FIRE 715 Chapter 13

To aid in the effective management of incidents the _____________ (___) was developed.

Incident command system (ics)

The ICS facilitates resources from ________, ________ and ________ working together in a coordinated fashion.

Agencies, public, private

ICS is accomplished through _______, ______________ and _____________________.

Training, common terminology, established command structure

The incident management system discussed in this text is adopted for use by ______

NIMS, national incident management system

Emergency incident management is primarily the responsibility of ____________________ because most incidents require the resources of only one company.

the first-in fire officer

Every incident must have a _____.


The plan must be formulated to achieve ______________ and to resolve the incident with _________________________________ as possible.

utilization of resources, as little further damage

The first decision made in forming an incident action plan is determining the ___________________.


The second stop in forming and incident action plan is determining the ___________ to be used.


__________ is the art of devising plans to achieve a goal or objective.


__________ is used to coordinate the tactical operations of units to achieve the desired incident objectives.


Strategies are based on:

size-up, objectives, strategic priorities, mode of attack

______ are the actions taken to achieve the strategies.


Examples of tactics include:

interior search, ventilation, advancing hose lines to interior of a structure, constructing control lines

List the five steps of size-up:

determine facts when alarm is received, anticipate probabilities, assess your own situation, make a decision, plan the operation

Part of determining the facts includes

checking the weather, what type of incident, what type of occupancy

Anticipating the probabilities includes

seeing the potential of a situation, such as an accident during rush hour or a small brush fire on a hot, windy day.

Assessing your own situation includes

determine if there is equipment necessary that is under repair, checking for visible smoke when leaving the station

Making a decision is when

a firefighter determines the best course of action under the circumstances

Planing the operation is when

the tactics are put into action

An __________________ (____) are examinations after the incident to evaluate where improvements can be made.

after-action review, AAR

Wildland report of conditions includes:

correct location, size, fuel type, slope and aspect, rate of spread, exposures, weather conditions, potential of the fire, additional resources needed, objectives

___________ is the relationship of the slope to the points of the compass.


The rate of speed is given as ______, ___________, _________.

slow, moderate, rapid

Structure fire report of conditions include:

correct location, height/stories, size, type of structure, location and area involved, level of involvement, exposures, potential of fire, additional resources needed, objectives, obtain an all clear.

Area involved is measured in __________.


Examples of level of involvement include:

showing smoke, smoke and flames, through the roof, etc.

Most of the strategic priorities in use today are based on those identified by ________.


What are the strategic priorities:

rescue, exposures, confinement, extinguishment, overhaul, salvage, ventilation

Exposures are

items not yet involved in the incident

The common abriviation for Layman's strategic priorities is _______________.


The three modes of attack are

defensive, offensive, combination

In the ___________ mode, resources are applied directly to controlling the fire or other incident.


In situations where the fire is too large or too well established, the ____________ mode is used.


________ are the direction and employment of resources to achieve the set objectives


An _____________ is an occurrence, caused either by humans or by natural phenomena, that requires response actions to prevent or minimize loss of life or damage to property and/or the environment.


The ICS was developed in the ________s by _____________.


FIBRESCOPE stands for

FIrefighting RESources of California Organized for Potential Emergencies

The ICS consists of procedures controlling ______________, ______________, ________________, and ___________________.

personnel, facilities, equipment, communications

An essential method for ensuring the ability to communicate is by using ____________ and ______________.

common terminology, clear text

Common terminology serves to help define:

organizational functions, rescue descriptions, incident facilities, position titles

Incident action planning process:

understand agency policy and direction, assess incident situation, establish incident objectives, select appropriate strategy to achieve objective, perform tactical direction, provide necessary follow up.

An ____ is an oral or written plan containing general objectives reflecting the overall strategy for managing an incident.


__________________________ is one of the main factors in the successful outcome of incidents in which more than one company is assigned.

Emergency incident management

All IAPs must have the four elements:

what do we want to do, who will do it, how will we communicate, what if someone is injured?

The _________________________ (_____) is the location from which the IC oversees all incident operations.

Incident command post, ICP

Resources in the stating area are to be ready to respond in _______________.

3 minutes

A ____ is the location from which primary logistics and administrative functions are coordinated and administered.


A _____ is the location where resources may be kept to support incident operations if a base is not accessible to all resources or the incident is of a large enough scale as to require extended transportation times from the base to the tactical work assig


ICS resources are factored into two categories

tactical resources, support resources

The process of moving the responsibility for IC from one IC to another is called ____________________.

transfer of command

Guidelines for accountability:

check-in, IAP, unity of command, span of control, resource tracking

The five major management functions are:

incident command, operations, planning, logistics, finance/admin

The incident commander (IC) is responsible for

ensuring incident safety, providing information services to internal and external stakeholders, establishing and maintaining liaison with other agencies participating in the incident

Command staff positions include

public information officer, safety officer, liaison officer

_________ are used to divide an incident geographically.


_________ are used to describe functional areas of operation.


_________ are used wen the number of divisions or groups exceeds the span of control and can either be geographical or functional.


________________ are a set number of resources of the same kind and type with common communications operating under the direct supervision of a _________________ leader.

strike team

Planning section units include

resources, situation, documentation, demobilization

Logistics units include

supply, facilities, ground support

Units in admin/finance include

procurement, time, cost, compensation