Fire and Emergency Services Instructor

Fact finding rather than fault finding procedure that looks for causes of accidents, which leads to analyzing causes in order to prevent similar accidents

Accident investigation


acronym for a planning model that includes the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation steps. used in program, curriculum and course design

Body of law created by an administrative agency in the form of rules, regulations, orders and decision to adminster regulatory powers and duties of the agency

Administrative law

Learning domain that involves emotions, feelings, and attitudes

Affective Domain

Voluntary, private, nonprofit membership standards setting org hat examines and certifies existing standards and new standards with the mission of making the US economy more competitive in the worlds market

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

Professional society representing all areas of public service and advocates greater effectiveness in government

American Society for Public Administration ASPA

Voluntary standards settin org that establishes characteristics and performance criteria for materials, products, sysytems, and services

American Soceity for Testing and Materials ASTM

Professional safety org composed of members who manage, suprevised, and consult on safety, health and environmnetal issues in industry, insurance, government and education

American Society of Safety Engineers ASSE

Ability to divide information into its most basic components


Study of adult education and its methods of teaching and learning


lesson plan component where the instructor provides opportunitites for students to practice or apply cognitive information to skills learned in a lesson: also the abiltiy to put info to use in actual situations


Proces used to determine the knowledge, skills and abilities of a student by observation and application of special activities including quizzes, exams, oral tests, and similar testing devices


Element of the listening process that involves paying attention to a message, focusing on the speaker and ignoring other distractions


Description of the minimum acceptable behavior that a student must perform by the end of an instructional period.

Behavioral Objective

Division of an occupation that includes related tasks with common factors


Teaching method in which a group of students is given a problem or situation and then given time to determine a solution to it


Budget that includes funds for projected major purchases_items that cost more than a certain specidfied amount of money and are expected to last more than one year, usually 3 or more years

Capital Budget

Description of a real or hypothetical problem that an org or an individual has dealt with or could deal with

Case study

US government agency responsible for the collection and analysis of data regarding disease and health trends


Condition in which a person has successfully completed specific criteria and has been designated as capable of performing specific functions, dutiews and tasks


Process in which instructors direct the skills performance of students by observing, evaluating, and making suggestions for improvement


Body of law established either by legislation or administrative agencies with rule making authority: designed to regulate


Organized group of ethical behavior guidelines that govern day to day activities of a profession and organization or an individual

code of Ethics

Formal name given to the books or documents conatining the specific US regulations provided by law

Code of Federal Regulations

General concept that refers to all forms of knowing, including, perceiving, imagining, reasoning and judging


Learning domain that emphasizes thought rather than feeling ormovement and involves the learning of concepts and principles

Cognitive Domain

Two way process of transmitting and receiving some type of mesage


Management process for establishing and implementing mechanisms to ensure that objectives are attained


Ability to understand the feelings and attitudes of another person


Periodic test that typically measures improvement and gives an instructor and students feedback on their learning progress during a course rather than at the end

Formative test

Type of handout or fact sheet that provides additional background info on a topic supplemental to the info proveded in the text or other course resources.

Information sheet

In the communication process, those factors that prevent the receiver from fully receiving a message: may be created by either internal or extrenal sources


Usually the result of legal precedent or a judicial decision: decision that serve as rules for future determinations in similar cases

Judiciary law

Effect that occurs when the width of a projected image is wider at the top than at the bottome


Distinct sphere or area of knowledge, such as cognitive, psychomotor, or affective

learning domain

High level or nearly coplete degree of proficiency in the performance of a skill based on criteria stated in objectives


In the communication process, path that the message takes between the sender and receiver


In the communication process, information or idea transmitted and received through all or most of the senses


Certification and accreditation org with the purpose of establishing an internationally recognized means of ackowledging professional achevement in the fire and emergency services: primary goal is the accrediation of orgs that certify uniform members of c

National Board on Fire Service Professsional Qualifications

Which of the following types of training should consider soil conditions, permit requirements, weather conditions and access limitations

Trench shoring and rescue

When the aspects of affective domain need to be taught or reinforced, this type of structured exercise is particularly helpful

Role play

This test is given at the beginning of instruction to measure a students current level of knowledge in order to measure readiness or determine placement


This test is viewed as quizzes that are given throughout the course or unit of instruction


These tests compare performance against written standards

Criterion-referenced tests

This type of test measures student achievement in an entire area over a long period of time


Advantages of interpretive exercises are

Complex levels of learning may be tested
The testing process becomes interesting and appealing to all student learning styles
Material may be tested in great depth

What is the only valid method of measuring a students ability to perform manipulative skills

Performance test

the simple process of examining response for each item to determine the distribution of responses

Distracter analysis

The discrimination index for good test items should:

Always be a positive number and as large as possible

When using a difficulty index with criterion referenced tests, which number is the best result


The consistency and accuracy of test measurements is:


This type of test is designed to determine student-learning difficulties


When the discrimination value for test items is a negative number, what does that indicate

The itme does not discriminate in a meaningful manner

The majority of tests written for fire and emergency services personnel are:

Criterion based

What type of test assesses the students ability to perform a test within a specific time

Speeded test

When a test needs to measure manipulative skills in the psychomotor domain, which type of test should be used:

Performance or skill test

Is the act of assigning value to the score


Test designed to measure improved progress or learning problems that are hampering progress

Formative or progress test

Test that rates student performance compared to other students based on broad sampling

Norm-referenced tests

This technique allows students to experience the process used in organizational decision making and requires that ideas be realistic

nominal group process

When leading a discussion, what is the role of the gate keeper

to ensure that all students have an opportunity to speak and no one dominates the discussion

What term refers to the extent to which a test measures what it was designed to measure


What type of test measures student achievement in an entire area covered over a long period of time


What type of test is given at the beginning of instruction to establish the students current level of knowledge in order to measure readiness or determine placement


which term refers to a condition that ensures that the test is dependable b providing the same results every time it is administered


Which type of test is viewed as quizzes that are given throughout the course or unit of instruction


What scans and prints a reduced size copy of material drawn or printed on the board and is a versatile variation of the dry erase marker board

Electronic copyboard

What term refers to a simulation that displays a fireld or view as if the participant is part of the simulated enviornment

Virtual reality

What can be constructed from parts removed from scrapped or salvaged vehicles

Display board

What term should be avoided during a verbal transition


What is an excellent medium for illustrating mechanical or spatial concepts


Consists of a small video camera mounted vertically over a table top platform

Visual presenters/displays

What sequencing method begins with an overview of the entire topic or demonstration of the complete skill in real time


What sequencing method begins by teaching the basic knowledge or skills and then introducing more difficult or complex knowledge as the lesson progresses

Simple to complex

What seating arrangements permits students to easily see and hear the instructor and works effectively in small groups


What component of a lesson plan consists of a short descriptive title of the information covered

Job or Topic

What seating arrangements provides space for meal functions, discussion groups, or small group meetings

Round tables

What component of a lesson plan provides a summary of the information to be taught

Lesson Outline

What seating arrangement is best used for small to medium sized groups where discussion is the primary method of teaching and is NOT useful when students are expected to take notes

Circled Chairs

What seating arrangment arranges students in fixed seating that permanently faces the stage or lectern and permits only the interaction betweeen students and instructor

Auditoreum or theatre

What is the process of giving motivational correction, postive reinformcement and constructive feedback to students


What law of learning states the principle that the first of a series of learned acts would be remembered better than others


What are the steps of learning in the psychomotore domain

1. Observation 2. Imitation 3. Adaptation 4. Performance 5. Perfection

What learning method involves seeing the whole picture and forming relationships between concepts, events or things

Global or holistic

Cone of Learning

Students remember:
10 % of what they read
20% of what they hear
30% of what they see
50% of what they see and hear
70% of what they say or repeat
90% of what they say while doing what they are talking about

What learning method involves recognizing common qualitites in similar but different experiences

Abstract or symbolic

What level of learning in the cognitive domain involves remembering, rrecalling, and recognizing previously learned facts and theories


What component of the listening process involves decoding the message and assigning meaning to it


What basic element of interpersonal communication originates a message by encoding or turning thoughts and mental images into words


What element of interpersonal communication ccauses the messages effect to be obvious to the sender by the auditory, visual, gestural, or tactile response of the receiver


Which law created the equal employment opportunity law or EEOC

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

What term refers to liability that is placed on the employer for the acs and omissions of employees during the normal course of their employment

Vicarious liability

Refers to a body of law established either by legislative or administrative agencies with rule making authority that is designed to regulate, within its scope, the topic to which it relates


Which law restricts access to personal information such as personnel files and student grades

Buckley amendment

Which law progibits certain questions of job applicants

Americans with Disabilities Act

Which type of law is created by regulatory agencies

Administrative Law