he said his theory was based on the scientific study of history?

bourgeoisie and proletariat

what to groups were in conflict?

between the haves and have-nots. the haves always owned means of production which meant they controlled society and all its wealth. the have-nots were the working class or proletariat

according to marx, what kind of struggle drove history?

marx predicted that proletariat would be triumphant and take control of the means of production and set up a classless, communist society

how would capitalism come to an end?

gradual transition from capitalism to socialism instead of a sudden violent overthrow of the system

what would the ideal society look like?

Nationalism won out over working class loyalty. (he predicted that workers would unite across national borders to wage class warfare)

flaws in marx's arguments

created jobs, reformers improved conditions, higher wages, people could visit their families in their towns, wealthy middle class

benefits of industrialization

harsh working conditions in factories, struggle to survive, child labor, terrible hardships, increase in demand of iron and coal which increased need for miners, pollution, crowded cities

challenges of industrialization

lesser need for farm workers and changed where people lived and how they worked

why was the industrial revolution a turning point in world history?

people ate better so they were healthier. They also had better hygiene which improved medical care

how did an agricultural revolution contribute to population growth?

cotton gin, steam engine, smelting of iron

what new technologies helped trigger the industrial revolution?

surrounded by water so they can move. Lots of demand for goods. Access to capital, lots of people. social and political conditions

what conditions in britain paved the way for the industrial revolution?

inventions. human ingenuity. breakthroughs.
flying shuttle, spinning jenny, water frame

what led to the advancement of the british textile industry?

helped ship goods, goods traveled faster
allowed factory owners and merchants to ship goods swiftly and cheaply over land

why was the development of railroads important to industrialization?

John Kay

who made the flying shuttle?

James Hargreaves

who produced the spinning jenny in 1764?

Richard Arkwright

who produced the water frame?