Fire Control

How should firefighters work when they are in a hazardous or a potentially hazardous scene?

In pairs or teams.

What should teams advancing hose line carry?

A portable light, an axe, and a prying tool of some type.

What should firefighters advancing hose line do with the nozzle before entering the fire area?

Bleed the air from the line by opening the nozzle slightly.

Before advancing the hose line into a structure what should firefighters do?

Remain low, out of the doorway and wait for the fire officers command to enter.

Which side of the fire should firefighters approach the fire from?

The unburned side, so they don't spread fire throughout the structure.

If a mattress is found on fire, is it OK to take the mattress out of the structure to extinguish it?

No, this is a dangerous tactic and may lead to fire spread.

Does a firefighter need to wear SCBA during the mop-up and overhaul phase of a fire?


Where should you take valuables that you found after a fire?

Take them to the supervisor.

What should you pay special attention to when doing mop-up and overhaul?

Walls, partitions, or overhead loads that may be dislodged by fire fighting activities.

What are the three attack strategies for attack?

1. Direct 2. Indirect 3. Combination

When can you switch from straight stream to narrow fog?

When there is adequate ventilation.

What will upset the thermal more, straight stream or narrow fog?

Narrow Fog because it pushes more air in front of it.

When opening the door of a fire entrance where should all of the members of the hose team be?

Positioned to one side of the entrance.

Where should you aim the nozzle when attacking a localized fire?

At the base of the fire.

Where should you aim the nozzle when attacking a well involved area?

Sweep the ceiling from side to side. This will break up the stream into droplets that rain down on the fire. Rotating the nozzle clockwise will also give this effect.

How should you notify firefighters inside a structure to get out immediately?

Sirens or air horns.

What are the factors to consider when selecting hose line?

1. Fire load and material involved 2. volume of water needed for extinguishment 3. Reach needed 4. Number of persons available to handle hose line 5. Mobility requirements 6. Tactical Requirements 7. Speed of deployment 8. Potential fire spread

What is the most efficient use of water on a free burning fire?

Direct attack on the base of a fire with solid or straight stream.

How should water be applied in a direct attack?

In short bursts directly on the burning fuels until the fire darkens down.

What could happen if water is applied for too long a time?

Thermal layering will be upset, the steam produced will condensate causing the smoke to drop to the floor and move sluggishly.

What type of attack can firefighters use when they cannot enter a structure?

Indirect attack.

What two techniques does the combination attack method use?

Steam generating techniques of ceiling level attack as well as direct attack of burning materials on the floor.

What are the three attack patterns used in a combination attack?

1. T 2. Z 3. O

What are the three main uses of a master stream?

1. Direct fire attack 2. Backup hand lines that are already attacking the fire from the exterior 3. Exposure protection

Why must a master stream device be properly positioned?

Once the line is in operation it must be shut down to be moved.

What are three important aspects of master stream placement to remember?

1. Distance from building(close enough to attack base of the fire) 2. Angle of stream(deflect off of ceiling) 3. Maximum coverage on the face of the building(to allow multiple points of entry

What is the minimum gpm a master stream is expected to flow at?

350 gpm

What is the minimum supply for a master stream?

Two 2 1/2 inch hoses

What is the maximum amount of hose line a firefighter should use to supply a master stream device?

100 ft

What is the minimum number of firefighters needed to deploy a master stream device?


What is a flammable liquid?

Liquids with flash points less than 100 degrees F

What is a combustible liquid?

Liquids with flash points higher than 100 degrees F

What are hydrocarbons?

Liquids that do not mix with water.

What are polar solvents?

Liquids that do mix with water.

How does protective clothing absorb fuel?

In a wicking action.

Should you try to put out a flammable liquid fire in which the leak has not been controlled?


What is a BLEVE?

Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion

What is the preferred material used to control flammable liquid fires?


When can water be used effectively as a cooling agent on petroleum products?

When the product is a heavy oil.

Where should you aim a hose line when using it to cool a tank?

Above the level of the liquid.

What will "plunging" a water stream into flammable liquid result in?

Increased production of flammable vapors and increased fire intensity.

What is a strategy for hose use when approaching a fire?

Protective Cover

What could happen if you approach an exposed horizontal vessel from the ends?

Rupture, splitting of the vessel into projectiles.

What is a carcinogen?

A cancer-causing substance.

What is a ground gradient?

Tendency of an energized electrical conductor to pass its current along the path of least resistance?

What happens to a master stream device that is charged and is not anchored?

It crawls away.

What is High Voltage?

Electrical current in excess of 600 volts.

What is the area where the fire started; the point from which it spreads called?


What is the part of a wild-land fire that travels or spreads most rapidly?


What is a long narrow strip of fire extending from the main fire?


What is the outer boundary, or the distance around the outside edge, of the burning area?


What is the side opposite the head; usually burns slowly and quietly?


What is the side roughly parallel to the main direction of fire spread?


What is the unburned area inside the fire perimeter?


What is the area of unburned fuels next to the involved area?


What is the area in which the fire has consumed the fuels?


What is the compass direction a slope faces?


What is a terrain feature that creates turbulent updrafts causing a chimney effect?


What is a steep V-shaped drainage?


What is a depression between tow adjacent hilltops?


What is the fire attack made against the flames at the edge of a wild land fire?

Direct Attack

What is the fire attack used at varying distances from an advancing fire to halt its progress?

Indirect Attack

What should be extinguished before entry into a fire building to attack the main fire?

Any burning fascia and soffit, boxed cornices, or other doorway overhangs.

What is the primary danger of electrical fires?

The failure of emergency personnel to recognize the hazard.

Should commercial buildings with elevators be unilaterally de-energized in a fire attack?


Before attacking an electrical fire what should firefighters do?

Stop the flow of electricity to any object involved in the fire.

Why are transformer fires so dangerous?

They can present a serious health and environment risk because of coolant liquids that contain PCBs.

Should firefighters pull the electrical meter in residential fires?


How can a firefighter mark an electrical control box to indicate that it is out of service?


How should all downed power lines be treated?

As if they were live.

When should a first-due company stop to lay a supply line to a response?

When there is smoke or fire visible upon approach.

What is a trucks company initial duty upon arriving on scene?

Observe the outside of the building for signs of victims needing immediate rescue.

Can medium or large sized wildfires create their own winds?


What fire stream should be selected when firefighters can make adequate ventilation openings ahead of the nozzles?

Narrow Fog

How does discharging water at smoke affect fire fighting operations?

Increases water damage and decreases visibility.

Where should a fire stream be directed when a fire is localized?

At the base of the fire.

Which line on an engine can be used for a dumpster fire?

The booster line.

What is the smallest hose line that should be used with a master stream?

2 1/2 inch.

Whose responsibility is it to make sure that power breakers are opened to control power flow to involved structures?

The Fire Officer

How should above ground transformers be extinguished?

From an aerial device with a dry chemical extinguisher.

What is the most frequent hazard associated with underground transmission systems?


How should a utility vault fire be handled?

Discharge CO2 into the vault and replace the cover.

When should you shut down power to a structure during fire suppression?

When an electrical hazard exists.

How should you dismount an apparatus that may be electrically charged?

Jump clear of the apparatus.

How hot can Class D fires get?

2,000 degrees F

When can you use a portable extinguisher for a vehicle fire?

When it is a small carburetor fire.

What is the external temperature of a properly operating catalytic converter?

1300 degrees F.

What are the three most important factor once a wild land fire starts?

1. Fuel 2. Weather 3. Topography

How does compactness of fuel affect a wild land fire?

It makes the fuel burn slower.

What does LPG mean?

Liquefied Petroleum Gas

What does PCB stand for?

Polychlorinated Biphenyls

What does SRS stand for?

Supplemental Restraint System

What does SIPS stand for?

Side-Impact Protection System

What does R.E.C.E.O. mean?

Rescue, Exposures, Containment, Extinguish, Overhaul and Salvage

What does the 1st due engine company do at an incident?

Initiate incident command, initiate fire attack, possible search and rescue, make a radio report to dispatch, call for support if needed,

What does the 2nd due engine company do at an incident?

Make sure water supply is sufficient, finish any hose lays already started by the first in engine, lay an additional line,