Chapter 37 Fire Detection, Protection and Suppression Systems

A fire department pumper can supplement a sprinkler system water supply through the


A smoke detector should be replaced every _____ years


All of the following are standard sprinkler head mounting positions EXCEPT


Are heat detectors more, less, or equally prone to false alarms as compared to smoke detectors


Closing the_____ valve is the correct method of shutting down the flow of water in a sprinkler system

post indicator

How are fire alarm systems in most high-rise buildings programmed to alert the occupants

Alarm floor and floors immediately below and above the alarm floor

How are most smoke detectors restored to non-alarm condition after they have been activated

They are self-restoring

How can an ionization smoke detector be identified

Label stating that it contains radioactive material

How does a bimetallic strip work as a heat detector switch

The strip deforms in response to heat, opening or closing a switch

How is a pull-station tamper alarm connected to the fire alarm system

There is no such connection

In a preaction sprinkler system, what must happen before water will flow

A secondary device must be activated

In dry-pipe and deluge sprinkler systems, one function of the main valve is to act as a


In which situation is it acceptable for a sprinkler system main control valve not to be locked into the open position

A tamper switch is installed

In which sprinkler head mechanism is the cap held in place by a liquid-filled glass capsule

Frangible bulb

In which type of automatic sprinkler system does water flow from all the sprinkler heads when the system is activated


In which type of sprinkler system is the piping filled with pressurized air instead of water


Prevention of nuisance alarms due to pressure variations in a sprinkler system is the function of the

alarm valve

Sprinkler heads are classified by their

temperature rating

The combination of working smoke alarms and a residential sprinkler system reduces the chance of a death from a home fire by _____ percent


The percentage of blocked light in a beam detector represents the __________ rate


To replace a sprinkler head, what is the next step after the main water supply control valve is closed

Open the drain

What are the standard connections on an FDC

Two females

What do older heat detectors lack that makes it difficult to track down the cause of an alarm

Indicator light

What does activation of a water-motor gong indicate

Water flowing in the system

What does the "W" stand for in the acronym WPIV


What is a concern when a carbon dioxide system is activated

Oxygen-deficient atmosphere

What is a major concern with battery-powered smoke alarms

Battery replacement

What is placed on the system side of a dry-pipe valve to quickly remove the air from the dry-pipe system when a sprinkler head activates


What is the maximum service life of lithium smoke alarm batteries

10 years

What is the most common application for a Halon system

Sensitive electronic equipment

What is the most common type of fire suppression system


What is the most common type of residential fire safety alarm system

Single-station smoke alarm

What is the most common type of smoke detector


What is the name of the standardized audio pattern that must be produced by a modern audible fire alarm


What is the preferred water source for a sprinkler system

A municipal water system

What is the primary advantage of a preaction sprinkler system

Prevention of accidental water discharges

What is the primary mechanism by which carbon dioxide extinguishes a fire

Displacing oxygen

What is the purpose of an outside stem and yoke valve

Control the water supply to the sprinkler system

What is the term for a manual fire alarm station that requires two separate steps to activate the alarm

Double-action pull station

What is the term for heat detectors that are spaced throughout an occupancy, with each detector covering a specific floor area

Spot detectors

What is the term for the system of inlets, pipes, and outlets built into a structure to supply water to fire hoses


What should occur if there is a fault in the fire alarm system

The trouble alarm should sound

What type of false alarm occurs when individuals deliberately activate a fire alarm when there is no fire


Where is the main sprinkler system valve usually installed

On the main riser, above the water supply control valve

Where on a high-rise standpipe system is a flow restriction device located

On outlets serving the lower floors

Which class of standpipe system is intended for use by both building occupants and fire fighters


Which class of standpipe system is unsuitable for use by fire fighters


Which descriptor accurately summarizes which automatic sprinkler systems will operate without electricity

Most systems

Which device activates the building fire alarm when water is flowing in a sprinkler system

Flow switch

Which device enables fire fighters to ascertain the type and location of the activated alarm device

Remote annunciator

Which fire alarm system requires fire fighters to search the entire building to locate the activated initiation device


Which fire-extinguishing agent is best suited for use in areas housing computers or electronic equipment

Carbon dioxide

Which is a typical activation temperature for a sprinkler head in a light-hazard occupancy such as an office building

165�F (74�C)

Which is the most common type of automatic sprinkler system


Which kind of sprinkler system uses accelerators and exhausters


Which of the following is a distinguishing feature of old-style sprinkler heads

The discharge pattern directs some water onto the ceiling

Which of the following is a feature of a cross-zoned smoke detection system

Two detectors must activate before an alarm is initiated

Which of the following is a function of a sprinkler head

Activate the fire alarm system

Which of the following is one of the two main types of smoke detectors


Which part of a fire alarm system causes the system to indicate an alarm

Initiation device

Which part of the fire alarm system alerts the building occupants when the system is activated

Alarm notification device

Which part of the fire alarm system manages and monitors the proper operation of the system

Fire alarm control panel

Which smoke detection system features a delay of 30 to 60 seconds between activation and notification


Which sprinkler system valve uses a threaded shaft to indicate the position of the valve

Outside stem and yoke

Which statement about flame detectors is correct

Infrared or ultraviolet light sources may trigger a false alarm.

Which type of alarm notification system alerts only building occupants

Local alarm

Which type of alarm notification system is connected directly to a monitoring site owned and operated by the building's owner

Proprietary system

Which type of alarm notification system sends a signal to a third-party, off-site monitoring facility

Central station

Which type of alarm notification system sends an alarm signal directly to the fire department

Remote station system

Which type of automatic sprinkler system cannot be used in locales where building temperatures drop below freezing


Which type of automatic sprinkler system is usually installed in residential settings


Which type of automatic sprinkler system requires the activation of a secondary device before water is released into the sprinkler piping


Which type of detector is commonly installed in air return ducts of large buildings

Air sampling

Which type of detector is typically found in aircraft hangars


Which type of extinguishing system is particularly well suited for use on fires involving cooking oils

Wet chemical

Which type of false alarm is caused by improper functioning of an alarm system


Which type of fire alarm annunciation system identifies the zone in which the alarm was initiated at the alarm control panel only

Zoned noncoded

Which type of fire alarm annunciation system identifies the zone in which the alarm was initiated both at the alarm control panel and through the audio notification device

Zoned coded

Which type of fire alarm system is most commonly installed in hospitals

Zoned coded

Which type of heat detector is activated by an increase in temperature that exceeds a set amount over a given period of time

Rate-of-rise heat detector

Which type of heat detector must be replaced after activation

Fixed temperature

Which type of heat detector uses wire or tubing strung along the ceiling of large open areas


Which type of smoke detector is activated by the invisible products of combustion


Which type of smoke detector is activated by the visible products of combustion


Which type of smoke detector is more prone to false alarms from cooking fumes and shower steam


Which type of smoke detector is the least prone to producing false alarms due to cooking fumes and shower steam


Which type of smoke detector is used to protect large open areas, such as a church or an auditorium


Which type of sprinkler head has no cap or release mechanism


Which type of sprinkler head uses a metal alloy that melts at a specific temperature

Fusible link

Which type of standpipe is intended for fire department use only