Fire Instructor 1 test 1

Performance standards for fire instructors are identified in

NFPA 1041

When given a topic for instructional delivery, an instructor should determine what materials are needed

From the lesson plan on the topic

One of the most time-consuming parts of preparing for a course is

arranging logistical support based on the lesson plan

When assembling prepared instructional materials, the instructor will evaluate the audience in which of the following fours steps


An accident analysis is conducted to achieve all of the following, except

determine a lack of action

Analyzing circumstances surrounding accidents can enable an instructor to

- identify and locate principal sources of accidents
- disclose the nature and size of accident problems in different operations
- indicate the need for engineering revisions by identifying unsafe conditions of various types of equipment

what is the term used to define what an employer does to assist an individual with a disability covered by the Americans with Disability Act

Reasonable accommodation

Making fun of another person's religious beliefs, or allowing students in a class to harass a student due to their religion, is covered by

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Instructor must adapt their ________ to the students rate of understanding

learning pace

The introductory components of a lesson plan typically contain

Learning objectives

In which step of the lesson plan outline are learners motivated to learn


NFPA 1403 gives information for establishing procedures for

live fire exercises

When collecting information and materials for use in a presentation, the instructor should

cite all sources in case someone challenges him or her

An important part of a lesson plan that indicates for whom the lesson plan was developed is the

level of instruction

The purpose of the presentation step of the instructional process is to

Present new skills and concepts

Directions: Read the following statements regarding instructors, then select your answer


which of the flowing statements IS NOT TRUE regarding the functions of a lesson plan

they are a rigid procedure that must be followed for successful teaching

The law of _____ states that no one will ever become proficient at any skill without performing the operation


Which of the following is a good seating arrangement when instruction a class composed of a small discussion group

Hollow square or round table

An instructor must be prepared for unanticipated situations, including


A method of instruction used when students act out situations in known as

Role playing

The method of instruction to use when you want learners to gain practical experience without "real-life" risks


The greatest common concern in the outdoor classroom environment is


Which of the following IS NOT part of the evaluation step of the instructional process

Explaining Procedures

Factors that prevent a receiver from fully receiving a message, created by either internal or external sources are called


It is the responsibility of a fire service instructor to plan teaching methods so that ideas are conveyed to the learner

through as many of the senses as is practical

At the beginning of a presentation, the instructor should clearly state

the objectives of the lesson

The basic instructional method to use when teaching a new skill is


The communication process exists between two people who are known as the ______and the _______


Approximately 30% of learning is a result of


The more true to life the learning situation is, the greater the change in student behavior will be


The standard that provides health and safety guidance


In the learning environment the student is the


Which step in the communication process is considered the completion part


The _____ is responsible for maintaining continuity throughout the training program


Instructors can adjust their presentation to maximize learning outcomes by using

a variety of presentations to reach a variety of learning domains

_____ is a term that refers to the art of teaching adult learners


The instructor is constantly being observed by students, and the impression made by the instructor

affect student response and learning initiative

An intensive kind of tutoring given to learners to improve skills in a subject or activity is referred to


Which of the following is an effective mannerism of the instructor


An initial method for handling disruptive learners is

Counsel them according to guidelines

When troubleshooting a problem with a multimedia system, you should

Look for simplest thing first and work your way through the system

In a training situation, the fire service instructor should

Put safety ahead of course objectives

Which NFPA standard establishes the policy for rehabilitation during training

NFPA 1584

One of the drawbacks to projected instructional media is

they stimulate multiple senses simultaneously

Tabletop models are intended to

Show operating principles

Advantages of using ____ are that they are inexpensive, easy to use, and provide a permanent record

Easel pads

When developing a lesson plan which uses only one portion of a video tape, the developer should include instructions

Cue the tape to the proper location prior to the start of class

Modules are BEST suited for


The advantages of using large projected images include all of the following EXCEPT

Compatibility with existing technology

____ are convenient teaching aids because they provide a permanent record and are portable

Easel pads

Inappropriate use of instructional media

Distract from the lesson
Confuse the learner

Speech-communication professionals teach two types of transitions

Verbal and nonverbal

What is a key element of most presentations

Multimedia tools

Observing and measuring student-performance examination should be documented

On a checklist using standard criteria

The purpose of performance checklists based on objectives is to

Avoid or minimize inaccurate measurements due to subjective impressions of the evaluator

To overcome subjectivity in performance examination, the training division should

Train instructors in the steps and develop checklists for each skill

A pretest is used by instructors to

Determine the current level of training and skills

During the administration of a written examination, you observe a student cheating on the examination you should

know and follow your departments code of ethics for dealing with this type of activity

Two of the MOST IMPORTANT characteristics of a well-developed examination are

Validity and reliability

Which of the following IS NOT a purpose of a written examination

They provide the primary source of outcomes assessment

Coaching involves all of the following EXCEPT

Providing written directions

An examination that compares a learners performance against a predetermined standard is known as a _____ examination


Formative evaluation measures learner performance in an effort to answer which of the following questions

Is the student achieving the objectives?

When is a summative evaluation process employed

In the middle or at the end of the course

When training records are kept on a computer ____ is an important issue


Which of the following types of records or information must be kept confidential

Individual training records

The last step in conducting a skills performance evaluation is

To record the results of the examination

Instructors should provide feedback to students in a ____ and _____ manner


Job performance requirements

Are required for a specific job
Based on standards

The evaluation step of a lesson plan

Determines whether the objectives of the lesson have been achieved

Examination should be based upon

Learning objectives

Which of the following IS NOT considered a primary means of helping learners with learning disabilities

Teaching to the slowest learning level

The course feedback is a method of evaluation that can be used to

Determine course-instructor competence

A type of evaluation that can be used throughout a course delivery which provide immediate feedback is a ____evaluation


In the past, fire service training took place

on the job

An effective fire service instructor should have experience in

Public Speaking
The topic they are assigned to teach
Performing the skills they are teaching

The instructor attribute that brings excitement to the training environment is


Which of the following IS NOT considered a proper format for developing records


Analysis of safety program materials, such as those created by the Home Safety Council and American Red Cross, assist in the development

Lesson plans

When analyzing records for types and frequency of injuries on the training ground, the instructor can determine

What corrective actions should be addressed

The Copyright Act allows instructors to

Follow the Fair Use Doctrine when appropriate

When assembling and analyzing course materials and facility information the instructor should refer to

NFPA 1402 and 1403

Which of the following information is usually NOT KEPT as part of an agencies training records

List of members NOT attending training

An accident investigation should be

Objective and free of personal feelings

An accident investigator should include identification of all of the following except

Who was at fault for the accident

An accident investigation report should document


A person who performs at the Instructor 1 level is responsible for

Presenting lessons

As an instructor 1 you should gather your materials and resources during the ____ step of the instructional process


Study sheets are used

to arouse learner interest in a subject

The role of an instructor who provides advanced-level training for experienced Fire and EMS responders is BEST described as


During the application step in teaching an opportunity is provided for all of the following EXCEPT

learner evaluation of the instructor

The least powerful learning channel to the brain is the sense of


Two reasons for choosing a particular audiovisual training air for use with a lecture or demonstration are

Learning objectives and lesson content

A factor overlooked during classroom preparation for a scheduled course that can create a distraction for the student is

Seating arrangements
Time of the day for the course
Temperature control of the classroom

The US Govt. through the American with Disability Act divides learning disabilities into 3 major categories - which one of the following IS NOT one of the identified categories

Ability to read due to educational level

At which step in the instructional model for developing an effective lesson plan does MOST learning take place


To be effective objectives should be stated

In terms of measureable, observable, and performance

An effective instructor has

Desire to teach
In-depth knowledge of the subject
A sense of empathy

A lesson plan format includes all of the following EXCEPT

Learner evaluations of instructor

Cognitive objectives emphasize

Reasoning / Analyzing

In which learning domain would a statement such as "fire fighter is willing to make in-service inspections" occur


The domain of learning that emphasizes physical skills is the ____ domain


An instructor must have subject matter knowledge and

the ability to communicate effectively
the ability to be a good listener

A positive attribute of training is a learner-instructor relationship built on

Mutual respect and confidence

A method of instruction that directs group thinking toward the solution of a common problem is

conference discussion

A form of presentation wherein the student learns online, then meet with classmates and the instructor for hands-on-training is

Hybrid/Blended electronic learning

When preparing to teach, one of an instructor's key responsibilities is to provide the learner with

An appropriate physical setting

The NFPA standard concerning fire dept. occupational safety is

NFPA 1500

Which of the following WOULD NOT be considered an area of learner frustration

Positive Feedback

Instructors are expected to know the subject being taught and should

Process the ability to transfer that knowledge and experience to others

____ consists of decoding the message and assigning meaning


One accepted instructional model for lesson-plan-development is


The law of readiness is based upon a principal of learning which states that people learn best when

They are prepared to learn

Learning will always be effective when a feeling of satisfaction, pleasantness, or reward accompanies the learning process.

Law of Effect

Repetition is basic to the development of adequate responses

Law of Exercise

The part of the lesson plan that deals with out-of-class requirements which students need to complete in order to be successful during a course is


An active process that produces a change in behavior as a result of acquiring new information BEST describes


Since classes may be interrupted an instructor must be prepared to respond by

have a contingency plan

Coaching will include

Mastery of the subject being taught

Which of the following verbs describes an action the instructor must take to create student desire for learning


Adult learners become motivated when they

believe it will help them become successful

A shy or timid learner can be helped by

encouraging participants when discussion is informal

A successful technique that has been used to redirect daydreamers attention is

Ask a direct question

Instructors can redirect disruptive student by

Calling on them regularly so that they expect to be called upon and must be prepared for class participation

A learner who uses a group situation to gain attention is classified as


The uninterested learner displays little ____ and ____


If a skill is being taught, make sure the students are provided sufficient time

to Practice

Instructors should slow their speaking speed when

Beginning of class
Emphasizing important items
Students are taking notes

When speaking the instructor should use voice inflection to

Add emphasis

Advantages of working with the internet include the following EXCEPT the

Time it takes to learn the software

Audiovisual equipment should be loaded and checked

Before each class

Modules are BEST suited for


Which of the following IS TRUE regarding keystoning of the projector?

Keystoning creates a distraction for the students

Before using any training audiovisual aids, the instructor must

Preview the audiovisual aids prior to class

All of the following are considered visual aids EXCEPT

Lesson plan

The instructor should transition between the lecture and audiovisual aids to reinforce the information, since remember ____ percent of what they seeand hear at the same time


Which of the following information SHOULD NOT be identified on the skill checklist used for performance examination

Instructors subjective opinions

TRUE / FALSE, matching, and fill-in-the-blanks are all forms of ____ examinations


The primary purpose of ____ is to determine the amount of learning that has resulted from instruction


An examination that measures what it is supposed to measure is ____ examination


A reliable examination

Has the quality of consistent measurement

Incorrect answer choices to multiple-choice examination questions are called


____ examinations may be used to supplement performance examinations


The method of evaluation used to determine a person's ability to accomplish a task is the ____ examination


An examination that gives consistent results


Which of the following would be an acceptable method for releasing examination scores from an examination that you administered and graded

Scores must be recorded and reported in accordance with local procedure

The last step in conducting a skills performance evaluation is

Recording the results of the examination

How should you release scores from an examination to students in your class

One-on-one in a private session

The evaluation step of a lesson plan

Determines whether the objectives of the lesson have been achieved

Performance standards for fire instructors are identified

NFPA 1041

When teaching a new skill set to members of the department, the fire service instructor should do all of the following EXCEPT

Debate the new policy and question the chief decision

An instructor that leads by good example with a do as I says and as I do attitude is known as having


____ is a broad comprehensive term describing a person's or organizations responsibility under the law


To maintain confidentiality of learner examination records, the department shall

regulate system security

The effective and efficient management of ____ is essential to a successful training program

Training records

Analysis of safety program materials, such as those created by the Home Safety Council and American Red Cross assist in the development of

Lesson plan

When analyzing records for types and frequency of injuries on the training ground, the instructor can determine

What corrective actions should be addressed

An accident investigation should be

Objective and free of personal feelings

An accident investigator should include identification of all of the following EXCEPT

Who was at fault for the accident

An accident investigation report should document


Analyzing circumstances surrounding accidents can enable an instructor to

Identify and locate principal sources of accidents
Disclose the nature and size of accident problems in different operations
Indicate the need for engineering revisions by identifying unsafe conditions of various types of equipment

Regardless of the type of training provided ____ should be a top priority as part of risk management

Record keeping

Making fun of another person's religious beliefs, or allowing students in a class to harass a student due to their religion is covered by

Civil Rights Act of 1964

For a printed article to be considered public domain it must have been published before


As an instructor you write an article that gets published. The article will be protected under the 1976 Copyright Act for life plus ____ years


A person who performs at the Instructor 1 Level is responsible for

Presenting lessons

Instructors must adapt their ____ to the student's rate of understanding

Learning pace

Studey sheets are used

To arouse learner interest in a subject

The introductory components of a lesson plan typically contain

Learning objectives

In which step of the lesson-plan outline are learners motivated to learn


During which step in the instructional model for developing an effective lesson plan is a learner given an opportunity to practice what has been learned


Whether the training is academic or practical success during the presentation step requires thorough planning and should

Follow an outline sequence

Under which of the following premises is individualized instruction developed

Learners needs
Learning style
Learning objectives and Competencies that can be accommodated

When collecting information and materials for use in a presentation the instructor should

Cite all sources in case someone challenges them

At which step in the instructional model for developing an effective lesson plan does MOST learning take place


The instructor who has a timid student should modify or adjust the class to

Avoid calling on the student until they are comfortable in the class

An important part of a lesson plan that indicates for whom the lesson plan was developed is

Level of instruction

An effective instructor has

a desire to reach
In-Depth knowledge of the subject
A sense of empathy

The domain of learning which emphasizes physical skills is the ____ domain


Preparation, presentation, application, and evaluation are the 4 steps in the ____ process


The method of instruction to use when you want learners to gain practical experience without real life risk is


Group involvement is best accomplished by using the ____ method

Guided education

Planning for safety at the training facility involves two analysis process known as

Task analysis and hazard/risk analysis

Who is responsible for safety during training


Which of the following WOULD NOT be considered an area of learner frustration

Positive Feedback

____ consists of decoding the message and assigning meaning


At the beginning of a presentation, the instructor should clearly state

The objective of the lesson

One accepted instructional model for lesson plan development is

Preparaton, Presentation, Application, and Evaluation

The communications process exists between 2 people who are known as the ____ and then ____


Approximately 83% of learning is a result of


The HIGHEST percentage of learning occurs through


A learner can gain more knowledge by

Using as many of the senses as practical

During the communication process, messages that are transmitted without words are called

Nonverbal cues

For instructions to be effective, they must understand the meaning of words how to use them, and in what context a work should be used. This is a definition of


____ ties each individual lesson plan together and ____ presents information that confirms other parts of the lesson

Continuity, Consistency

The process of hearing and understanding the communication sent, while demonstrating that you are listenging and have understood the message is called

Active listening

The communication process starts with


____ is the primary learning component for adult learning


Since classes may be interrupted, an instructor must be prepared to respond by

Have a contingency plan

When a scheduled guest speaker fails to show up the instructor should

Follow a predetermined contingency plan

____ is a term that refers to the art of teaching adult learners


A shy or timid learner can be helped by

Encouraging participants when discussion is informal

The uninterested learner displays a little ____ and ____


An initial method for handling disruptive learners is

Counsel them according to guidelines

When troubleshooting a problem with a multimedia system, you should

Look for the simplest thing first and work your way through the system

In a training situation the fire service instructor should

Put safety ahead of course objectives

Which NFPA standard establishes the policy for rehabilitation

NFPA 1584

Audiovisual equipment should be loaded and checked

Before each class

One of the drawbacks of projected instructional media is that

They are an expensive investment

Tabletop models are intended to

show operating principles

Advantages of using ____ are that they are inexpensive, easy to use, and provide a permanent record

Easel pad

Modules are BEST suited for


The advantages of using large projected images include all of the following EXCEPT

Compatibility with existing technology

Before using any training audiovisual aids, the instructor must

Preview the audiovisual aid prior to class

Inappropriate use of instructional media could

Distract from the lesson
Confuse the learner

What is a key element of most presentations

Multimedia tool

Observing and measuring student-performance examination should be documented

On a checklist using standard criteria

Which statement about instructor feedback to the student is accurate

Formal feedback is the result of the evaluation and examination process